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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 4 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    @Twinblade downfall is a better silent hill than silent hill. what a twisted head trip, so far. excellent imagery and the bad acting is perfect :D


    Honestly you're making me want to try it again. I remember being annoyed with the interface and puzzles in the original (so i didn't get that far), but apparently the dev improved those aspects in the remake.

  2. 19 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    They do change up the art design, but there are no puzzle-like elements, unlike 4 and 5. 

    yeah but the good thing is I feel like I’m experienced enough with this series that i can get through the floors pretty quickly and efficiently. I don’t know about you but my playstyle is such that I try to get to the next border/barrier in as few days as possible, so I can then focus entirely on the social links and other real world aspects until the next Tartarus area unlocks.

  3. 41 minutes ago, David P said:

    Everything he refers to are verifiable geo located events. Russian have been winning on the field for the past few months, this is apparent.

    He is biased and leaves out important events because they don’t fit his narrative. And please define winning, is it expending thousands of soldiers to occupy a few kilometers of land? I would say Russia has the initiative, but to say they’re winning is a stretch.

  4. 1 minute ago, David P said:

    If the Ukrainians made any sort of push on the frontline he would talk about it. :D 


    No he doesn't. That guy literally just pushes false narratives to make it seem like Ukraine is collapsing at every angle. He is a propagandist. The numbers and facts don't align at all with his narrative.


    Just look at the titles of some of his recent videos


    'Russian Forces Heading Towards Operational Victory in Donbas'

    'Ukranian Army DECIMATED Need 500,000 New Soldiers'

    'US-Made Tanks STEAMROLLED by Russian offensive in Donbas'

    'Breaking the myth of Russian Human Wave attacks' <---- LOL at this one


    All while he makes a dumb ass facial expression in the thumbnails to act like he's panicking 


    Meanwhile when you look at the actual data:



    0.01% of additional territory occupied for thousands of losses which includes the supposed 'breakthrough' Russia had recently. But somehow you continue to be fooled into thinking Ukraine is being routed and Russia is effortlessly winning the war so Ukraine should be forced into an unjust peace. This is the EXACT kind of propaganda that the kremlin is constantly pushing on people in the west and you continue to consume it.



  5. On 2024-05-04 at 12:00 AM, -GD-X said:

    No doubt. I mean, it can be 80 hours long if you go for the platinum. 


    I just started it. Im up to floor 22 but I admit im not too enthusastic about the amount of time im going to have to spend in Tartarus. I feel like im slowly getting more and more tired of this kind of dungeon crawling. I do like the additions they made, like being able to control your party and also the assist and shift features (im assuming both those are new) are already very handy and do save you some time in battle.


    Everything else about the remake seems great. The presentation as always is super slick and dripping with style.

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  6. 2 hours ago, David P said:

    Whatever you may think of him he gives good summary of what's happening on the field. @Twinblade




    No he doesn't. He's always doom posting with this click bait titles and thumbnails but conveniently manages to avoid all the fucked up stuff happening on the Russian side. That's no coincidence. I quickly skimmed through his recent videos and saw no mention of the worst events that happened recently in regards to Russian losses. 


    Im done with this thread anyway. Im tired of wasting my time arguing with all the Pro Russian clowns on this forum.

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