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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 12 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    Not all of them.  We had last gen with Xbox and PS, and 2 pro consoles plus switch. We had 5 consoles devs made games for + PC + Steam Deck etc. Weaker ones, more powerful ones. Now we have the same thing, with one less console. I dont think the devs are killing themselves. They getting paid.


    Aveum runs better on S at points than the more powerful consoles. If we should have weak systems we shouldnt have X and ps5 either i guess. Sub sd resolutions look at all the concessions devs have to make to run UE5 on consoles, period.


    Youre over here parading your shitty handheld PC mad about series S. Get over it.


    Lol stop BSing. We've already have numerous cases of devs (you know, people way more qualified than you on the subject) confirm that developing for the Series S sucks and the system is holding back gaming.

  2. Im nearly 20 hours in. I feel like im still a ways away from completing the first act. I keep on getting distracted by side quests and other areas off the beaten path that I continue to discover.


    I like how even small features that you don't often think about can alter quests. For example I happened to use the spell that lets you speak to the dead to talk to a random corpse in an area, and it actually gave me some useful information that helped with a quest I was currently on. There seems to be quite a few details like that which can alter how you play the game and make it more dynamic.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Going by that logic any more than one platform is bad for developers. Do you forget Ditch exists? They have to put in work for all platforms. You act like this is the first time where devs had to work with weaker hardware.


    Lol why would you bring up the Switch? That does the opposite of proving your point. There's a reason the vast majority of current gen games have skipped that system.

  4. 74757937-12449203-image-a-1_169308882306


    Trump is unfortunately still in first place by a significant amount, but I do like to see Nikki Haley pick up quite a bit of support. It looks like Chris Christie and Pence are done for so I think she's my pick.


    Maybe Trump will at least consider choosing her for his VP. She could at least be able to steer him in the right direction when it comes to foreign policy. She also shares some of the same views as liberals (like when it comes to abortion) and could bring some to her side.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    The entire Russia collusion thing that went on for years? America went total McCarthy because they didn't want Trump to be president based on a compete lie. And it all started with Hillary's "Steele dossier" lol


    Oh and then sayin hunters actual laptop was "has all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign" signed by 51 former CIA and FBI officials, even though they knew it was legit. What a load of shit. You guys have been obsessed with Russia for years now. 




    Russians openly talk about their love for Trump and even admitted that they had a hand in him getting elected......now they're moving their sights to Vivek who just happens to be more anti-Ukraine than anyone else. Gee what a coincidence.

  6. 6 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Why do you make this stuff up in your head?  

    Its completely realistic. You think devs just flick a switch or turn a slider down and wallah the series s version is created? Of course not. They had to go in and manually remove objects and foliage, reduce the polygon count/LOD of others, reduce texture resolution, etc. Then of course afterwards they also have to do extensive testing and QA. 

    Series S is bad for gaming and game developers.

    • Haha 1
  7. This just highlights just how much of a mistake Series S was. If the devs didn't have to put resources into optimizing the game for 2 different xbox SKUs they could have focused entirely on Series X and the performance gap between it and PS5 could have been even larger.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Substatic said:


    Consistent eye rape. I'll take a millisecond of traversal stutter every 15 minutes in a few games over that shit.


    DF already noted this in their REMAKE review. PC version was better even w/ some minor traversal stutter. Blink and you'll miss it vs fuck my eyes 24/7.


    GTFO :D its much worse than that. I was getting sub 20 frames in many games at 2K for extended periods of time. In fact there were a few times during Hogwarts Legacy that I had to restart the game altogether in order for the framerate to return to normal.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Ok..we can agree there..


    My post was more about the frequency of the bad ports on PC vs the frequency of bad ports on consoles. 


    Obviously with PC if you have a super rig you can brute force through (unless it's actual bugs)... And obviously with PC you can get vastly superior experience than consoles. 


    But that's no excuse for developers to no optimize the PC version. 


    Hermits are suddenly trying to forget the fact that VRAM related issues exist even though they're still a significant problem that isn't expected to get better with time. On consoles you are guaranteed to get a consistent experience even at 30FPS, while on PC you can expect to have major stuttering and framerate drop issues on many video cards.

  10. 1 minute ago, JonDnD said:

    lol i picked the same choice

    Im annoyed by this area though.....I killed the main leader and now i've aggro'd every single goblin both inside the chapel and even outside as well. I need to return to the area at some point to find the Underdark entrance so ill have no choice but to kill everyone.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Well, for sure you can still brute force a much better experience than the consoles..  but yes, absolutely.. a port can be shitty and still be better than the consoles.  Most of the DF issues with PC ports are bugs/lack of polish and shader compilation stuttering... Some games aren't properly adapted to Alex's tastes... not really so much as optimization.  Like they might call a port bad because you can't rebind keys... or preview settings changes in real time lol.. 


    It doesn't seem to catch on no matter how many times DF says it... but they do optimized settings for a reason.  Ultra is very often wasteful.


    And yes, a lot of the titles that had issues get fixed within a couple weeks of launch.. which points again, to QA and management issues.


    This is part of the reason why its hard to take hermits seriously. Ya'll laugh at how current gen consoles supposedly run games at medium settings but you'll gladly follow DF when they recommend turning down a game's settings to medium to improve performance. So at the end of the day you're just running PC games on your l33t rigs at PS5/Series X settings.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Substatic said:


    Ironically, some of the games Alex complains about in the video Goku posted were said to be explicitly better on PC than PS5 by Digital Foundry (his very source) months prior to those videos. Like Spider-Man and MM. That means even poor PC ports are better than console versions, which is something that's been apparent to be for quite a while. Fortunately, most of those games have been long fixed to further the gap. Many of his complaints are UI related.


    This is still something that needs to be worked on, and a clear problem for PC. I'm not excusing it just because my system (4080/7800X3D) can brute force a mid/bad port to be far better than the permanently unfixable slideshow 30-50 fps medium/low PS5 version for most games.




    Enough with the PC gaming propaganda nonsense. PC gaming has lost the vast majority of its advantages compared to consoles in the last few years. It only has an upper hand with framerate in some games, but even thats becoming less relevant especially considering how many PC ports are poorly optimized and run poorly even on high end hardware.

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