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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. For what? Fable and Forza? What is this, 2010? The games looked awful, real low budget gamepass filler kind of content. Fable and forza are old hat, hellblade isnt exactly a system seller no mattet how much ghostz now pretends the dev is AAA tier. So you got games like starfield which are best on PC. Xbox has no games for a decade, finally dhows off some games and lemmings think they've won the console war when in reality xflop gets back to where it was pre 2015 - which a bunch of watered down pc ports and uninspired looking flops. There was noth
  2. All these Xhuggers co-ordinating their posts like they do on other forums Take your concern trolling elsewhere.
  3. Gotta love lemmings daring to talk about videogames at all You've got fuck all and haven't had fuck all since Obama's first term, one mediocre showcase of pc hand-me-downs doesn't change shit. Know your place lemkid.
  4. You're missing his point, which is that Xbox game >>>>>>>> non-xbox game, because Xbox. This is the lemming talking point for the next year I guess, that we all need to bow down to Space Fallout as the Game Of The Forever® even though half of these fucks barely ever talked about Bethesda action-rpgs before.
  5. TLHBO


    He's as predictable as an xbox showcase Halo gears, fable or forza...pick one out of a hat.
  6. TLHBO


    Remember everytime we made fun of xbox having no gamed and he cried like a bitch and called us all fanboys and how we needed to grow up and he was too mature for this place? What a horrible little goblin manchild he is.
  7. It was run into the ground with HALOGEARSFORZA, then it had no games for an entire decade, now we're meant to be excited about Fable and Forza again, feels like 2010 Hellblade, steampunk trash game whose name I can't remember, honey I shrunk the lemtots, all look trash. But we're meant to be excited because hey GEARS and PERFECT DARK are coming back, 2 games lemmings have been telling us about for 6 years straight but are still just vaporware. At least Fable finally materialized after 5+ years, even if it does look like a joke. So xbox all comes down
  8. TLHBO


    That forum also believes women can have a penis and men can get pregant. Lemmings are scraping the bottom of the barrel to confirm their beliefs
  9. Its the same formula they've been using since for decades, but it gets more dumbed down each time. Anyone remember lemmings like jonb and lemij calling oblivion, fallout 4 or skyrim gotg? No? Me neither, but now that m$ owns them they need to put all their eggs in this basket
  10. All bethesda games play the same. Lemmings want us to believe that now their cookie-cutter action rpg formula is a serious GOTG contender....coincidentally right after microsoft bought them
  11. Lol everyone talking shit on spidermans hraphics, but the game looked far better than anything on xflop Some 360 looking shit in there.
  12. Lemmings pretending sea of thieves was anything but a gigantic flop Flight sim best on pc Forza, fable lol so xbox is back to where it was in 2010? Switch out alan pancake for hellblade, looks just as bland. And they wonder why nobofy wants to buy an xbox. Funny how they want to take all the credit for starfield but none for redfall. Once again they prove microsoft does NOT understand gaming, microsoft can NOT make good games. If the parent company wasnt rich enough to buy out entire publishers xbox would have nothing. Microsoft sho
  13. I remember watching it in the cinema. Went to see the masterpiece that was super mario, but it either wasnt on or was late so got into jurassic park instead. Ended up being the far better option that day
  14. This is fucking trash I had a quick look and all I saw was a fat fgt trying to convince others he's a gamer by wearing a Hexen shirt and a terrible jacket. The 2010's called, they want their Steampunk fad back All the games look hideous. Like you could have done this shit on the xbox 360, the graphics all lack detail and depth. You can tell these are made on a Gamepass budget. Like how netflix is padded with cheap Canadian flicks and Z list actors you've never heard of. Avowed looks like complete ass And as for honey I shrink the lemkids again....lmfao
  15. Calls it basically a chat room....but also an amazing game. Hates on 8+ ps games....loves an omega level flop thats scored under 7 at most sites. Pathetic fanboy.
  16. Who cares? The xbox brand is old news, this is about as relevant to gaming as an Ouya showcase.
  17. Why are you surprised 1080p is the standard? Some people buy cheap prebuilt PCs, some dont upgrade, some run on cheap laptops. The 4k crowd with the most powerful GPU is a minority. I've seen a figure of roughly 25% being thrown around, as a very rough performance difference. Not sure how true it is. 4k ultrawide is something like 5040 x 2160. Iirc monitors are 3440 x 1440 up to about 34 inch, above ~34 inches they become 3840 x 1600 to keep the sharpness and pixel density but it's about the same sharpness as 1440p.
  18. The Alan Pancake demo looked like every other horror/suspense demo ever shown. Slowly walk around a creepy forest with a flashlight, pausing occasionally to build tension, come across some run down hick building, slowly enter, suspense builds, lone cultist/zombie/whatever attacks. The game could be the best game ever made but there wasn't a single thing in that demo to set it apart from the thousand other demos we've seen just like it. Having said that it's Remedy so you know it will suck ass, and the shadow people are back Probably with that retarded flashlight mechan
  19. You can count on one hand the number of people who cared about Hellblade before M$ purchased the developer. Ghostz is not one of those people
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