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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 4 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Yeah he's taking a couple points more away from Trump than Biden yet the Republicans aren't trying to sue RFK off every ballot in every state. The saviors of democracy really do hate democracy. 


    I think trump is screwed. The current trial is only going to make things worse, but when you see results like this you can't help but think about just how many republicans are fleeing the trump ship



  2. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    Finished it. Fucking awesome. I totally had 0 interest in this. I’m so glad word-of-mouth was strong enough to earn my interest. Well, that and the fact Walter Goggins was in it. He stole every scene, but the whole cast owned. 

    glad you enjoyed it. And yeah Walton Goggins is pretty much THE main lead as far as Im concerned. He makes the show.

    • aitch 1
  3. ^Imagine getting that upset over a bit of a aid to a country defending itself against a genocidal neighbor who has already voiced their intentions to continue the war and has no interest in peace.


    Im convinced Cooke's ex must have cheated on him with a Ukrainian or something.

  4. Just now, madmaltese said:

    I'd say give it another go man, especially if you gave it up very early. So many new gameplay elements get added like practically every game day that the game a few hours in isn't even close to what it is early on.

    But it is still in essence the dive and shop loop, so that part does has to be fun for you to like it. 


    I think I didn't enjoy the actual diving gameplay especially since its all randomly generated. I like management games where the content is handcrafted, like Spiritfarer and Dragon Quest Builders 2

  5. 59 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    311 to 112


    Speakers hold way too much power being able to table shit like this for half a year.


    Shoutout to the Republicans that voted down the border bill, though. Dems were giving them everything they wanted in exchange for this foreign aid, but daddy Trump said no and now you don't get shit. How people can actually cast votes for that party without dying of embarrassment is beyond me.


    Yeah republicans are truly a lost cause. I didn't vote in the last election but ill have to vote for Biden this year because I just can't support what they've become


    You know something is wrong when even a right leaning newspaper calls them out like this:



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