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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. Sony has been putting a lot into this game's marketing, I would be surprised if it wasn't solid Im thinking 83 at MC 8.0 at GS
  2. I just saw some polls and apparently he's actually taking votes away from Trump? Thats actually hilarious if Biden wins because of RFK jr
  3. glad you enjoyed it. And yeah Walton Goggins is pretty much THE main lead as far as Im concerned. He makes the show.
  4. My cousin gushed to me about them but I’ve never tried them.
  5. Reviews aren't that high on MC but ooof that switch version PS5 - 83 PC - 78 Xbox - 72 ... ... ... Switch - 54
  6. ^Imagine getting that upset over a bit of a aid to a country defending itself against a genocidal neighbor who has already voiced their intentions to continue the war and has no interest in peace. Im convinced Cooke's ex must have cheated on him with a Ukrainian or something.
  7. So Killing Eve got added to Netflix and it reminded me that I never watched the 4th and final season.....this shit is so boring and poorly structured Literally no point to anything thats happening. They should have ended with the last season.
  8. I think I didn't enjoy the actual diving gameplay especially since its all randomly generated. I like management games where the content is handcrafted, like Spiritfarer and Dragon Quest Builders 2
  9. Yeah republicans are truly a lost cause. I didn't vote in the last election but ill have to vote for Biden this year because I just can't support what they've become You know something is wrong when even a right leaning newspaper calls them out like this:
  10. Annnnd just like that, the bill is passed Slava Ukraini and Fuck Russia
  11. Looks better now and more in line with the original
  12. I wish I could get into that game. It was one of my quickest steam refunds, I just found something about it to be really off putting.
  13. After around 33-35 hours im getting pretty tired of Rise of The Ronin, and I think I still have a ways to go. Im not sure if I should fully blame the game and its repetitive content for that or If I just already have open world fatigue from the other big games I played this year, like Infinite Wealth and FF7 Rebirth.
  14. Some of the republicans’ reactions to these series of bills is just nonsense. I guess if you try to work with the other party to advance the country’s interests you are doing the wrong thing. How else is anything supposed to get done? Unfortunately with this logic I think republicans are on track to lose badly this year. They really do want to sabotage everything just so Trump has a few more bullet points to run on. And I think more regular americans are starting to see through the farce and realize it’s all about pleasing Trump and not about taking important action to fix the many domestic an
  15. This board is still annoying on mobile devices so I’ll just link to the gaf thread I stole this from https://www.neogaf.com/threads/stalker-2-heart-of-chornobyl-is-the-most-anticipated-game-on-xbox-game-pass.1669678/
  16. small rant but I typed in 6 x 45 into bing because I wanted to quickly know what that came out to, and it popped up a smart calculator interface with a ton of options, and for some reason interpreted that as some kind of algebraic formula where the x is a variable and not the simple multiplication sign. Like that is just legit bad....I wasted time and could not get the extremely simple result I was looking for and expecting meanwhile i load google, type that in, and immediately get the result I wanted which took all of 2 seconds.
  17. Manor Lords more anticipated than Hellblade 2 oh boy
  18. I think im gonna get back into this series with the Fallout London mod. It was about to release but unfortunately the devs had to delay it because of how the next gen update is going to effect the game's code/tools
  19. Was hoping they would at least have struck some of the drone production facilities that are supplying Russia which would indirectly have helped Ukraine.
  20. Stasis Bone Totem is so good top tier adventure game.
  21. Lol and your shithole country isn't doomed? Entire areas are flooded right now because half of the money intended for your infrastructure was stolen by corrupt oligarchs and the other half is being pumped into a pointless war thats getting countless Russians killed. Exactly what kind of future does Russia have? Being a 2nd rate Chinese colony? And don't ignore your demographic issues either. You know things are bad when propagandists plead on TV for children to start pumping out babies
  22. Shogun goddamn I can't imagine how nuts the finale next week is gonna be.
  23. just crazy. And the next gen patch isn't even out yet.
  24. Renewed for Season 2. That was quick https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/fallout-renewed-season-2-amazon-1235975879/
  25. You literally used the N word at least twice on this forum mere weeks ago. Who are you trying to kid?
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