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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 3 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    i never got into the fallout games, since 3 looked like arse on the consoles. if i were to get into one, which one should i pick?

    The FO4 next gen update drops on the 25th so I think that one would be a good one to start with

    New Vegas is a bit dated but it’s also held in high regard by a lot of people. I thought it was a solid game but I wasn’t blown away by it.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 2 hours ago, David P said:

    I don't give a shit about shithole Ukraine. It's not the point. The point is having peace and stability.


    People who think the only ramification is with defense budgets are surely playing dumb.


    Why should peace and stability come at the cost of Ukraine's sovereignty and freedom? Why can't we have peace and stability by the aggressor, Russia, simply withdrawing their troops and respecting international law and recognized borders?


    The fact that you have such unreasonable hate for Ukraine and also have never bothered asking either of those questions makes it clear that you favor Russia which effectively makes you Pro-Russia. You don't have to try to hide that anymore dude. 



  3. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/fallout-76-hits-an-all-time-player-count-record-on-steam-following-the-fallout-tv-series-on-amazon-and-the-other-games-are-spiking-too/


    Every Fallout game is sky rocketing in popularity. The TLOU games also saw spikes when the show came out.


    Meanwhile I just checked the numbers and there was no relevant spike in Infinite's steam popularity when both seasons of the show came out.


    Do people really care this little about Halo nowadays. How does this IP hold such little power?

  4. 23 hours ago, David P said:

    Territories concessions vs their lives. It's not very complicated. 


    Once again downplaying the cost of this conflict and people suffering at home.  

    oh please, you don’t give a shit for Ukranians’ lives. You literally said yourself ‘who cares about Ukraine’ 


    you’d rather bury your hand in the sand and look the other way as Ukrainians are killed and oppressed while you clutch onto the ridiculous notion that the economy in the west is being crippled because other countries decide to give a few measly percentage points of their defense funds to helping a small nation defends its freedom and sovereignty against one of history’s biggest and most dangerous aggressors :roll: 

  5. 9 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    I don't give a shit about handhelds, stopped gaming on them a long time ago but if I was still gaming on them battery life would be extremely important for me and I imagine it's still important for most people. Windows is an achilles heel for these handhelds and I don't think any handheld using windows will be able to compete effectively with Steam or Nintendo. They need to either create a totally specialized Windows OS for handheld gaming devices or just say fuck it and use Linux. Knowing MS they won't do either of these ideas so they are fucked if they go against Nintendo or Steam in this marketplace.


    So you've never actually tried a windows PC handheld before, and are just hating on them because of what you heard steam fanboys say on the internet. Gotcha :Jeff:

  6. 4 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    How is your battery life tho' :mjgrin:?


    No shit...the system is more powerful. Obviously the battery life is going to take a hit.


    But they've done enough optimization work since launch that you can run at lower TDPs and steam deck settings and get relatively similar battery life (although there's still more work to be done here).

  7. 7 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    A computer and a handheld have completely different requirements. Handhelds need to be optimized for quick use and low battery usage. Something that WIndows is terrible at with all its bloatware, forced updates, and terrible battery optimization. Linux is way better handheld OS than Windows is and it's not even close. It has nothing to do with hating Windows or any of that shit. Windows is good as a general purpose PC OS but it's terrible as a handheld OS. It's why every handheld released so far that uses it ends up being garbage and inferior to the Steam Deck.


    This is nonsense. Its actually quicker to boot into a game from a powered off state on the Ally than it is on the Deck - I posted proof of this in the past. Once you have games installed it takes 0 effort to launch or manage them. You guys need to think for yourselves instead of just following everything rabid steam fanboys say.

  8. 9 hours ago, David P said:

    Just making the point that people in a democracy have different opinions. Polls are just polls. 


    A lot of people also think we should fix our own problems before trying to save the rest of the world. It would be a lot easier to support this if everything at home was going swell. It isn't, not for Americans, not for Canadians, not for Europeans. You have to understand the reality of some people.


    Can you imagine struggling to pay rent and food then seeing that they want to sent another 60 billion in some far off country, a country that isn't officially an ally and doesn't even share history with? 


    And personally my biggest problem is that they just can't win, all they can do is fend off Russia until a treaty of some kind. This war either end with the complete destruction of the current Ukrainian regime after years of grueling warfare that will decimate the male population or a treaty that concedes defeat but preserves them. This is how I see it. I might be wrong but that does not make me a pro Russian tool or whatever. You need to stop with that shit.

    Dude, you literally said the west should just give Ukraine to Russia. You would condemn an entire generation of Ukrainians to summary executions, torture, rape, deportation, re-education camps, and god knows what else all to save a few bucks. Sorry but that’s a shitty opinion to have.

  9. 9 minutes ago, David P said:

    Coming from the eternal virgin who plays every video game releases in a year and still lives with his mother. Lmao.


    If Americans  were to vote on supporting Ukraine there's a chance the majority would vote no. So much for your democratic process. This is what living in a democracy means, people have different opinions and are free to express themselves without fear of being deported for wrong think. 


    You are just an neocon of the worst kind. You're with Ukraine or you're against democracy. Perfectly spoken like someone who does not actually believe in democracy. 


    CNN — 

    Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

    Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more.


    Thats outdated. U.S. support hit a low last year but the numbers have been trending upward especially as additional funding has been held up in congress.



    Uptick in Percentage of Americans Who Think U.S. Is Not Helping Ukraine Enough

    This is the first time that less than 30% of Americans say the U.S. is doing the right amount to support Ukraine, which was the most common view as recently as June, when 43% held this opinion. Last fall saw a surge in the percentage saying the U.S. was doing too much, though that view has subsided since then.



    Majority Still Favors Supporting Ukraine in Reclaiming Territory

    Fifty-five percent of Americans think the U.S. should continue to support Ukraine in reclaiming its territory, even if that requires prolonged involvement, rather than ending the conflict as quickly as possible, even if that means ceding territory to Russia (43%).



    The only reason the numbers aren't higher is because of MAGA clowns like MTG and Tucker Carlson who are practically on the Kremlin's payroll but still manage to have influence over millions of ignorant republicans.

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