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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Lemmings The people that try to tell you that Forza Horizon 5 and Age of Empires 4 are xbox exvlusives are quick to point out that Deathloop isn't exclusive.
  2. I “remember” Android being slightly better than ios. But trying it out again, I can safely say this is FAR better than ios Ghostzhbr
  3. The bitterness of the lemshits even pedos wouldn’t touch your stinky ass as a kid
  4. Nothing but Forza rehashes for 10 years and this fgt is trying to talk shit
  5. The grinding is understandable. This & Forza are likely the only games Lemmings will have for at least the next 12 months before another Halo & Forza come along, they really need to pad it out to make it last the year.
  6. That’s exactly why I didn’t watch it, but thanks for the write up. All Microsoft has ever cared about is fucking people over and exploiting them. Bill Gates was and still is an evil cunt and the rest of Microsoft doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  7. Reviews in progress ”We don’t want to piss off publishers so here’s an 8 during the initial launch and we will flop it at a safer time”
  8. Don’t forget that PS5 was ethically developed too by a native people in their own land. Xbox was designed on stolen land and paid for by the blood of the Muckleshoot and Wachichi tribes
  9. What is he meant to say? He just got paid to speak at an xbox event. Do you teally think he’s going to turn around and say it sucks and has no games? The real story here is Microsoft paying to have some Ex-Nintendo has-been leading one of their events. They are desperate.
  10. I’ve noticed its becoming a pattern where pampers or one of the sheep will shit up a thread they dont like and cry and cry to get it shut down. In fact thats the tactic of their entire movement; 1) Inject their bullshit into something 2) The opposition will argue, debate and complain 3) they cry and get the conversation shut down and the idea of questioning it censored 4) Conversation is closed, no more debate or discussion, but their bullshit still remains in whatever it was injected into Rinse and repeat and you end up with a situation where
  11. Lemmings still think Halo and Forza make xbox a viable console (it’s not) but they’re stuck in the mid 2000’s when Halo could actually AAA Halo is just a mediocre franchise these days.
  12. Yeah Switch has much better looking games
  13. The U.S press has always been pro xbox, even during the X1 pre-release controversy. It does seem to have escalated and yes that is due to the social justice defense. If you’re against Microsoft now you must be a transphobic, racist, misogynist since Microsoft hides behind those values. Its a scummy move but every western corporation is doing it because they want the publicity, funny how they couldn’t give a rats ass about trans rights or gay rights when promoting their content in arab or chinese markets. The end result is that Sony will have to follow suit and become mo
  14. Yeah it’s great. One of my favourite games of 2021, they don’t make them like this anymore. Also nice to see xtards crying about the Sigma versions I don’t think Alice is in need of a remaster the PC version looks pretty good in 4k. Microsoft need to stop being cunts though and instead of dumping all their garbage on PC like Forza, Halo and the like, port Rare Replay instead.
  15. Jerderpy: That’s murder Jury: Not guilty on all counts of murder Jerderpy: Yup, see I was right that’s murder This is why everyone is laughing at you and why you’ll never set foot anywhere near a profession in the legal system
  16. Nope, nope, nope Official verdict says not guilty of all counts of murder. You’re factually wrong and are now doing your best dynamitecop impression by continuing to argue against truth, facts and reality. Go to bed Jerry you might feel better in the morning.
  17. Jerry is spreading disinformation and fake news. We need a fact check up in here. @Twinblade
  18. Nope, he was just found not guilty by the jury. You don’t get to call this murder. Either join us in the real world or you don’t get to take part in the debate.
  19. Murder? what murder? He was just found not guilty moron try to keep up. It was self-defence
  20. Lemmings are so bitter Imagine paying the same price for a digital license like most lemtards do. I’m guessing these chumps in here prefer their subscription service though. Makes sense for Ghostz since his broke ass has to rent everything because he spends all his money on Apple products to try and convince people he’s wealthier than he actually is.
  21. Cornflakes then. Look bud I don’t list down the names of every product thats offering Gamepass when I’m walking around the supermarket, I just know I saw it down one of the aisles somewhere between the pet food and the poultry sections.
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