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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 19 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    It’s super addictive. Clearly, I’ve skipped a bunch of side shit, because TB is killing it more with the unlockables. We are both end game. 


    Yeah I think i've collected way more quartz than you have :] 

  2. 17 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Yup :D did you do any other bosses? I just beat one. A familiar friend lol 


    Yeah that group of idiots was easy especially since my spectre was aggroing all their attacks


    On a side note im up to 10 pulse cell charges :smoke: 

    • aitch 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    @Twinblade hahaha now I know what you mean. 

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    I couldn’t even teleport to get throwables lol 

    Just beat it. Took me about 5 tries. 

    once i learned that you can just strafe around it to avoid all of the attacks it became a piece of cake :lul:

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    It has an improved SMT4 shader and lightning system. Those tank Switch to 15fps in SMT5. To say this is a PS3 game is insane, it's probably too much of a hassle to even port to the OG Switch due to requirements.

    you should fire up some ps3 games to remind yourself what they actually looked like 


    BF3’s lighting system even on consoles is a gen in front of this game.

  5. 6 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    @Twinblade were you taking about the robber? What a cunt lol. I got her, though. 

    Yeah but there’s another one after that gave me a hard time until I found out that there’s a way to cheese that fight pretty easily.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Nice man!  I have that shield. I’ll equip it.  I may reallocate my arm skills to that. Btw, I get 2200 damage with just one fable charge, 6600 with 3 :smoke: I’m going to redo my tree so I can get a 4th. I’m going to grind a bit more by going through older areas, searching for shit I missed ( have only  found  6 quartz). I don’t just want to beat that boss, I want to nuke him lol. 


    Make sure you kill the those big fuckers with the wrecking ball arms in the swamp. Each of them gives you a quartz.

    • aitch 1
  7. Fuck....the mini bosses in chapter 9 are brutal. You pretty much have to play the game like Sekiro to stand a chance. The one im on now feels harder than some of the regular boss fights, especially since you can't summon a spectre.

  8. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    I respek’d and I’m getting some massive damage. Almost got him too on my first shot this morning!  Motility + technique build > all. I just need more health now lol. He killed me with a combo lol. I’ll grind out 5 levels to put towards vitality (only have 15 lol). I got 30 on both mot/tech. 800+ base damage :smoke: 


    The shield legion arm made all the difference for me. I would just pull it out and whenever he charged I would eat a small amount of damage but would remain on my feet and not get stun locked.


    And don't forget about Vigor (Stamina) that is also a pretty vital stat. I try to keep both Vitality and Vigor on par with each other (I have 21 in both atm).

    • aitch 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    I’m going to read up on potential things I most likely missed, and then decide if I want to go back to a beefier build. I’m watching a lot of vids where peeps are getting 1,500 + regular hits, and like 4,500 + with weapon arts. I’m getting a fraction of that.  I think I’m using the skill tree properly, but I don’t know. 


    They probably just grinded a lot and/or dumped 90+% of their points into one of the damage scaling stats. I've seen plenty of videos in the past of Souls game players doing the same thing.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    I have the flamethrower, which is pretty godly against this boss. My sword sucks (I can’t get any half moonstones to bring it to +8 (stuck at +6) That’s what’s fucking me up, I greatly enjoy the advanced build, but I may respec tomorrow. I was getting 800+ damage with my screwdriver + dance sword handle combo when I was balanced. But it’s too short against bosses. I kind of messed up with the swords. I thought there would be way more halfmoons by now (only found 4). 


    Ill have to try the fire one again. I remember it being really weak and not great against normal enemies.


    My Seven Coil greatsword is still not that strong but I Just equipped the ring that gives you +4 to motivity so Im hoping that will help a bit. Thats the one downside with the weapons you get with boss ergos, you can't upgrade them that many times and they also require a different set of materials that are extremely difficult to come by.

  11. 9 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Yup. It’s getting annoying. 


    What Legion Arm are you rocking btw? I just maxed out the gun one. Since there's no magic or ranged weapons I think having a ranged option even if limited can be handy. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    I had him down to his last chunk. I think I figured out a way. 


    The worst part is having to do that first phase over and over again. I still fucking hate this type of design more than anything else :| 

  13. 6 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Maybe you’ll think differently. I know some peeps hate him as much as me, though. Some say it’s tougher than the final boss lol. 


    well after a few attempts my spectre and I managed to get him down to half health before we got destroyed. There must be some easier way to dodge or block that charge attack, because if you get caught in it you're almost certainly guaranteed to die.

  14. 8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    the first half is fine. His charge attack, in the second, will stun lock you. 


    I wish the difficulty in this game was more consistent. The chap 6 boss was tough, 7 was a cakewalk, and now 8 sounds unreasonably difficult and unfair.

  15. 8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    The boss in chapter 8 SUCKS lol. I even did a respec for this mofo. Makes Orphan of Kos feel easy. I’m level 72, so maybe I need to grind a bit. The scaling is bizarre in this game. A “strength” build basically sucks. Balance, dexterity and advanced (a more elaborate bloodtinge) seem to be the way to go. 


    ugh. Im right before that boss.

  16. 1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

    I will play this at some point for sure after i finish some other games. I did like the demo and found it challenging but not too bad. I beat the demo fairly easily for me at least. Does it get a lot harder? 


    There have been about 3 bosses that have given me a hard time, other than that the game hasn't been too difficult.

  17. I think it’s time GD and I stop spamming the WAYP thread :ben: 

    Been playing most of this weekend. Currently level 69 after 23 hours. I still have a ways to go, so it’s definitely a meaty game.

  18. 2 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    Boss in 7 only has one health bar, but he hits hard af. 

    as for the 

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    The puppet, pack a health for your spectre. Use your weaker throwables like your fire and electric  canisters in phase 1. It will speed it up. In phase 2, heal your spectre, and then nuke the boss with thermite, throwing cells and Grenades. I keep all of my weaker stuff in bag 2.  



    That actually worked :ben: I avoided using the throwables in the first phase because I thought they would be more useful during the 2nd phase. Im also constantly worried about wasting them unless I know im in a good position during the battle, because I don't want to have to grind to buy more If I die.


    Also im using the wishstone that decreases the damage your specter receives. Is the one that heals them more effective? 

    Edit: this game seems really long btw. It looks like I have at least 4 areas left.

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