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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. TLHBO

    Lol wokisoft

    I think the difference is Sony hasn’t been too bad as a whole (not perfect). Naughty Dog is on its own in terms of Cuckery. Meanwhile this bullshit is affecting every part of Microsoft. Luckily Sony still has the Japanese side that will push back against some of this nonsense.
  2. There’s the magic word again You know before the snowflakes like you hijacked it that word was prt of pickup culture. So you watch pickup artist media, use their lingo, and accuse everyone else of being an incel. This is starting to paint a picture here.
  3. TLHBO

    Lol wokisoft

    The dude needs some prozac
  4. Interesting how the guy who accuses everyone of being an incel is the one watching pick up artist material.
  5. I have an iphone, it sucks thats what I want to get away from. Locked down, walled garden trash that doesn’t even let you do simple things.
  6. I havent heard about any of this. How woke is the game on a scale of 1 being not woke and 10 being Fagza Horizon 5?
  7. Yeah they say Linux phones aren’t quite there yet but it sounds like the Pro takes it a large step forward. I’m just gonna go with a custom android rom when I find a suitable phone. I dont like how locked down ios is but it sure is better than Google spyware android.
  8. Make believe genders to obder ti the mentally ill I’m disappointed they didn’t include pansexual twin spirit unicorn-kun to better reflect my own identity
  9. TLHBO

    Lol wokisoft

    Fuck this really is the worst company on Earth. My crusade against Microsoft is all the more important now, they must be stopped. There’s something so childish about the way they talk too, like how you would see adults talk on Sesame Street. I find that in a lot of woke content, they talk as if they’re talking down to children. Imagine actually believing in this culture
  10. They should have thrown in some woke shit like Forza for an easy AAA score
  11. @lynux3 Thoughts on the Pinephone Pro?
  12. I don’t use Safari, but in fairness to IOS users there isn’t much point using other browsers because Apple mandates they all need to use webkit anyway, and some just don’t work for certain sites so you’re forced to use Safari. You can’t even use webapps with any browser other than Safari. It’s one of the things I think of when I complain about ios being too locked down and I miss the openness, PC like freedom of Android. I really want to go back but there isn’t a suitable phone for me right now.
  13. It shouldn’t take much to outdo the xbox and if it does then it’s a shit port
  14. How I feel when I see Microsoft begging with these Pauperpass deals
  15. Lmfao vaccine dashboard ads? Really? It wouldn’t surprise me the type of retards that would own an xbox will eat up anything. Yeah ms is in cahoots with the government they were actually one of if not the first to jump on board the Prism program and didn’t even try to resist like some other companies did. They just love fucking over the little guy. Then you got old Billy being a frequent visitor on Epstein Island. Disgusting corporation that should be boycotted.
  16. Deeno sees everything though a Microsoft lens any comment good or bad, it MUST be about microsoft/xbox
  17. Lmfao this is straight up degeneracy. Of course if this was any other company DynaFlop would be screaming but since it’s Microsoft he’ll give them a free pass. This is just microsoft doing whatever they can for free positive press after a decade of irrelevance.
  18. Lmao Ghostz has been exiled by his own faction. This is a systemwars first.
  19. Gamepass is free now? No you paid for it. Just like you pay to access online services every year for 20 years now while we hermits get it for free. oh and I didnt buy this dumbass
  20. Tony hawks was AAAA on PS2. Guess how many lemmings gave a shit? Likewise for all the sports games AAAs. Nobody cares. A generic racing rehash infused with sjw politics.
  21. Even the mighty Netflix is the same which is why I’ve never liked it. Its library is massively padded with low budget shit. I remember when they used to show ratings and most movies were like 1-2 stars so they had to hide it. All of these subscription services will be the same. The worst part is you end up watching them because there’s nothing else. Just like you see JonB always talking about the trash he’s playing because there’s nothing else. I’ll stick to taking my pick of games from the FULL list and not limiting myself to someone else’s curated list.
  22. Wait, Snorza? Snorza is what he was referring to? Nobody fucking cares about the 20th Forza game. It’s like the tony hawk games or Fifa, nobody cares what it scores because it’s not a “real” game. That franchise is more stale than a 20 year old cracker. I wouldnt be surprised if it scored high due to the injection of sjw bullshit. That’s going to be an instant 10 from troons like Carolyn petit. Its funny how you hate the sjw agenda so much but you’re willing to turn a blind eye when it comes to a Microsoct product. You stand for nothing Dynaflop, you’re just a coward.
  23. Just like you avoid talking about the Switch you never play. I play what I want when I want. I’m not going to limit myself to playing someone else’s curated listed, especially not Microshit’s. A fucking shameless corporation, one of the most crooked and evil on the planet. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d rather send money to the Taliban than to Microsoft. I’ll never give them another dollar for anything, they’re complete scum.
  24. Fucking welfare gaming I guess when you had to sell your belongings to buy the iphone and Mac so you can try to convince people online you’re not dirt poor, well it doesn’t leave much money left over for gaming does it? Gamepass is the equivalent of foodstamps. Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if Phil started giving them away with a Shamepass sub too.
  25. You’ve just been arguing that Microsoft doesn’t care about selling xbox’s, doesn’t give a fuck what hardware people use the service on, they just want to increase subscribers. Now you’re going back to acting like this is about pushing xbox hardware (and Gamepass is failing) You’re legit retarded. Lemmings can’t salvage this shit so you, dynaflop and spicoli are tripping over yourselves in your damage control The xbox brand is dead and its no loss to gaming at all. Good riddance to shit.
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