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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 6 hours ago, poopy_butt said:

    this mod delayed or possibly even killed the fall out london mod a group of people have been working on forever. it was finally supposed to come out this month but then bethesda blind sided them with the update and now its in limbo


    This is what bummed me out the most. That mod looks legitimately great and they clearly put a lot of work into it.

  2. 5 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    I'm currently in my apartment in Yalta Crimea and Twinblade can suck my dick as there in no war here and nobody gives a Fuck and it will be Russia as Ukraine loses territory. I was born in Simferopol a Russian city that the Nazi fucks from Lvov cant touch.


    Lol imagine being such a low IQ vatnik that you still think mother russia is fighting a patriotic war against nazis. Its 2024, time to wake up. 


    Also did you just admit to being Ukranian? I guess you can label yourself a traitor now as well :D 

  3. It looks good but apparently its a turn based RPG which is not exactly what i'd want from a game with this art style and perspective. Its still worth keeping an eye on though.

  4. 8 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Yeah Ukraine totally has no loses that's why they mobilised more.men than Russia but are the ones with a manpower shortage.


    I knew Zelensky's estimate from the start wasn't accurate and he was downplaying Ukraine's losses. Neither side is ever going to admit their losses while the war is still ongoing.


    But we have enough data to know that Russia's losses are far greater, and we now that Ukraine's own numbers for Russian losses are relatively accurate because they're being backed up by western sources.


    You're probably so delusional you believe Shoigu everytime he makes ridiculous statements about Ukraine's losses like how Russia has destroyed their entire air force like what about 3 or 4 times now? I've lost count :lul: 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    The Wastelands in Stellar Blade are basically killing the game for me. Just a big ass zone that is boring to run around in. The combat has lost a lot of its shine as well because the same handful of enemies are just copy pasted all over the place. Not getting the praise for the combat, its pretty mid TBH.


    I think they could have shown some restraint with the open areas. I like exploring them but the loop is mostly just gathering crafting materials and fighting the same few enemies.


    The combat doesn't evolve as much as i'd like which is my main issue with it, I was especially surprised by how meh the locked 2 skill trees are after unlocking them. Im still only like halfway through so im hoping they have some more tricks up their sleeve that haven't been revealed yet.

  6. 11 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Even the super pro Ukr resetera is admitting 2024 is lost, and a magic 2025 recovery is unlikely.


    Manpower has become the most pressing issue though, which was exacerbated by reduced deliveries of ammunition and equipment over the winter. Ukraine's summer offensive primarily culminated when it ran out of infantry, and Ukraine has struggled to replace combat losses since then. 9/

    This means that Ukrainian brigades are understrength, and Ukraine lacks sufficient reserves to respond to Russian advances, so units are pulled from one part of the front to attempt to stop advances elsewhere. Ukrainian infantry need to be rotated more often or there will be a growing risk of exhaustion. 10/

    Ukraine has passed a new mobilization bill that provides incentives for volunteers and increases the pool of men available to be drafted. Hopefully, this will improve the manpower situation, but it will take time to mobilize and train soldiers/units. 11/

    More concerning is that the manpower issue has been known for some time, but has not been fixed. The longer it takes to improve the manpower situation, the less likely it becomes that Ukraine can conduct a offensive in 2025. The new NATO-trained/equipped brigades last summer did not have enough time to train together, and Russian defenses will still be strong. New soldiers/units need to be mobilized to replace current losses and trained for 2025. 12/

    At the same time, one of the most important factors in the war last year was that Russia was able to significantly improve its manpower situation, recruiting more than 300,000 volunteers. 13/

    It isn't just involuntary mobilized soldiers and prisoners, they are mostly getting volunteers who are willing to go into costly assaults. The quality, of course, varies, but the quantitative advantage is a serious problem. 14/

    Without this manpower advantage, Russia's artillery and airpower advantage would not be sufficient for Russia to make gains on the battlefield. The relative manpower situation is likely the most important factor that will determine the war's trajectory, particularly if Russia can sustain recruiting 20-30k a month. 15/

    The immediate problem is that Russia continues to advance on the battlefield, and has reached important locations while Ukraine faced ammunition shortages. Russia is bringing up reserves to Chasiv Yar, and will likely soon begin an assault on the city. 16/

    Russian forces are also expanding their foothold in Ocheretyne, which threatens Ukrainian positions nearby, and they have advanced into Krasnohrivka and have made recent gains on the Marinka-Novomykhailivka front. 17/

    Even with increased ammunition deliveries/expenditure, Ukraine might not be able to hold Chasiv Yar and other of these towns/cities, and Russia faces more favorable terrain once they get past Chasiv Yar, which could lead to an increase in the rate of advance. If Chasiv Yar falls, it will also put Ukrainian positions south of the city at risk. This is true for further Russian advances elsewhere. The delays in aid/mobilization have been costly. 18/

    If Ukraine can stabilize the front and fix the manpower situation in 2024 when Russia has a number of advantages, 2025 could be more favorable because Western production capacity will increase and Russian equipment losses could become a greater issue. If the manpower situation does not improve, then the second half of 2024 will likely be more difficult for Ukraine than the first half. 19/


    There is nothing new here. We know Ukraine is going to be on the defensive for the foreseeable future. But its an effective strategy even if they lose some ground, because we all know Russia experiencing at the minimum 3-4x more losses is not remotely sustainable. While Russians are dropping like sacks of meat to capture piles of rubble Ukraine will have the capability to replenish existing units and form new ones. And U.S aid is going to help compensate for the current manpower issues.

  7. 14 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Very impressive for an army which has: 500.000 casualties a day.

    Fights with shovels.

    Sends Suicide Meatwave attacks.

    Uses Washing machine micro chips.

    No ammunition.

    Only inexperienced recruits.

    Found a pipe.

    1950's equipment.

    Uses golf carts


    Thousands of casualties to capture some completely destroyed villages that hold no strategic value. Congrats. Your ass of a country is throwing everything it possibly can without any regard for what that means in the long term. We know you're running out of essential equipment and will eventually run out of recruits willing to throw themselves off a cliff like lemmings.

  8. 10 hours ago, David P said:

    That's what happens when you fuck up  your hormones with steroids. Has nothing to do with bodybuilding. Just juice. 


    Mike is or was pretty broken though. Super heavyweight knockout fighter and openly took drugs for years. Boxers don't make long careers getting punched in the head either. Couple of knockouts too much and you're out. 

    Steroids are a part of it but not just the issue. Eating such massive amounts of food on a daily basis + frequently lifting incredibly heavy weights is going to destroy your body in the long run.

  9. Ever day i see something new and fucked up in regards to Trump. Case in point:



    I couldn't fathom voting for him again. The fact that the race is so close is just baffling to me.

    • Haha 1
  10. If people don’t want to change their lifestyle for the better that’s on them but the worst is the whole ‘healthy at any size’ movement. How delusional do you have to be to think you’re somehow healthy while morbidly obese.

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  11. I actually went out with an obese girl recently because I figured I’m at the point where I can try to be open minded and give everyone a chance. Then when I  heard her heavy breathing over the movie we were watching I realized I made  a big mistake.

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