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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 1 hour ago, Cooke said:

    Carrying water should be a full time job for you Gouk


    Are you saying the government cannot do more for Maui because FEMA? Hmm who is in charge of FEMA?  Australia? Lol 700 dollars sure will go far. 


    It's also interesting how people bashed Bush for the same response with Katrina, but Biden can go on holidays, say "no comment" when asked about Maui, show up 2 weeks later, make a joke about his 67 Corvette and then fall asleep during a meeting later that day and the media ignores it completely. I love how you put mediocrity on a pedestal because Trump or something. 


    And also I can be concerned about multiple things at once. I'm not I'm imbecile like yourself. You're sending 10s of BILLIONS to Ukraine and they are making no progress. Meanwhile people of Maui get 700 bucks and a pat on the back. Not sure how you have the fucking audicaty to even defend this.  But Gouk is gonna Gouk I guess. 




    Cooke, you're not even American. You're canadian, so why are you so concerned about where Americans' tax payer money is being spent? Or do you really just hate Ukraine so much that you want to see them disarmed?

  2. 25 minutes ago, Cooke said:


    I know you're trying to gloat but Melitopol isn't the end all be all. There are other cities they can aim for that would still sever the land bridge.


    Clearly the minefields were a bigger obstacle than anyone anticipated. Safe to say even NATO forces would have had difficulties making quick progress against them.


    Either way, Ukraine still has the advantage when it comes to attrition and the capabilities to make more progress. There's still a few months left until the weather becomes shit and the offensive will need to culminate.

  3. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    You're the only one who has one here :| 


    Why don't you start posting some pics, impressions, videos... post more thoughts...


    I've posted a bunch of stuff. But I don't really have anything to play on it atm. Baldur's Gate 3 and  Jagged Alliance 3 are my main PC games right now and neither is comfortable to play on a handheld.


    I have a long flight coming up soon and I did end up buying Dave and Diver and Dredd which should be good games to play on the system.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Im 6 hours in. Im not sure how I feel about the combat, I feel like its challenge comes from the fact that there's just soooooo many mechanics and things you have to take into consideration during battle. And the amount of spells available right from the start is just too much.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Some Deck screenshots of BG3.  Game is being downsampled from 900p to 720p.


    Comparison of the text size smallest to largest








    UI scale  Doesn't seem bad to me, but I guess everyone has their opinion.



    Typical view while roaming



    How does that prove anything? 7 inches is much smaller than the size of those screenshots.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Remij said:

    No it isn't.. when you play on the ROG it should detect it as a controller and switch the game to the console UI...  At least that's how it is on my Steam Deck.


    But yes, there's a lot of show stoppers IMO.



    RE4 Remake (Really all the REengine RE games)

    Ratchet and Clank


    Doom Eternal


    Elden Ring


    Ryse (game still looks incredible)

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Days Gone



    And? The console UI doesn't scale properly either. Its similar to D4 which was not a great experience at all on these handhelds. RPGs with lots of text and HUD elements just don't work well on a 7 inch screen.

  7. 8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Have you tried BG3 on it? What has been the most surprising game to look/run well on it?


    Im not gonna bother with BG3 because its the type of game with a lot of small UI/HUD elements that im sure would bother my eyes too much.


    Of what i've tried so far I definitely think Cyberpunk was the best showcase. But I think im gonna give Metro Exodus a try soon because it might actually be even more impressive than Cyberpunk based on the footage i've seen. These visuals at 1080p and over 60FPS in the open world is just insane



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  8. 6 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    This game is on some BS with its bugs. I just did this part that took me like 2 hours cause its hard AF and when i finally won i go to revive dead ass gale but cannot because he is FROZEN in the stairs 🤬


    I had to go pay money to Mr Burns to bring him back.


    This game is HARD AS FUCK at points. The last battle i did was some complete fuckery. 


    I know im  not gonna be able to finish this game but i at least got my moneys worth 😂 Fucking top down Dark Souls

    I think party composition is extra important in this game. I like Astarion but I ended up removing him from my party because my main character is a rogue so having 2 of the same class is probably not ideal in the long run. 

    And I’ve already experience a few small bugs/glitches in the first part. It’s been mostly dialogue scenes just seemingly freezing after selecting an option forcing me to back out of the entire conversation.

  9. I tried using a controller and its too clumsy. I especially disliked not being able to just use alt to highlight stuff you can interact with. The equivalent on console seems to be holding down A to do a search of your surroundings, but I don't like that as much.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Remij said:

    How are you finding it with the controller now that you're further in?  Is inventory management becoming a hassle for you?  I'm just playing with KB/M because it's still better overall IMO.  But I do like being able to control your characters directly with the controller..


    Im not sure why you can't control the characters with WASD. That seems like an oversight.

  11. I created a rouge and have 3 other party members so far. Im in those ruins that you can fall into at the beginning. A lot of the mechanics and spells involving the spellcasters are the most confusing part of the game so far. Its going to take some time to get a proper idea of how that stuff works.

  12. On 2023-08-14 at 4:42 PM, -GD-X said:

    i've been eye-balling this:




    i do a lot of shopping there and i think that laptop should be strong enough for bg3 and some lesser demanding indie games.

    btw, I stumbled on this while on ign. Another good option at a similar price 



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