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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 5 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    i'm sure many bethesda fans will love it, while others (less biased) may side with ign/gs. after watching the DF breakdown, i can't say i'm terribly interested in it anymore. the world looks sterile and dull. it doesn't have the sci-fi charm of mass effect. but that's a personal preference.

    i remember people here jumping me because I thought it was a red flag that they were showing so much stuff when it comes to the gameplay and features but nothing when it came to the actual story, characters, quests, universe, lore, etc. It’s obvious that it’s underwhelming in all those areas.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I think they need more high quality western made armored vehicles. They're cheap, easier to support when it comes to training and logistics, and far more survivable than the garbage BMPs and BTRs that Ukraine is currently using.


    I don't know why the U.S. doesn't just drop like 500 Bradleys on Ukraine at once and call it a day. Those would have a big impact.

    • Upvote 1
  3. wooow looks like Ukraine is finally firing missiles at Russian territory



    Doubt its storm shadow, likely was instead the Ukranian developed Neptune missiles that they recently modified to be able to hit ground targets.


    This is significant because it means they can retaliate if Russia decides to attack civilian infrastructure this winter to make Ukraine cold and dark.

    • aitch 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, -GD-X said:


    i like the concept of a bigger screen, but i still think the SD is the best built of the soon-to-be big 3.


    I think the size of their screens is the achilles heel for both the Deck and Ally. The power of these systems is intended to let you play Triple A games in a portable format but the display size clashes with that. Those games are just too detailed nowadays to be comfortable on a 7 inch display.


    So Lenovo has the right idea but admittedly based on my experience working with their computers and accessories, they're just not a high quality brand. I expect this device to have its own set of issues.

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  5. Anyone gonna grab it? Probably gonna wait until I get back from vacation. The first reviews are solid but apparently it’s 15-20 hours long. I don’t feel like 2D puzzle platformers need to be that long. We have enough long games already.

  6. 10 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    They broke into the defense line since Ukraine retook Robotyne. This is the potentially the biggest push I've seen since the start of the counter offensive. 



    According to reports from this morning they broke through the line in verbove and are on the outskirts of that town. Once this defensive line is breached in a few other areas Russia will have no choice but to retreat and give up the surrounding area.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Ukraine just performed their biggest Drone attack on Russia since the beginning of the war. Videos showing explosions are flooding twitter. Apparently they even managed to strike an airfield nearly 700km behind the frontline taking out multiple strategic bombers.

  8. I think im coming to terms with the fact that Im never going to finish this game :D Im going on vacation next week and when im back everybody will be playing Starfield so im going to jump into that


    it doesn't help that im too much of a completionist. And wtf is up with all these games nowadays that have 100000 containers filled with junk scattered all over the place. I feel compelled to click on everything and collect it all. Its really a waste of time but it feels kind of necessary because you do end up making a decent amount of gold when you sell it all.

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