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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 2 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    i'm tempted to get a pc laptop this week, so i can play this at the office. i finally have a nice break from the heavy work.


    This thing could be up your alley. Its basically a mix between a gaming laptop and a handheld



    • Upvote 1
  2. Quote

    The Good
    Driven by chaos and dread just like its source material
    A deep and rewarding metagame that invites experimentation
    Maps are oppressive and purposely dizzying
    Music that sounds faithful but still newly haunting
    A purpose-built imbalance favoring the killers sees rounds play out like a real horror movie

    The Bad
    Cosmetic unlockables are lacking
    4v3 setup limits some groups in matchmaking


    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Review - Thrill Of The Hunt - GameSpot


    I seriously doubt this is AAA quality

  3. 30 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    The lack of a rewind button makes Humanity pretty demotivating.  Not for the basic puzzles (which are pretty easy), but for getting the gold figures. Some require a lot of thought and planning, and the smallest oversight fucks it all up (like pushing an essential block off the area). If I had a rewind feature, I could just undo the mistake and keep progressing. Instead, I have to redo most of my steps again from the beginning. I don’t think this is for me.  


    Thats unfortunate, but is it still worth playing if you just skip the golds?

  4. 8 hours ago, Remij said:

    It's not completely unnecessary... it's what allows you to have truly seamless LODs... and true geometry which isn't just textures with normal maps..


    You're completely misunderstanding things.  And on top of that.. it allows developers to not have to author different LODs for assets and instead just make the highest resolution asset possible and let the engine crunch it down..


    So when you look at Lords of The Fallen, do you really think its a game thats benefitting from that tech? Because while it looks good, there's little about the visuals that stands out compared to the average current gen game nowadays. At least to me.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Remij said:

    You're mistaken.. lmao.  Those assets are 5-60 million polys each...  That's not texture work... that's geometry.


    But hey, if you're not impressed then you're not impressed.  Just hold your judgement until actual products which are really utilizing the technology have been released.. (and that doesn't mean any UE5 game... UE5 games don't need to use Nanite/Lumen)


    The higher poly count is completely unnecessary though, you're just reaching diminishing returns at that point. You can still have high quality texture work with a much lower poly count and achieve mostly the same effect. You would need to zoom in to a completely unreasonable level (far beyond what you can even do in the average game) in order to see much of a difference. And at that point the extra work just doesn't seem worth it.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Oh not at all.  It's definitely the real deal.  It's demanding stuff.  AAA Studios will make incredible shit with this engine.


    Check this out.  Imagine being able to zoom into anything and have the LOD and detail remain extremely high with proper lighting and material properties.  Try zooming in that far on anything in a traditional game and you see how quickly it falls apart in comparison.




    Not really sure whats so mind blowing about that. Its mostly just good texture work. PC games back in the day use to have sharp textures on objects like those before consoles became the focus and games started having blurrier/less detailed textures because of their limited memory.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Remij said:

    That's not how it works at all.  The point of Nanite is to losslessly scale polygon assets down from billions of polygons to individual pixel size polyons.  Which, it turns out... is DIRECTLY AFFECTED by output resolution.. lol.  Meaning, the higher the resolution.. the more demanding Nanite becomes.


    What Nanite allows is for developers to essentially set a resolution and framerate target for their game, and just throw absurd amounts of polygons and geometric detail at it and have the engine crunch all those billions of polygons down and draw only the required amount of triangles keep the system within those conditions.  So say a scene has 5 billion polygons at full LOD.. the engine crunches that down to say 20M or so polygons which are actually drawn.  


    There's a lot of good things that happen when you have a renderer which can utilize actual geometry for its detail instead of using large normal maps.


    Sounds like it might just be another overhyped piece of tech then.

  8. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    6 makes it around a 3060m, correct? 


    Im not really sure the comparison would work. In general you don't need  a ton of VRAM on these kind of systems since you're only running games at 720p/1080p. However it does seem to make a sizable difference in some



    A nearly 10fps gain in Forza Horizon 5 is significant


    Im hoping these channels will now make 6gb comparisons since thats one of the new options added.




    I guess I've been out of the loop because the expanded options have already been benchmarked.


    The results are quite interesting....and make me think there's some optimization to be done




    Cyberpunk in particular is a odd case. Raising the usage from 4gb to 6gb lowers performance, but raising it from 6gb to 8gb increases it again.


    Either way it seems that leaving the setting on auto is guaranteed to lower performance across the board....so rule of thumb is to always choose a value. It seems most games will see improvements if you just set it to 8gb so that might still be the best setting.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Some nice quality of life improvements in the latest Ally update


    https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/changelogs/changelog-august-8-2023-rog-ally/ba-p/948908#:~:text=This update contains “Hold to,concerns are still being investigated.


    I like the expanded VRAM options in particular. I just set mine to 6gb, I think that strikes a good balance between 4 (which is too little) and 8 (which is too much and only leaves 8gb of general system memory).

  10. 5 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    Finished season 2 of The Mayor Of Kingstown. What a slog of a season. The pacing was an absolute mess. There are some great parts, but they are too padded out. One major prison arc took way too many episodes to resolve. Season 1 oozed slow burn grit, but with enough twists and excitement to keep the story engaging. 2 just fell flat. A lot of dumb character decisions. Maybe 3 will be better, but at this point, do I care? 


    season 1: 8.5

    season 2: 5 



    Would it be worth just watching the first season and skipping the 2nd altogether?

  11. Good idea making this thread. I feel like more people are continuing to give the game a try on this forum.


    I was gonna wait for a bit longer as I still have a lot on my plate and I wanted to finish FFXVI first, but I might jump into this soon.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ramza said:

    Yeah, like your armchair experts fanboys who jerks off to every BOTCHED AFU operations. :facep: 


    'RUSSIA TO CAPTURE KUPIANSK; RATTLED UKRAINE RUNS' ah yes sounds like a pretty unbiased source :| 


    So because they're evacuating civilians from areas where shelling has increased that means they're running away?



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