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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Because it's trash. This game could play like absolute shit and you'd still call it a masterpiece. You literally have Halo, Forza and all manner of xbox posters and trinkets all over your room ffs
  2. Are you surprised? Its the return of Xbox's biggest franchise after a 6 year hiatus. There's little integrity in game reviews and the media sites work closely with the video game advertisers. It's all one big sham these days.
  3. " target render" is still different to creating a fake demo and telling people this is the game they will be playing on release. One is a bs trailer, the other is straight up falsifying gameplay and creating something they knew lemshits would never play. Too far ahead of its time Give me a fucking break. I remember the excusd, they worked so hard on the game and it was running great and then one day they decide to run it on real xbox hardware and oops it can't handle it. What are they fucking amateurs? Were they brand new devs working on their first game? I've never se
  4. More lies and bullshit from Microsoft. Creating fake demos of parts that will never be in the game
  5. Even most of the lemmings were bitching about broken consoles. It was only the purest of lemmings like jonb who nevwr had a 360 break, I'm betting DynaFlop too. Its like the more you loved xbox the less likely it was to break. What a coincidence.
  6. Fuck off with your alternative history Everybody knows Xbox has had no games since the 360 era, thats why xflop has been on its ass
  7. Sadly Lex Luthor appears to be untouchable but he really is a giant sack of shit. They treat their workers like dirt despite him being one of the richest men in the world and flying into space. He's straight up vermin and it's a real shame the tornado didn't get him. Amazon is such a penny pinching scum company. They profited so much from the pandemic and with lockdowns around the world people flocked to Amazon more than ever, so what does Bezos do? Decides now its a good time to require a mandatory £5 delivery fee on every item, and now refuses to take credit cards because the tra
  8. They're cracking jokes about it Think how many lemkids had to buy 360 after 360 after 360 before the pr was so bad that MS extended the warranty. My broke 3 times in about 2 months. A total of 8 weeks repair time it took as they were swamped in them. That's 2 months of repair time 2 fucking months! They didnt even send me the right one back so I was locked out of everything unless I was signed in at all times. They fuck me lile that and now they're cracking jokes like it was just bantz. Fuck this scum company literally the worst on Earth. Trash products, trash design,
  9. Delay after delay and it still looks like a half-finished rushed mess Shit devs they should stick to coding angry bird clones
  10. Gane looks shit. The lock on shooting in the car, the terrible physics in the city. Its one of those games that looks nice graphically but you can just tell there's a real mediocre development team behind it and it all falls apart outisde of screenshots.
  11. Theres actually a history of xbox/halo fans doing that, all the way back to the early 2000's. It has the most shills and astro turfers of any faction
  12. Alan Pancake 2 Never have I fwlt as offended by a game as I did by the previous two games. Utter abominations from a talentless hack dev
  13. Its hilarious how bad the xbox situation is. Lets review the facts. - Their biggest franchise the game that used to be 9.5 average the game that carried Xbox - Returns after being MIA for 6 years - Barely scrapes a 9.0 for the campaign, sounds like a flop for multiplayer - Has an 82 on metacritic and is slipping - Is now F2P with an extortiante amount of microtransactions to milk players to pay for its bloated development - Is no longer an exclusive... - and is in fact superior on another system on day 1
  14. Lmao it wins an online vote? An xbox game....which has pound for pound the most shills of any platform and a reputation for maniipulating online polls. Imagine my shock
  15. Because if I can play a game on another system then I dont need an xflop. Exclusives make a console worth owning. Even if you count pc/xbox games, xbox still has nothing. Its what, about 50 forza rehashes, a F2P halo game, and a hell of a lot of flops and gamepass filler lile sea of thieves, grounded and state of decay? Even IF "muh console exclusifz" counted (and they dont) xflop still wouldnt have anything. But as it is if someone wanted to play those games they could just go with the PC and pass on xflop entirely.
  16. Nobody is crying retard. You're here running victory laps acting like you just won the console war because PC gets a PS4 exclusive 3 years late when the PS4 is dead and Sony moved onto the PS5. Meanwhile Xflop hasnt had an AAA exclusive in a fucking decade and you pretend its not a problem Xflop gamed best on pc day one. Just seriously kill yourself :D corporate shill
  17. Lemmings biggest franchise, the game that put Xbox on the map is now a microtransaction-riddled free-to-play AA multiplat with heaps of cut content and somehow Lemmings think this is a win Xbox - Set the bar low
  18. The same retards who downplay Xbox games being on PC day one are the same tards that pretend "TCHBR!!!11 " by a 3 year old port of a PS game from a previous generation I'm not sure if they're actually this retarded or just trolling, its hard to tell with lemmings because their faction on average has been about 10 iq points behind any other
  19. Look which fgt came out of hiding His console gets an AA multiplat and he thinks he's on top of the world. He's STILL too ashamed to go green too lmao Dynamite "I'm a hermit I swear guys I spend 50 hours a week in vr chat" cop.
  20. Xbox Series X is not a next-gen console. Xbox One.5
  21. Imagine how retarded you would have to be in this day and age to fall for that. Imagine how retarded you would have to be to be out looking for that in the first place ready to ruin your life. Yet somehow he made it to senior exec in Sony. Its all about ass kissing, shit always floats to the top. Anyway TLHBR, at least this guy didnt go to Epsteins private island over and over again like Bill "experiment on third world children" Gates
  22. Look up the meaning of the word exclusive
  23. Nope. Outside of systemwars people recoginize PC and Xbox as two different platforms. The idea that they should be combined into one is a modern thing which started right around the time Phil Spencer said Xbox would never have an exclusive ever again. You were there in the early dayd, the hermits/lemmings had the most fierce rivalry. You used to rip on them all the time, now why would that be if it was one platform? Quite simply if someone owns a gamjng PC they don't need an xbox because it had no games. Also Steam is the platform. Notice how on
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