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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 13 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    @Twinblade the boss in chapter 7 gave me a good challenge :aitch:


    Im really not enthusiastic about that. If this game just had a average difficulty level I would be enjoying it more. I especially can't stand



    these 2 phase boss fights. Probably my least favorite thing in gaming in general. Im at the King of Puppets boss fight and having to beat his first phase every single time before getting to the 2nd form just feels like an annoying waste of time.


  2. 24 minutes ago, -GD-X said:
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    Spam him with thermite, throwing cells,  cluster grenades and carcass fluids. You’ll nuke him lol Don’t worry about the asshats. You kill him and the fight ends 






    My mistake was focusing on his goons. Me and the specter only attacked the dude and I was able to get him down to 1/3rd of his health before the specter died. I started panicking cause now I had 4 motherfuckers coming at me but I managed to run around and dodge them while spamming the big guy with thermite. Took out that remaining 1/3rd HP bar in like 10 seconds :mickey:


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  3. 2 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    I thought it was the upcoming Infinite Wealth. 

    No, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man who Erased his Name is the Kiryu focused spin off that has the classic real time combat. That comes out in November, and then Infinite Wealth (the next proper main series entry) drops in January. However nothing has been said about Infinite Wealth being a day 1 GP release.

  4. 12 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Do I have to play the first?


    This is a spin off that ties into the new game but has nothing to do with the 1st Like a Dragon.


    I think you can probably get away with playing this game first, and then going straight to Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. Thats probably why they're releasing them in this format (this one in November, then Infinite Wealth in January). That'll probably give you enough of a background on the characters and themes.


    Plus they're different combat systems. If you played the first Like a Dragon and then jumped straight into the new one, you'd have to deal with 100+ hours of the same turn based combat which would probably get tiring.





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  5. 3 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    ha, just refresh the area at the stagazer. it's a glitch you'll encounter, every now and then.


    yeah he's back


    Im deep in the 4th area. The change in setting is very cool. The game also continues to introduce interesting new systems that add more variety to the gameplay. Other Souls-likes like Steelrising for example now feel so barebones in comparison.

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