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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Lmao is that the best you got? I couldnt remember at first what the other guy did but I do know that they were all awful people. Regardless its interesting how you expect us to cry for them, or tried to get us to feel sorry anyway now it seems like you’re willing to throw one of them under the bus.
  2. Xbox was notorious for 12 year olds shouting racial abuse online. Has it really changed into the box for bug men and soy boys?
  3. Oh man America is gonna burn tonight “but but teh ringtone!!! Teh ringtone!!! 😭” Justice was done. Let this be a lesson to the pigs in America, if you don't stop the anarchists your citizens will.
  4. What the fuck is that? what the FUCK is that? It feels cruel playing into their delusions. Someone needs to tell it that it’s not a woman and get it some help. I love the part about sustainable and carbon-neutral too here’s a game promoting driving gas-guelling, co2 pumping machines all around the country nust for the hell of it, so eco-friendly. This hypocrite works for Microsoft who causes so much e-waste per year too.
  5. I got Barotrauma after last weeks free weekend. This game is beast I’ve gone full AdrianWerner and ended up playing Sub games
  6. You fuckers need to show some respect. This game was made on the stolen lands of the Mahican, Tacatacuru and Calapooya tribes. Their blood was spilled so that you ungrateful swines could play this game in 2021. Microsoft stands in solidarity with them ✊
  7. That’s because there has been nothing else to play on Xbox for 7-8 years
  8. Do you remember when the industry originally started pushing digital distribution? And they told us games would be cheaper because there’s nothing to manufacturer and no physical distribution needed? Because I remember and its been a complete fucking lie since day one. At least you’re only paying “as much” most games cost more digitally here. It’s really quite simple at retail there’s competition so prices go down, on xbox and playstation there’s no competition so usually games are full RRP the vast majority if the time. Sales are a little better now but the 360 and ps3
  9. Looks awful. The look of the original Halo seemed to come from Xbox limitations, a lack of art and design talent at Bungie, and the fact that the games were always rushed at the last minute. Sadly they seem to have kept this look. I wonder of they will recycle corridors too
  10. Milked? from an ifag? I guess when you sell your shit to get a new overpriced Apple device every year you gotta cut back on games to afford it You’re still paying except now Microsoft dictates what games you can and cant play, they curate the list and as they’re filling their games with social justice shit there’s an ethical question there as they’re hitting you with media to shape your worldview. The moment you cancel that subscription you walk away with nothing, no access and if you try to play one you’ll be told to fuck off. Of course I wouldnt expect someone like y
  11. Rants about multiplats and old games…..proceeds to list multiplats and old games. kys lemchild
  12. I remember that too DynaFlop was so sure, just like whipit was with the hyper memory cubes. Lemmings are so stupid
  13. You’d have to be a complete fucking retard to buy digital on consoles too. The games always cost more and have no value.
  14. Are you kidding me??? I thought for sure it would get left in the dust, like the cheaper 360/PS3 models. Damn MS got their digital only wish too as the lemmings all jumped in to it head first. It’s a good job xflop is irrelevant, all we can do is that developers dont give it too much time or effort because that thing could single handedly hold back gaming for an entire gen I wonder if Switch 2 will outperform it
  15. I think the XOX was because devs didnt gaf. It was always going to be niche. With XSX sure games sell way more on PS, but on the scale we’re seeing there’s clearly some design flaws in the hardware too. Not that any of it matters because no self-respecting gamer would ever game on Xbox
  16. Deenos posts are always: “*autistic ramblings* and that’s why (insert game not available on xbox) counts as an Xbox exclusive”. He has the formula nailed down now.
  17. More like “no criticism allowed” if all people are allowed to say is “this game is awesome” as you put it. We call that a circle jerk. This lemkid is so shook he needs to create a safe space where people aren’t allowed to say anything bad about Halo I see now why you like Microsoft since they’re all about that
  18. Racing is such a dull and rehashes category its lumped in with Sports Forza is in the running with annual rehashes and hot wheels, let that sink in.
  19. DynaFlop has gone from hating the establishment to making himself a Facebook style “fact checker” on behalf of Microsoft. and by facts I mean bullshit
  20. The fucking irony the phrase “xbox’d” has been around for 2 decades because everyone knows games go to shit on Xbox and the list is endless Forza is boring trash. Even lemmings didn’t care about it I remember when we used to rip on them because they would pick up Snorza, play around in paint mode and then never touch it again. The only reason they’re touching it now is because they have nothing else. Playstations best games shit all over Halo and Forza, two dead franchises that were never fun or exciting. You cant even hold Halo up as anything special anym
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