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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. Yeah but don't expect it to be like the typical open world RPG. Its actually quite vague in many ways, not just the mechanics but the questing as well. You have to put in the work to find and complete quests as it doesn't just mark everything on your map or give you the guidance many other modern games do.
  2. I’m not sure why it being twice as big is a marketing point to brag about. If anything that makes it less appealing to me. Seriously, who actually played the original game and thought to themselves ‘gee I wish this was twice as large’? Probably not many people because it was already big and long as fuck. I feel like devs nowadays don’t know how to properly expand their sequels so they just make them obnoxiously long to compensate for the lack of new ideas and then call it a day. This ‘bigger = better’ mentality really needs to go.
  3. the early access build has some ridiculous requirements (you need a 3070ti just for 1080p) but the game’s visuals are damn sharp and unique
  4. I don't think i've ever seen such a dumb politician in my life. Even Fox News won't mince words when it comes to her https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop And this is what she just proposed in one of the new aid bills (I think the Israel funding one): Nearly every day I see something new about this woman that makes me want to facepalm. Its baffling that she has so much power and influence within the republican party.
  5. uhh no. That covers a lot of equipment and it all needs to be dolled out by the end of the year, and we're already a third of the way through it. And im pretty sure only the economic aid is going to be a loan, up to half of which can be forgiven Mike Johnson finally stepping up to the plate. Unfortunately for you Russians that means dear leader Putin is going to be intensifying his meat assaults to grab as much land before the weapons start arriving
  6. David Pee: complains about how bad the economy is in the west because of Ukraine but buys loads of games for systems he doesn't even own
  7. Any one play it when it originally came out? I heard its actually pretty good.
  8. they're pointless. They don't feed into a overall score and therefore there's no purpose to collecting them. Trophies and Xbox achievements have always been way more satisfying to strive for.
  9. Unrelated but I've been playing Statis: Bone Totem and I think its a game you would like. Horror themed with old school point and click adventure game mechanics and puzzles.
  10. Thats actually pretty neat. Steam achievements are lame but being able to collect trophies makes the PC versions of Sony games more appealing for those who missed the original releases.
  11. Lol at Aza's propaganda overload Been a while since I donated so I went ahead and dropped some cash. Feels good to make a difference
  12. The FO4 next gen update drops on the 25th so I think that one would be a good one to start with New Vegas is a bit dated but it’s also held in high regard by a lot of people. I thought it was a solid game but I wasn’t blown away by it.
  13. Steamworld heist 2 looks cool. As does that game with the kid that floats around the 3d world.
  14. Admittedly I didn't give it much of a chance as I didn't even finish the first episode. But nothing about it compelled me to do so If I were to rank the video game based shows i've seen (live action only) 1. Fallout 2. TLOU 3. Twisted Metal 4. The Witcher (the last season sucked) 5. Halo
  15. Why should peace and stability come at the cost of Ukraine's sovereignty and freedom? Why can't we have peace and stability by the aggressor, Russia, simply withdrawing their troops and respecting international law and recognized borders? The fact that you have such unreasonable hate for Ukraine and also have never bothered asking either of those questions makes it clear that you favor Russia which effectively makes you Pro-Russia. You don't have to try to hide that anymore dude.
  16. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - All You Need to Know | PS5 & PS4 Games - YouTube Looks solid but I need a break from all these Japanese RPGs that have been coming out.
  17. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/fallout-76-hits-an-all-time-player-count-record-on-steam-following-the-fallout-tv-series-on-amazon-and-the-other-games-are-spiking-too/ Every Fallout game is sky rocketing in popularity. The TLOU games also saw spikes when the show came out. Meanwhile I just checked the numbers and there was no relevant spike in Infinite's steam popularity when both seasons of the show came out. Do people really care this little about Halo nowadays. How does this IP hold such little power?
  18. oh please, you don’t give a shit for Ukranians’ lives. You literally said yourself ‘who cares about Ukraine’ you’d rather bury your hand in the sand and look the other way as Ukrainians are killed and oppressed while you clutch onto the ridiculous notion that the economy in the west is being crippled because other countries decide to give a few measly percentage points of their defense funds to helping a small nation defends its freedom and sovereignty against one of history’s biggest and most dangerous aggressors
  19. https://www.ign.com/articles/stellar-blade-x-nier-automata-taro-yoko-hyung-tae-kim thats high praise
  20. Says the guy still waiting for a Bloodborne PC port 9538 years after the original came out
  21. no interest in testing this out. Just gonna wait for the full release.
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