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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    Is there a lot of it or something?


    Trine has always thrown in some combat portions but they are usually pretty measured about it. The game's are pretty self aware that the combat isn't the greatest so they use combat sparingly and focus more on the puzzle side. Well, at least the ones I've played did. Haven't touched 4 or 5.



    Anyways, trying to play through Final Fantasy mode just to finish the Platinum but holy fuck... I'm skipping all cutscenes and this game is still such a damn chore to play through. I'm trying to force myself because I know if I stop I will never touch this game again. 

    The game just drags on and on but doesn’t introduce enough new ideas or mechanics to justify the greater length compared to the previous games. It just ends up feeling tedious.

  2. 3 hours ago, Remij said:

    Facts.  Deck has a real tangible advantage over these Windows based handhelds currently.  Shader caches for all games, and a much more streamlined interface and ease of use.



    lol there are still loads of games you literally cannot play on the deck’s ghetto steam OS.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sabo said:


    Hard to tell with all the retcons going on. This game is ending at The Forgotten City, they've already confirmed that. Thing is though, there are two points where the party goes to The Forgotten City.


    First time is the end of Disc 1 where Aerith dies and the second time is when you return here to give Bugenhagen the Key of the Ancients which is near the end of Disc 2.


    Considering the footage they've shown... it's a mess of events compared to the original that don't make sense.


    -They showed WEAPONs being active but that doesn't happen until AFTER Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia which is the middle of Disc 2.


    Why they hell would they be active BEFORE this event? It makes no sense because WEAPONs are literally a defense mechanism of the planet and they only go active BECAUSE Sephiroth has the Black Materia and has casted Meteor.


    -They've shown the party being evacuated from a fucked up Midgar but the party returns to Midgar at the end of Disc 2. They only go to Midgar to prevent Diamond WEAPON from destroying it and to prevent Hojo from feeding the Northern Crater more mako energy.


    -Then they show another battle with Sephiroth with Meteor clearly visible in the sky so Sephiroth has apparently used the Black Materia... which doesn't happen until the middle of Disc 2. Special note, Aerith is also present in that battle so...


    Guess we can rule out the first visit to The Forgotten City since you know, Aerith is suppose to die on the first visit OR these morons just inadvertently spoiled that Aerith is going live.

    The producer said in an interview that there will be a scene that people have been ‘dying to see’. I think it’s safe to say that it’s Aerith dying so I expect that to be covered in this part.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sabo said:

    I did everything. Didn't they claim this game would be 80 hours to 100%?


    So that was a lie. My playtime was barely over 50 hours.


    Hard to enjoy the side quests when the game literally dumps them on you in large chunks instead of spacing them out. Writing can't save stale quest design especially when there is an abundance of these stale quests.


    Things I liked? Hmm... I liked Cid and Beneditka but- and that's a HUGE but- it's hard for these two to carry the game because Lord knows Bootleg Belmont and Lamer Tifa ain't doing it. It's bad when random NPCs are more interesting than your lead characters.



    I think they were both easily the strongest characters but just didn’t get nearly enough screen time. I think that definitely hurt the game.


  5. 33 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    LOL, well... that was certainly one of the most flaccid endings I've seen in a game. Somehow fitting for the game though because thats what the whole game is- flaccid.


    One thing this game has made clear for me is that CBU 3 is overrated as fuck and I will be skeptical on anything they do in the future. This isn't the worst FF game and sure, I guess it's technically better than previous entries. But it's the only FF game that's left me feeling a whole lot of... nothing.


    I have never been this unimpressed with a game before. A good game will make me feel something, a bad game will make me feel something, but this game? Just... nothing. 

    I think the game still has plenty of good aspects tbh. But you’re right ultimately I did feel empty after finishing it. It just fails to leave much of an impression especially with the way the story finishes. 

    did you do any of the late game side quests? Some of them are actually pretty good as they develop the cast of characters in neat ways.

  6. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    Finished Sea of Stars. That was like a 60 hour game crammed into like 27 :D Fucking wild last few hours. Trippy AF! 

    The combat never got  old. There were tons of boss fights. Backtracking was kept to a minimum (5 minutes?). The characters were charming. The story was all over the place, which I think was intentional, since the game pokes fun at the JRPG tropes. It doesn’t re-invent the formula, but that’s fine. 

    This has been a refreshing experience. 

    damn I didn’t expect you to be into that kind of game. Nice :wow2:

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