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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. - 17 year old PS2 game everyone already owns on PC, but with a hideous graphics update - It takes two, safe to say anyone that cared about this game already has it - Fagza horizon, a tired dead franchise that has been rehashed into the ground so hard that this year the selling point is pushing degeneracy and perversion. They sell this filth to kids too, the developers should be hung. - 10 hours of battlefield….LMFAO! I’ve never heard of a service where you get a time limited demo :D such value :D cheap bastards. Kill yourself, fake ass sheep
  2. Lemmings running back to 2005 games because they have nothing else lol and then they bitch about cows playing a demons souls remake
  3. You cant play Shamepass games unless you pay ms a fee every year for the rest of your life. as for sales as jerry already pointed out you can get better sales sooner outside of gamepass You seem like you’re trying to justify it to yourself
  4. Firstly I won’t be paying Microscum anything, secondly even if I was interested….I play xbox games on a PS5 without needing an xbox……and somehow tchbo? Seems to me more like the lemmings have been raped ms going third party
  5. I don’t understand the lemmings endgame here. Lets say Microsoft doesn’t care about hardware, then they should want Gamepass on Switch and PS5. Lets say Gamepass ends up on PS5….somehow lemmings are going to say TCHBO? Why because MS is essentially third party now and their console is irrelevant? Because you can then play xbox games on ps5? How do lemmings win this exactly? Not that it matters because xbox has no games anyway so their console and service is irrelevant
  6. Why not? Is it because you dont own them in the first place? or you just like owning and keeping them? Which goes against you shilling gamepass.
  7. Microsoft is one of the most consumer-exploiting, tight fisted companies on the planet. You don’t get rich by being generous. These fuckers are so tight fisted they can’t even pay for Windows 10 testing so you end up with broken fucking updates LOL Everytime you get a good deal thar costs Microsoft money you’re essentially writing them an IOU. If they ever got to dominate the market you’d pay them back every fucking penny plus interest. We’ve already seen how they operate in the videogame industry, thanks to them mandatory online subscriptions, on disc dlc and day 1 key unlocks, an
  8. Wasted opportunity to crack jokes about a Switch port
  9. Yup, this is all about Microsoft trapping people in their service. Pay them upfront every single year for the rest of the lifespan of the service or else you lose your entire library instantly. As this is Microsoft is it doesn’t take off they’ll abandon it anyway and you still lose everything. When the time is up for a game you get suckered into a chance to buy a digital license for the xbox platform. As you say it looks like a shit deal. Even at a dollar I’ll pass. This is just pathetic, downright begging at this point.
  10. So even though you’ve been shilling Xbox for years you now admit it was nothing but flops?
  11. Is there anything DynaFlop won’t spin? he’s definitely the biggest fgt on here. Get a fucking life please.
  12. Don’t you ever contradict me again when I’m ripping on Xbox 🤬
  13. “Looks like a nice Ace Combat clone, but lacking on several key things like graphics, narrative and replays.“ Yup sounds about right for Gamepass. It’s the cereal box free giveaway version of Ace Combat.
  14. I certainly wouldn’t touch a Microsoft subscription service but all I’ve seen of gamepass so far is that it’s full of junk. However in regards to subscription services in general, I don’t like the curated list of what I can and can’t play. You see it in the lemmings here where they only end up playing games because they’re on Gamepass. I’d rather look at a full game libray and pick what to buy and play rather than look at a very limited list and then have to pick from that. It was the same with Humble, I stopped caring about a lot of games they were offering so I unsubscribed but at least I st
  15. It was obviously going to perform worse. Despite the huge PR blunder for xbox one it was still releasing off the back of the 360, it had some momentum. I remember that year while most gamers were looking towards the PS4 all the women at work were saying how their kids had pestered for the new xbox, and the casuals were eating it up too. This was reflected in the software sales that year I believe where most games sold better on PS4 but kids games and CoD sold better on xbox. After a gen of nothing though MS has no momentum and a lot of people switched. Somehow casuals still eat thi
  16. I looked it up, published by Xbox game studios. There’s your answer it’s shit, I haven’t seen a genuine good game by them in probably close to 15 years.
  17. Lemmings, on one hand PC doesn’t count and “console exclusive” is a thing, on the other hand somehow “tchbr!!1”. If lemshits didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all.
  18. This fgt while I agree that Zuckerberg and Facebook are scum, you cheer while Microsoft (an equally shitty and evil company) buys up publishers and developers and starts pulling long running multiplatform games off of other platforms. Kill yourself already.
  19. I’d feel more ethical sending money to the Taliban than to Microsoft.
  20. When you’ve had no games for a decade and gone through by far the worst drought any gaming system has ever seen spanning multiple generations, even a few droplets start to look like an ocean
  21. Posting one sloppy pic after you were called out means nothing. Look at the pride with which you boasted about that xbox, look at all the photos you took, you’d be baiting jerry into it for weeks because you really wanted to show off that xbox. Switch though? Just an afterthought. Now tell me why is a Sheep so eager to show off his xbox? Not that it matters because at the end of the day you’re self-owned for buying one in the first place No games!
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