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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. Has anybody besides me actually played any Rise of The Ronin? Its a flawed game no doubt, and ill probably post some updated impressions soon in the WAYP thread soon. But it does  a lot of cool things that I think deserve some appreciation.

  2. 23 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    There was peace deal in March 2022 that was signed that Ukraine becomes neutral and it gets Donbas back as a federation. NATO said go to war.


    Now Twinblade is whining that he won't like the results of the war, ie the complete dissolution of Ukraine



    Yeah im sure after reaching the outskirts of Kyiv, with the goal of 'denazifying and demilitarizing' all of Ukraine Russia was just going to politely retreat and hand the parts of Donbas occupied for 9 years back to Ukraine.


    Just how much of a clown are you? 🤡

  3. 28 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Says the guy who got 15min from the end of FF7 Rebirth and dropped it cause it pissed him off :rofl:


    lmfao cows are lying to themselves so fucking hard :hest:   


    It was 15 minutes but I'd have to replay 1.5-2 hours worth of boss fights to get back to that point. 


    I might go back one day, but right now i'd rather play Rise of The Ronin and Stellar Blade afterwards.

  4. 10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I should have said 3 since Twisted Metal was good but Peacock is the steaming network good shows go to be forgotten. 


    Twisted Metal was a surprised to. Im glad they're making a 2nd season.

  5. Quote

    Debut game: Venba
    Audio achievement: Alan Wake 2
    Multiplayer: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
    Evolving game: Cyberpunk 2077
    Game design: Dave the Diver
    British game: Viewfinder
    Artistic achievement: Alan Wake 2
    New intellectual property: Viewfinder
    Narrative: Baldur's Gate 3
    Performer in a supporting role: Andrew Wincott, Raphael in Baldur's Gate 3
    Family: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
    EE Players' Choice: Baldur's Gate 3
    Animation: Hi-Fi Rush
    Music: Baldur's Gate 3
    Game Beyond Entertainment: Tchia
    Technical achievement: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
    Performer in a leading role: Nadji Jeter, Miles Morales in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
    Best game: Baldur's Gate 3


  6. 2 hours ago, David P said:

    This is just unfounded NATO fear mongering. 


    There are far more chances of escalations now that we're in the conflict than if we stayed away. Your view of the war is completely backward. The longer you keep supporting this war, the more Ukrainians will die and the least of their country and people will remain. The more it goes on the greater the east and west schism.


    Ukraine is going to loser either way so you are just slowing down the inevitable. 


    You're completely delusional. US already overspend in the military anyway, so who cares, am I right? 


    Meager costs. Lmfao. We have never supported a country this much for a war since WW2, and I say we because that goes for the entire collective west. On top of an already terrible economy. 


    We're spending billions to hurt Russia, enrich the military industrial complex and money laundering from corrupt officials, it's all this is.


    Its clear you're a lost cause who's neck deep in Russia propaganda. And nobody is hurting Russia, they hurt themselves when they decided to invade another country and start the bloodiest war in Europe in WW2. But hey I guess that doesn't count for anything and there's nothing to be alarmed about or concerned in regards to the possibility of Russia wanting to expand further and wage war forever because they're clearly a peaceful nation who is just going after nazis and trying to stop evil NATO am I right :roll:


    And nobody is directly supporting war. Everyone with a moral compass is supporting Ukraine's right to DEFEND itself, which is a core part of the UN charter. Russia can end the war in an instant by fucking off and withdrawing their troops.

  7. 21 minutes ago, David P said:

    Yeah call me up when the Kremlin declare war on the UK. :|:D 


    I'm just not drinking the west propaganda Kool Aid like you do.


    I mean you though Ukraine actually stood a chance to recapture lost territories including Crimea. Probably still do. :D


    Ukraine should have conceded territories and sign a ceasefire/peace talk back when I said they should. Prolonging this conflict only meant three things: Greater schism between east and west, Ukraine losing even more of it's territories and lives, collective west burning even more tax payers money on a pointless conflict.


    Russia does not want peace dude. I don't understand why I have to keep on repeating this. Even if there is a ceasefire that freezes the current line of control it will be temporary at best. Russia will rebuild its army and attack again until they take over all of Ukraine. The costs in money and lives will only get greater in the long run, and Russia will become emboldened enough that they'll absolutely risk attacking a NATO country next. Don't even get me started on what this would all mean for Taiwan and the situation in the south china sea....


    Wake up and smell the coffee. This is a dark point in history where western resolve is being tested and walking away from Ukraine will only make the world a much more dangerous place to live in.

  8. 21 minutes ago, David P said:

    How do you think we ship weapons over there, on free rides from flying unicorns? 


    Every one of you here who are cheerleading on the Ukrainian war are always downplaying all the collective western insane spendings. Thinking this had no economic ramification. Completely delusionals. 


    Where is this insane spending? Thats all you talk about but you can't actually back that up. The funds from the U.S. in particular were just 3% of the annual defense budget....in the grand scheme of things thats nothing. There are plenty of other things that are hurting taxpayers, but the meager costs for supporting Ukraine are hardly among them.

  9. 13 minutes ago, David P said:

    That was for the other point that Russian didn't take the international warnings seriously. You're confusing two different arguments, which I didn't delve into or argue. Doesn't make the it's Ukraine, oh wait it's ISIS end of the post any more right.


    Some crazy patriotic Russian TV personality is not the official words of the Kremlin. Lmao. Period. 


    The extremism displayed on Russian TV is absolutely a reflection of the Kremlin and Russian government. In fact a lot of that rhetoric comes from lawmakers and duma members directly affiliated with their government....




    No normal daytime TV program ANYWHERE ELSE is like this. Russians are fucked in the head and the type of westerner like yourself who constantly simps for them is just baffling to me.

  10. 3 minutes ago, David P said:


    Western tax payers money well spent. 


    How exactly did western tax payer money go towards 1950s era howitzers? Why exactly do you hate Ukraine so much that you're going to purposely play dumb and act like you don't know better?



    They were likely decommissioned units no longer suitable for use.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    I couldn't stand the KBM controls so I just used a controller. Up to level 10. :happysad:


    Thats interesting, but its been a while so I can't really recall how it felt on a controller. But I definitely had a hard time with the sequel when using one, I think I opted to only use it for the bike segments.

  12. 3 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    ok, i had 0 interest until i found out walton goggins was in it.


    Yeah I remember seeing his ghoul character in the first trailer and was like 'shit is that Walter Goggins?' Then I looked up the casting to confirm it and was sold :smoke:  Dude owns and im not sure why he's not in more big shows/movies.

  13. Lol yandex? Why would anyone use that Russian trash.


    Anyway, google is still my go to. There's too many times where Bing fails to give me the search results I look for. Google just works better for my purposes.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Fuck Ghostrunner. :ben:

    embrace the trial and error and learning curve. It’s really satisfying when you know what you’re doing and everything just flows together.

    also I hope you’re using KBM. This is one of the few games where it’s significantly worse to control on a controller.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Anything you don't like is propaganda. Of course with a 1:5 artillery disadvantage, ammunition shortages, far less drones eating 100-200 fab glide bombs a day the elves are somehow magically taking less loses. Russia still has a manpower disadvantage but is taking territory, elves suffering no loses makes total sense




    Quality > quantity 


    Russia has more artillery but their artillery crews suck compared to Ukraine’s. They waste far more shells and still struggle to hit targets. Plus their shitty Soviet Union era guns don’t compare to western artillery pieces when it comes to accuracy and range


    Russia has more drones but their pilots suck, especially when it comes to FPVs. Ukranians are far more successful with their FPV strikes. There’s plenty of statistics out there that back this up.


    The glided bombs are the main threat but even those are often inaccurate and miss their targets (which is why one just landed in a fucking Donetsk grocery store :lul: )

    You’re lucky the U.S has yet to get their shit together or else you orcs wouldn’t be moving an inch on the frontlines.

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