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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. Giantbomb was surprisingly lukewarm on the game. Seems that the amount of systems along with the difficulty might not be everyone's cup of tea. The one thing that sounded especially annoying was that you can run out of ammo fairly easily if you're not careful and there's no way to replenish it, you just have to die or reload a checkpoint.

  2. I feel like AI tech like DLSS and FSR are making developers lazy and unwilling to properly optimize their PC ports. It seems like every new game can barely run above 30fps on the latest graphics cards unless you use these upscaling features.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mr. House said:

    The sound designers had a pretty easy job on this game, if they wanted to recreated the sounds of explosions they only had to put a mic outside their windows. 


    Thats fucked up but im not gonna lie I laughed :ben: 

  4. 7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol wtf does this have to do with Hilary? Twinblade has spent the last 6 years praising Trump. This is what I mean by you have canned responses to use regardless if it's relevant or applies to what you're resounding to. 


    Why do you keep making stuff up? I haven't praised Trump in a loooooooooooong time. In fact i've done nothing but bash him recently.

  5. Russia: Forcibly deports hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Ukrainian children and then puts them in camps designed to brainwash them and turn them against their own country in the most obvious example of genocide in this war


    Cooke: bu we should be friends with Russia!11!!1 


    GTFO :D 

  6. 7 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Why does Russia Jr matter so much to you guys? It's like being obsessed with Quebec. What should have happened during the Obama years was building a relationship with Russia, not making them the boogyman. China and Russia as allies is the worst thing that could happen and it is coming fast and hard. Too bad you idiots are so fucking short sighted. 

    Lol you are such a clown. Yeah let’s build a relationship with a murderous empire who’s invasions, occupations, and instability throughout history makes U.S imperialism look like a joke in comparison. I guess if you want endless wars that’s a good approach to take.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Vivek is such a psycho pos, no wonder Twinblade hyped him up. This debate is retarded. I love that Fox gets to be a trash factory because right wingers are demented rats. 


    I stopped liking Vivek a while ago. His sucking up to Trump is completely ridiculous.


    I think Christie, Haley, and Pence have been the strongest in this debate. Tim Scott is disappointingly dull, and DeSantis is also flopping.


    And I don't even know who the other dudes are. They've been practically invisible.

  8. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    Pretty much tried to never use anything unless fully needed. Practically never had combat, always ran away and always was trying to get a specific thing or go to a specific location. Rarely wandered around aimlessly or explored. 

    Honestly thought the bunker setting during war was such a cool horror location that worked really well in terms of level design too. Easily my fav Amnesia game i reckon. 


    It took me around 4.5 hours but I was definitely taking it very slow. Every time I heard the monster or anything that sounded menacing I immediately dropped into a crouch and moved around at a snail's pace :D The sound design in the game was so damn good.

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