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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. So yeah as mentioned I finished Stellar Blade. Took me around 32 hours and that includes having done most of the side content


    The game is really impressive in many ways. The setting is neat and even though it relies on many different sci fi tropes there's actually a good amount of decent storytelling and lore, at least by action game standards. This benefits the side quests as the side characters are decent and worth helping. The soundtrack is also filled with bangers, people who like Nier will really dig most of the tracks here.


    In some ways the game does try to do too much though. There's a lot of platforming but it feels floaty and nowhere near as responsive as it should be. This wouldn't be too much of an issue if the fall damage was reasonable but I died a lot of times just from falling, especially when exploring the more open areas. Which also have issues in and of itself, as sabo mentioned they're filled with many of the same mobs of enemies scattered throughout, and there's no quick and efficient way to get around besides sprinting for long stretches at a time. The other problem with this is that when you aggro enemies they seem to follow you FOREVER. And when you're in this state you can't open any of the many crates with resources and items until you finish off the nearby enemies. So this results in a loop where you're often taking out a lot of enemies in an area just to open a crate.


    The combat was definitely fun enough to sustain a lot of these encounters though. It does get repetitive because the core move set is limited and there's no additional weapons, and as I said in a previous post a lot of the skills you unlock aren't that interesting. But when you have those moments where you manage to parry or dodge multiple attacks in a row and then follow up with a counter, that stuff rarely got old especially during the many flashy boss battles (one of the game's highlights for sure).


    Overall its really solid and the devs should be happy with the foundation they created. Its really just a couple of tweaks and additions away from being a truly great action RPG, and hopefully that potential will be realized in a sequel (which seems inevitable given the game's success).





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  2. 1 minute ago, -GD-X said:

    i know i'm in the minority here, but i thought oblivion was borderline unplayable with the pop in.  dark brotherhood was fun, though. my expectations for fallout 4 are pretty low lol.


    Let me know when you start FO4 so I can start FO 76 at the same time and we can jointly complain about how shitty they are :wow2:

    • Haha 1
  3. https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-nonagenarian-ocheretyne-walk-shelling-slippers-a9e8cc4576433f90b175bb56d6c9fe2a 

    imagine 100 year old old ww2 survivors risking their lives to escape Russian Occupation. Imagine thinking that the righteous Russian army is doing anything but forcefully imposing themselves on people who want nothing to do with their shithole country. Imagine being so stupid so you still think a country with tens of thousands of Jews being led by a JEWISH PRESIDENT needs to be ‘denazified’. Anybody with a shred of common sense can see through the blatant lies, deceit, and hypocrisy. Unless you’re a Russian who’s been spoonfed so much propaganda from so many different angles you just assume everything you see and hear must be real. That’s the reality that aza and his fellow sheep experience on a daily basis. No will of their own, just an empty vessel to absorb the tsar’s nonsense. 
    it’s not even worth getting upset anymore. It’s just sad really.

  4. 1 hour ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    All of Ukraine will be denazified from the Nazi scum.  Odessa and Kharkov will be free.

    lol you are such a clown. If you represent the average Russian then that failed empire is truly screwed.

  5. 5 hours ago, Sabo said:

    -Combat has become literally nothing but spamming Beta and Burst skills.


    -Normal attacks do minimal damage even with a highly upgraded sword and the only reason to use Normal attacks is to recharge Beta energy.


    -All the Normal attack gear is useless so just equip Beta/Burst related gear.


    -Parries are pointless because Perfect Dodge recharges Burst energy.


    -Retribution system might as well not even exist.


    -The "super" mode is underwhelming because it's damage output is pathetic even when you spam Skills. Its only use is the invincibility so you can tack on "free damage" for 10 seconds.



    The combat in this game falls flat on its face once you reach late game LOL.


    Lol the super mode does feel like a bit of an insult. When I used it the first time and realized I was barely whittling down enemies' HPs my first reaction was 'really?'

  6. ill ask once again, why do you love Russia so much? They are the exact opposite of everything we in the west stand for


    -The countless war crimes in Ukraine, which I won't bother getting into. But the fact that their president has a ICC warrant for his arrest speaks volumes

    -They've done nothing but start pointless wars and get hundreds of thousands of people killed JUST in the past 2 and a half decades, since the 2nd Chechen war

    - They shot down a civilian airliner over the donbas killing nearly 300 civilians, mostly europeans and even a CANADIAN and not only did they never show any sympathy or apologize they did the opposite and spent years denying they did it and lying about it

    -They've destabilized the west with targeted information campaigns

    -They've meddled in free and fair elections especially in the U.S

    -They've dangerously threaten and blackmail Europe and the U.S with nuclear war if they don't what they want

    -They've recklessly poisoned their own people on the soil of western countries and nearly killed residents of those countries

    -They've also been linked to the destruction and damaging of military facilities in Europe that are known to be supplying Ukraine

    -They've likely been linked to the Havana Syndrome attacks against U.S GOVERNMENT officials

    -They're currently using jammers to block GPS signals for airliners in the Baltic country, threatening civilian flights

    -They've used hunger as a weapon of war by not allowing grain shipments to starving populations in Africa

    - During the war in Afghanistan they put bounties on American servicemen and PAYED THE TALIBAN TO KILL THEM. The fact that so many people either don't know about this or forgot about it is kind of baffling to me


    Seriously, what are you getting out of simping for Russia? They're the enemy, plain in simple. There's a reason why no country that actually wants a decent future for their people is actively backing them. Just look at whats currently happening with Georgia, you have a tiny country being steered in the wrong direction by a pro Russia government and currently a hundred thousand people are flooding the streets of Tbilisi to sabotage those efforts. We could very well be seeing the beginning of another Euromaidan event.


    Helping cripple a hellhole like Russia is the best possible use of my taxes.

  7. 8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    how are the rpg elements? does leveling up the character have a big impact on progression? or is it an afterthought? the bosses look pretty wild.


    The character doesn't actually evolve much. There's a bunch of skill trees but most of those upgrades are superfluous, and the ones you'll unlock and use the most you can get within the first 10 hours or so. The RPG elements come into play mostly with the resources you can collect, and how they're used to craft new costumes or obtain a few upgrades for stuff like your estus flask equivalent. There's also some open areas you can explore to complete quests that you pick up while in the game's main HUB area.


    Oddly enough, one part of the gameplay loop I enjoy more than I thought I would is collecting the outfits and trying them on, partly because of how ridiculous they are:ben: I usually don't care for these kind of cosmetics but I feel like playing 'dress up' with the character here actually fits the game.

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