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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 2 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    I mean, it’s not shady. It’s pretty obvious I think. 

    In addition to the required gamepass sub you’re now paying half the price of a new game to just rent it. That becoming a trend would not be good.

  2. 7 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    LMAO so after that fight somehow Gale lost his pants. Cutscene played and now he has no pants. This game :rofls: The loot drops tho :bow:


    Looking at what i left to do im gonna guess i have at least 20 hours left if not more. I have numerous main missions and a lot of companion and BG missions left. I mean i welcome it but DAMN this game is big. Act 3 for me atleast is more time than act 1+2 together for sure. If i fully did act one i could see this being 120 hours +


    Sorry GD, even if you tried i doubt this could be beaten in 60 hours.


    One thing tho i hit level 12 a bit ago. Not being able to level up anymore does take a way a little bit. Esp when i see those FAT exp points pop up on screen. I think a level 15 cap would have been better.

    So in regards to the companion quests 



    Is it possible to fully complete them even for characters who you don’t have in your party for the majority of the game? Since you don’t have a good relationship with them I imagine the quests won’t trigger. I’ve been rolling with the same party for most of act 1 and I rarely switch any of them out just because I’m comfortable with their abilities and stuff.


  3. 14 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Twinblade, yes. Pretty significantly. Im not sure the end result but i imagine its quite big. Good or bad, im not sure yet.


    hmm thats interesting



    The Dream Visitor in act1 keeps on trying to convince you that you need to consume the parasites or there will be a war that will end the world or some shit. I still don't fully trust her though and feel like its a trap.


  4. Just now, JonDnD said:

    Oh yeah me either. I was so skeptical about this and didnt want to waste 60 bucks but im glad i did. This is honestly one of the only games that held my attention this much. Like i want to know EVERYTHING. Everything is interesting to me. And i love the story and all the side stuff. I love the characters. I love the gameplay. I love the narrator. I LOVE. 


    Out of the 80 hours or so i put in , there were maybe like 5 hours of meh to me. Thats a pretty good balance. This game had the gamepass effect on me. Tried something new, now i want more. I tried the pillars games and tossed them off fast . I do want to try those now since i understand how these games work. Im gonna get DOS2 at some point. And i want to go back to Wasteland 3. I enjoyed the time i spent with that but dropped it for some other game.


    Nerd games :ahmad:


    If you want a turn based game with great gameplay you might also like Jagged Alliance 3. The only downside is that its light on story and quests compared to the other games you mentioned.

  5. 4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    What's with you and cooke with this "we" thing when you're talking about America?  You're not American you delusional fuck :kaz:


    Who told you the Russian GDP increased the Kremlin?  Lol


    Russian oil exports went from 33% of Europe down to 6%.... I know these pesky facts have a way shitting on your narrative :umad:



    Yevgeny saw the writing on the wall, why do you think he attempted the coup?  He couldn't stand to see his mother Russia being depleted for a useless war. 


    "You better kill me, but I won't lie.  I have to be honest, Russia is on the brink of disaster" 





    India is buying Russian oil in large quantities and selling it to Europe. Europe is basically still paying for Russian oil, they're just getting it from another source. Sad but there is little that can be done about that at this point.

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. House said:

    Do I look like a diplomat?


    I agree Russia will never accept to let Ukraine join NATO. That would be their first demand most likely to ensure it never happens. 

    You’re not a diplomat yet somehow you think a lasting peace is easily achievable if Ukraine just gives up and stops fighting even though history has clearly proven otherwise.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    You think I'm going to change my stance for you or something? 

    Can you at least elaborate on what kind of conditions Russia will agree to that will prevent them from invading Ukraine again? 

    or did you suddenly forget about the Budapest Memorandum, in which Russia agreed to give security assurances to Ukraine, just to stab them in the back and break the agreement just like they’ve done many others? 

    The ONLY agreement that could guarantee Ukraine’s security would be them joining NATO, but there is no chance of Russia letting that happen under the current conditions. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    It's usually called diplomacy. Ceasefire agreements, peace deals with conditions. 


    If Ukraine wants to die miserably and have no future, that's their choice indeed but we don't have to enable them to do so. 


    Russia has more men, their GDP just increased, their oil productions are down and they have enough allies to keep selling their oil. Oil price increases also benefits Russia.


    You know who needs that oil the most? NATO nations actively fighting against their biggest energy provider through a proxy. Lmao. 


    Suggesting them to retreat? That's not in the realm of possibility. Just a delusional talking point.


    You haven't answered my question. Do you think Ukraine can win this conflict? Yes or no? This is vital because if you don't actively believe they can, then you're no better than a neo con warmonger. And if you think they can, it means you are delusional. 



    I’ve already said my thoughts on that. Either you have a poor memory or you just block out every talking point that doesn’t conform to your views.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mr. House said:

    Ukrainians dying in the tens of thousands and potentially losing even more territory is a better solution?


    Oh yea, that's right, you don't care as long as American blood is not being spilled. Great success! 


    Tell me, do you really think they stand a chance in defeating Russia in a complete military victory? This is a yes or no answer. 



    So if there was an immediate ceasefire and Russia held onto the land they currently have, what solution would you propose to ensure they couldn’t invade again to cause more war crimes and take more land? 

    People like you and Cooke keep on advocating for ‘peace’ yet you can’t actually come up with a way to end the war that would guarantee a permanent peace. All you’re doing is encouraging a temporary settlement that will reward Russia and encourage them to invade again in the future. 

    The Ukrainians know this which is why they continue to fight as they do not have a choice.

  10. 1 minute ago, JonDnD said:

    I was on to act 2 i believe at 25 hours.


    Sounds like you skipped a bunch of act 1's content then. I saw someone on gaf say they spent 40 hours in act 1. They probably played slowly but I imagine to exhaust most of its content might take 30-35 hours.

  11. 19 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Act 3 could be its own whole game. Ill probably have more time in act 3 than act 1 and 2 combined. Ive been putting fat hours into this everyday but that ends tomo. Ill only be able to do an hour or two a day starting tuesday. My goal was to get this game done before Starfield but that wont be the case idt. Guess ill just hold off on Starfield til my new PC comes. Fuck.


    Long ass Godlurs Gate GOD DAMN.


    Act 3 had a few parts that i also didnt like. But i do appreciate how each act is different. Not burned out yet but i feel it coming.


    Damn thats crazy. I've played the shit out of the game today and I still don't think im close to finishing act 1. I do feel like im eventually going to burn out on it too.

  12. 3 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Who? Name all the devs that said Series S is holding back gaming. If thats the case, so is Ditch and Steamdeck. It sucks less than your shitty handheld PC. Thanks for buying that and partaking in holding back gaming, Dinkie.


    Switch isn't getting current gen games, you do know that right? It would be a different story if this game for example released on Switch. It would require a significant amount of work to get working properly.


    I don't know much about the deck, but im pretty sure devs are just releasing Deck profiles with a unique combination of the graphics settings (low/medium/high) for optimized performance. If so then thats really not much work at all.

  13. 43 minutes ago, Mr. House said:

    I played The Darkness on 360 recently. It's still a really cool game but the gunplay has aged horribly. 


    Yeah even for its time the gunplay received a lot of hate. But I still found it to be fun, especially the dual wielding when used in conjunction with your powrs.


    The storytelling and acting were the highlights especially in the beginning. The game was ahead of the time in those aspects.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Where do you stand on her comments about social security?


    Thats the one thing I hope she will change her mind on. If raising the retirement age is a core part of her campaign then its safe to say she is done for.

    • Upvote 2
  15. 5 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    I went back to 125 too 150 some things seemed too big.


    Yes i set the refresh rate in NCP. It just doesnt seem too big of a deal imo. Like 30 feels like trash. 60 feels good. 100+ felt marginally better.


    I figured fighting games would benefit most but none of the ones i tried worked. The older ones i tried gameplay was tied to fr so it was like fast forward and broken. I tried GG Strive and that seemed to be locked at 60 and i couldnt get it above that.


    ITs whatever, the IQ and colors are way better on this screen than my old one.


    The game might be capped at 60hz. Since its a lower budget japanese game there might not be a simple way to change it.

  16. 14 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    So this seems to be the GOTY. Too many releases next month. 


    The game is great and impressive in many ways. That said I don't think Im quite as over the moon with it as some other people. That could just be because the D&D universe isn't really my preferred type of fantasy, Witcher's type of world for example is more my cup of tea.


    I think TOTK could edge it out for GOTY because its easier to pick up and play and has more universal appeal.



    • Like 2
  17. 12 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    Not all of them.  We had last gen with Xbox and PS, and 2 pro consoles plus switch. We had 5 consoles devs made games for + PC + Steam Deck etc. Weaker ones, more powerful ones. Now we have the same thing, with one less console. I dont think the devs are killing themselves. They getting paid.


    Aveum runs better on S at points than the more powerful consoles. If we should have weak systems we shouldnt have X and ps5 either i guess. Sub sd resolutions look at all the concessions devs have to make to run UE5 on consoles, period.


    Youre over here parading your shitty handheld PC mad about series S. Get over it.


    Lol stop BSing. We've already have numerous cases of devs (you know, people way more qualified than you on the subject) confirm that developing for the Series S sucks and the system is holding back gaming.

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