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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. This fucker is always so proud to show off his xbox :D never his nintendo consoles. Imagine bragging that you own an xbox you should be trying to convince people you didnt blow your money on $500 paperweight like a retard
  2. Sheep are actually defending this The analogy to movies like The Godfather is a good onebecuse that’s exactly how Nintendo sees their games, as classics they can re-release for a premium like The Godfather or Disney’s various re-releases. Except those movies have fared much better than dated pieces of shit like Urban Champ, Nintendo Hockey, or even Metroid and the NES Zelda games. Their SNES games fare much better but Nintendo massively overestimates the value of their ancient games. Imagine if Atari tried charging Nintendo’s bullshit prices for Pong or Pit
  3. Why do sheep see it in every other company but not Nintendo? EA at least implemented refunds. Nintendo was caught in a huge fucking price fixing scandal ffs. You have Stockholm syndrome.
  4. Clearly the game is more than the Xbox hardware can handle. Right @DynamiteCop?
  5. And your posts are short and dumb attempts at dismissing corporate greed and consumer exploitation.
  6. “Thieves” oh fucking please. Fuck these crooks. $50 for n64 roms, $50 per controller, not to mention most of us have bought these before. People bought mario kart on the n64, the wii virtual console, paid to “upgrade” to the wii u virtual console version and now Crooktendo wants them to pay a fourth fucking time. Even Microsoft, even fucking MICROSOFT one of the greediest corporations on Earth lets you play your old games because unlike Nintendo they had the foresight to make a competent online network. They charged the most out of anyone for the old ports back in the w
  7. What point are you trying to make? That you can chat to everyone because everyone has it? The same is true of sms. It’s not like you’re going to be unable to communicate with anyone if you have android, and besides I find that claim very hard to believe and I’m not in the US anyway. Everyone has whatsapp or fb messenger but only a few people I know have imessage. Or are you trying to claim it’s good because it’s popular? Because I tell you fb messenger is extremely popular but sucks ass along with everything Facebook. There’s no real point to using iMessage. It’s a nic
  8. It’s irrelevant anyway as using imessage as anything other than a last resort is retarded.
  9. Would you be surprised if I told you DynaFlop hyped it? For Xbox in fact
  10. That looks hideous. The environments look ok but the characters look creepy and out of place. Look at their faces
  11. And now we circle back to generalising an entire group of people, more proof this is fuelled by the hatred your side claims it wants to prevent. @Twinblade @-GD-X Might as well shut this down Jerry and co made it political again. I’m sure goukosan will only end up reporting it anyway when he starts hearing things he doesn’t like as usual
  12. I wish you and your crew would stop playing dumb. You always ask these kind of questions feigning innocence, everytime we get censorship it’s “what censorship? 😕 who is being censored? 🥺 nobody is being censored here 😇”. You’re either disingenuous or blind but either way means we will never get anywhere debating any of this, the fact that you, gouk and jerry are all chiming in on this all on the same side is proof enough this is a politically motivated argument
  13. Damn the entire squad is coming out to defend “their guy”, totally not political also they changed more than just “two lines”, lying to downplay and gaslight the other side is some resetera level shit.
  14. Only incels get butthurt about safe space jokes
  15. You play ganes available on pc day one on xbox, but you avoid playing PS games for years because you want to wait for a PC port?
  16. Facebook is cancer, fuck the company and fuck Zuckerberg.
  17. This is actually better for Sony. PlayStation is definitely the premium product next to Xbox, it’s a luxury item. Gamepass is bargin bin gaming, I wouldn’t br surprised if kids get picked on in school for playing games on gamepass rather than owning them outright on PS5 At least in most of the world anyway. America’s xenophobia keeps xbox strong there.
  18. I for one welcome Mark Zuckerberg dictating the content of classic videogames and moulding them to fit his vision of what modern videoganes should be.
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