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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. The Gamepass effect. It used to be you wanted a quality product to maintain those early sales. Now since the deals are all in place before the game is even out, there’s little pressure to have a solid game on day one.
  2. Even IF your argument held weight (it doesn’t) that would be one bad year for PS out of many good ones Xbox was NOT the gamers console 10 years ago let me refresh your memory kid because 10 years ago people like myself and Aza saw the writing on the wall and knew Xbox was in for a rough future. Microsoft was losing games and developers left and right. Bungie? Gone. Team ninja? Gone. Bioware? Gone. Rare? Dead. PGR devs? Gone. Lionhead? About to die. Add in all the studios they shuttered too. Microsoft was still chasing that Wii success and it wad kinect ever
  3. About 10 years ago Xbox was being ripped on for only offering Halo and Forza rehashes and little else. A decade of drought later, lemmings get a new Halo and a new Forza at the same time and suddenly they think they’re on top of the world. No you dumb cunt this is the exact problem xbox had a decade ago just because its had nothing since doesnt suddenly make these fresh
  4. Halo & Forza Halo & forza, halo & Forza Xflop has come full circle and now it’s in the same boat as it was 10-15 years ago, with Halo & Forza as its only selling points. What a tired and exhausted brand just let it die already.
  5. Who cares? To the youth of today an old relic of a bygone era like this would be like a 90’s kid hoping for a new Nirvana cd for Christmas and opening it up to find the BeeGees. Halo ain’t cool. Halo ain’t hot. Halo isn’t even cool retro, it’s just disco gay.
  6. I’m guessing they were just closing down accounts for abandoned and dead products and someone cleaned up the xbox account not realising that thing is still going
  7. Have you noticed how modern xbox fanboys dont come off as people that play the games, but just shills?
  8. That was the majority of at least the first 2 games lol it’s one of the reasons why the campaigns sucked ass
  9. The shit people will believe in this thread Anyway I’m not sure why anyone would think Baldwin wouldn’t be sued. As someone outside of America your country is mostly known for everyone suing each other over the smallest thing. It’s more American than Apple pie.
  10. I thought in Russia they drive real tanks on the roads? At least thats what random youtube videos lead me to believe
  11. Of course, DynaFlop has a magic copy of the game that has no problems. Swallow anthrax fgt
  12. This always happens, they’re never satisfied no matter how much you try to please them. Hopefully the retards at playground games who pushed this shit blow their brains out after all the emotional trauma they caused Also lol at an xbox game scraping your personal info from your microsoft account. Microsoft is a privacy nightmare.
  13. Lol a glowing preview means nothing especially not from IGN. I remember back in the Gamespot days how many games had glowing previews and then FLOP when the final game hits. Whether it’s true or not you’ll never know.
  14. LOL this was obviously always going to be the case. Microsoft has NOTHING. Never in the history of gaming has a console that offered as little as xbox ever stayed on the market. Its in the same leagues as junk like the 3do or cdi except they didnt have a trillion dollar corporation willing to continue throwing money at it no matter what so they never went the distance. This is a last ditch attempt by them. They know they’ll receive nothing but positive press for it and become the resetera and twitter woke mob darling, forcing sony to bend the knee too or become the bad
  15. Well you’re a Sheep so who’s the dumb shit now? Time to upgrade that Switch subscription because I’m sure the shareholders want a new ivory backscratcher for Christmas
  16. No one is worried…..but for some reason Sheep gotta troll up every SteamDeck thread. This is as see-through as when DynamiteCop rants about “faggy nonsense”. Time to come out of the closet boy
  17. Bunch of faggy nonsense? What kind of insult is that coming from someone that supports this… Or how about this? You don’t get to go around complaining about “faggy nonsense” when you 100% support and endorse a company that pushes more of it on the games industry than any other
  18. If Valve had only been able to fulfil a tiny minority of orders, you think there wouldn’t have been a panic with people raging about their order, lack of supply, and scalpers inflating prices more than usual? It’s funny how you take solace in the sales numbers. Sure the device may be far superior to Switch, the games library bigger and better, but as long as Nintendo’s profits aren’t touched that’s all that matters
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