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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    Twinky said the game would best on Switch because the PC would get a ghetto port.


    But it's good that you admit the Ditch version wont be better.. and that the PC version will do 3D better, and smoother 


    The game's crowdfunding campaign just ended. They only asked for the equivalent of $13.5K. Clearly its an extremely low budget game, if you think its somehow going to have lavish 3D visuals that will look noticeably better on PC....then you're being foolish.

  2. 3 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    What quests? The description on what you have to do or have done in quests was pretty simple to understand imo. 



    In the Underdark I always assumed I could fix the magic lantern and find the shar temple before moving on. Hell, when you find the broken bridge to the temple the game literally tells you need to find another path to it. So I look around for a bit and then after looking up a guide I realized there is no way to get to the temple yet until you progress the main story. I also found out you can't repair the lantern until you leave as well. So those 2 quests were pretty misleading and can result in wasted time because you assume you can complete them while in the underdark.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Oh fuck off Twinky.. what games are those? :drake:


    There's not one single game that performs better on Switch than PC you dope.. :hest: 


    PC will EMULATE this game better than the fucking Ditch runs it natively.. TFOH :RISITAS:


    Nier Automata

    P5 Strikers

    Monster Hunter World

    RE Village


    These are just bigger budget ones. There's plenty of indie VN games that have been underwhelming ports.

    • NPC 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    The Switch is the headliner? LMFAO who cares. The game will be drastically better on PC. 


    How so? Please explain your logic. This is likely going to be a 2D game with loads of text, how exactly would PC improve that in any way? And there have been plenty of instances of PC ports of japanese games actually being filled with problems, so there's clearly a greater chance that it'll be worse on PC than better.

  5. I think I finally reached act 2 and also got to lvl 6 at the same time.


    I was a bit annoyed because I spent some time wandering around the area before this one because I thought I had to complete some quests before moving on, however even though the game implies that you can find the solutions right where you are, you actually need to progress through the main story first. I had to look up a guide a few times because the game is already long enough without you wandering around aimlessly while thinking you can progress in quests that you actually can't.

  6. HLByRA2.jpg



    Germany, 1981.
    Noah is an 18-year-old who remembers being abandoned by his mother when he was a child,
    He lives with his eccentric father Leonardo, an unsuccessful writer who is devoted to Hitler research.
    Noah wishes he could stop his strange research, but Leonardo will never stop his research, no matter how much money he has to spend.


    One day, an invitation arrives for an auction where "items related to Hitler" are to be sold,
    Leonardo overcomes Noah's objections and heads for the old castle where the auction is to be held, with the promise that he will tell him everything when he returns.


    Noah goes to the castle to pick up his father, who has not returned by the scheduled date and cannot be reached.
    There, Noah witnesses a shocking sight.


    Noah soon discovers that he and the other participants are trapped in the old castle,
    He is invited by the auctioneer to participate in this strange auction.


    This sounds awesome :whew:

  7. ^Larian really set the bar high for characters in RPGs


    There's so many of them, but you can start conversations with basically everyone and they all have highly quality, hand crafted looking models. Many of Starfield's however are clearly randomly generated and Bethesda gave no shits about actually trying to polish them up. Just another example of how they chose quantity over quality.




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