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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Nobody has explained how. Is Xbox that bad that having its biggest franchise end up as an AA multiplat is cause for celebration? I guess so. The things that an 8 year drought will do to a faction...
  2. Lemmings resorting to posting readers articles now, let that sink in how retarded they are. "Xvox is firmly in the driving seat" Lol it was probably some retard lile Vini or Spicoli who sent that in
  3. What has Xbox won exactly? You haven't had an AAA exclusive in 8 years, that's about 8 times for former record. We're coming up to an entire decade without a single AAA exclusive. You get the first Halo not to completely flop in 9 years, but its what an 8 for MP and a 9 for SP? Which unless GS throws you a bone makes it a solid 8.5 FLOP overrall? I'm not even sure why we're discussing this however as the game is better on Steam, a rival platfor. Even if people wanted to play an old relic like this they can do so without ever touching Xbox. It lo
  4. Are people actually surprised? Reddit is awful, absolutely awful. In terms of toxicity it's like a mainstream 4chan but without the humour. The whole site is just one big echo chamber where you either follow the majority opinion or get downvoted out of existence. It's a cancer on the internet. The only gaming subreddit I ever viewed for any length of time was Dead by Daylight. Now the rules are clear that being abusive towards others isn't allowed, but they never came into effect people were just trash talking each other all day and telling them to kill themselves etc but you'd see
  5. Speaking only from my own experience but... - Everyone on Android uses whatsapp - Everyone on ios uses Whatsapp SMS is what you use for someone who isn't a close acquaintance. I had to convince my friends to move to signal.
  6. Ok firstly we should have a disclaimer, if you check the profile of that guy that's a lot of articles about Apple devices. Clearly this is a fan of Apple products giving their opinion on why they think Apple is better for the average user. I can't say I agree with the points he makes. I think, at least for what I would define as the average user, that Android would be able to do whatever they need to do and for most of them do it at a much, much cheaper price. I think your average user just wants to browse the web, use facebook, whatever messenger is most popular in their region i.
  7. We need to discuss whether or not the Xbox should be classed as a next-gen console. The Series S absolutely not it's 100% in the same gen as XBX and PS4. With mounting evidence I'm starting to think that the Series X is a bit like a 32X to that gen, like it's enhanced but it's still the same gen ya know?
  8. Same. I'm not into VR but if I gave one a shot I'd rather have a technically inferior device or pay out the ass for the best than use anything connected to Facecuck. Avoid them at all costs.
  9. Yeah but they still collect a hell of a lot of user data, sold out to China, and track your location a lot. Really the difference is that they block out third parties better than the rest. I get what you mean about free software. "If you're not paying for the product then you are the product" as they say, however that's not always the case. Free (as in freedom) and open source software is usually the most private and secure software. Android is free and open source and isn't actually spyware, its when Google apps, Play Services, and the google login are added to it that it becomes
  10. Depends what you mean by leading the industry. In all of tech hell no. In terms of the big 4 then I guess it's partly true. Apple isn't a privacy company though, they will to some degree protect you from third parties but Apple itself has access to just as much as Google and more so than Microsoft. It feels more like its marketing and again Apple trying to give itself an advantage over the competition than any genuine concern for privacy. Remember Apple it a part of Prism, handed over cloud data to China and rolls over for the FBI when it suits them.....but I'm not going to get all political.
  11. That's actually not a bad point from you But in this case I'm less concerned because who the fuck would trust a messaging app from Google? Apple and Facebook are no better either, I'll gladly stick to third party alternatives.
  12. Vini went full retard. Hall of fame the post where he admits PlayStation wins so he wants to change the rules for xbox
  13. There's a difference between having the freedom to install third party software I actually want to use vs being forced to install software, either first or third party in order to use what should be a basic fucking feature! Let me have a look at AirDrop.... "Proprietary file sharing from iOS to MacOS (vice versa), or iOS to iOS device" Well gee thanks for proving my point. As I said Apple provides the problem and then the solution, because they want you completely in their eco system.
  14. How do you do that? Because everything I see tells me I need to either 1) Install itunes 2) Use cloud storage (coincidentally Apple automatically enrolls you and turns on their cloud storage for you) 3) Use third party software.
  15. You're not in a position to bargin lemshit 3 years of exclusitivity >>>>>>>>> being multiplat day 1. At least as of right now those games are exclusive with no PC version in sight.
  16. No lemmings have always been xbox. Windows gaming was a thing before Xbox ever existed. If you wanna shill for Microsoft as a gaming platform thats fine, but it just makes you a hermit thats either too poor or too stupid to use a gaming PC. Saying it's a Microsoft system is retarded anyway. Is it also an AMD/NVIDIA system because you're going to need one of those to play your games? How about SSDs? Or ram? Microsoft is but one small part of a PC. Lastly...I hate to break it to you but you can game on Mac or Linux and skip windows entirely In fact Forza Hori
  17. The rules are if cows have the exclusives then they are the winners. Not their fault that microsoft has no games. The "next besthesda game" sounds like "just wait". We will cross that bridge when we come to it but if its on PC then it is most certainly not a " Lemming exclusive", since Lemmings are xbox players and you wont need an Xbox to play it
  18. Lmfao "Otherwise cows win SW by default and that shits not gonna happen" So what you're saying is, the way systemwars has always been for 17 years - where games also on PC don't count as exclusive - Cows win systemwars, therefore you're taking it upon yourself as a Lemming to try anr change the rules after 17 years to try and keep Xbox afloat Seriously think about what you're actually saying.
  19. This pathetic fgt A few posts up and he's crying about Deathloop being on PC and now he's going the long way around of saying "console exclusive" Its like you lemshits dont see how pathetic you are. You all need to lie, spin and backpeddle like a politician to shill for xbox
  20. Why would they? Windows sucks balls and nobody is excited for it aside from tech sites that get paid to shill for it. Most people didn't want to leave 7, they clung on to the bitter end because 10 was so bad lmao
  21. Imagine being this retarded and then trying to call others a retard :D Why can't I just drag and drop? What if I want music on my phone? What if I want to back up photos off my phone? Why cant I just connect to another device why am I having to set up new services like itunes or dropbox? Because thats exactly what I had to do fuck around with cloud storage just to bypass itunes. Its all about Apple locking you into their ecosystem but you're too retarded to see this. Locking you into their ecosystem or stifling other apps so Apples retains the advantage they do it ove
  22. See I knew you woulf say that. Lets ignore everything else for a second... Why can't I transfer files? Apple kind of lets you, you just need to make sure you install their little service first likena good consumer. I got rid of Spotify because it's a terrible company. I have plenty of CDs around, why shouldn't I transfer some? Rathwr than being forced to pay some bullshit Apple or Spotify subscription service every month? Because Apple. Apple says it's not cool so we can't do that anymore. Its funny how often that happens. Always tends to end up
  23. One of the things that bugged me was how on Android if you wanted to transfer music you just connected a usb and it was drag and drop. On ios you have to install and set up Apple's proprietary Itunes bullshit. There's no excuse for that. You see this pattern persist throughout the os On Android you can have any browser, real Chrome, Firefox etc but on ios everything has to use the same engine as Safari On Android you can use any browser for PWAs. On ios only the almighty Safari is allowed to do it. On Android you can make an app like Signal the d
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