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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. 1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

    Dave the Diver is an absolute banger. Loving it. Hard to explain but I'd say if you enjoyed something like Golf Story (imo Dave the Diver is already better) then you will like this. Different mechanics but very similar style of game where you have this core mechanic and loop with this story happening and more and more gameplay elements being added constantly. Can not recommend enough and that's based on like 3-4h. 

    I wish I could get into that game. It was one of my quickest steam refunds, I just found something about it to be really off putting.

  2. Some of the republicans’ reactions to these series of bills is just nonsense. I guess if you try to work with the other party to advance the country’s interests you are doing the wrong thing. How else is anything supposed to get done? Unfortunately with this logic I think republicans are on track to lose badly this year. They really do want to sabotage everything just so Trump has a few more bullet points to run on. And I think more regular americans are starting to see through the farce and realize it’s all about pleasing Trump and not about taking important action to fix the many domestic and international issues we face





  3. small rant but I typed in 6 x 45 into bing because I wanted to quickly know what that came out to, and it popped up a smart calculator interface with a ton of options, and for some reason interpreted that as some kind of algebraic formula where the x is a variable and not the simple multiplication sign.


    Like that is just legit bad....I wasted time and could not get the extremely simple result I was looking for and expecting


    meanwhile i load google, type that in, and immediately get the result I wanted which took all of 2 seconds.

  4. I think im gonna get back into this series with the Fallout London mod. It was about to release but unfortunately the devs had to delay it because of how the next gen update is going to effect the game's code/tools



  5. 1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Seems like it was just to save face for Israel. Iran is downplaying it and saying the strike did nothing so there’s no reason to respond. Looks like bombing the consulate won’t be what gets us into WW3 yay


    Was hoping they would at least have struck some of the drone production facilities that are supplying Russia which would indirectly have helped Ukraine.

  6. 3 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Realistically what needs to be done on this territory is the import of Tajiks and Uzbeks since they will RUN to the salaries Russia pays for construction and get them to stay. Then they should have free scholarships for Indians and Africans.


    Otherwise this territory  what will be in Russia's hands won't have the demographics to support itself. 


    What's left of Ukraine. Forget it. If anything people will be migrating OUT of that territory asap. It's literally doomed.


    Lol and your shithole country isn't doomed? Entire areas are flooded right now because half of the money intended for your infrastructure was stolen by corrupt oligarchs and the other half is being pumped into a pointless war thats getting countless Russians killed. Exactly what kind of future does Russia have? Being a 2nd rate Chinese colony? And don't ignore your demographic issues either. You know things are bad when propagandists plead on TV for children to start pumping out babies :lul: 

  7. 1 hour ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    A Ukranian demographer said if the war stops today Ukraine would need 4.5-8 million working migrants to have a functioning economy. Sounds stable.


    Plus don't forget they are racist fucks to non white people.


    You literally used the N word at least twice on this forum mere weeks ago. Who are you trying to kid?

  8. 23 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Looks awesome. I tried the first one and it ran like trash on my pc . Is it worth playing now ?


    Yeah but don't expect it to be like the typical open world RPG. Its actually quite vague in many ways, not just the mechanics but the questing as well. You have to put in the work to find and complete quests as it doesn't just mark everything on your map or give you the guidance many other modern games do.

  9. I’m not sure why it being twice as big is a marketing point to brag about. If anything that makes it less appealing to me. Seriously, who actually played the original game and thought to themselves ‘gee I wish this was twice as large’? Probably not many people because it was already big and long as fuck. 

    I feel like devs nowadays don’t know how to properly expand their sequels so they just make them obnoxiously long to compensate for the lack of new ideas and then call it a day. This ‘bigger = better’ mentality really needs to go.

  10. I don't think i've ever seen such a dumb politician in my life. Even Fox News won't mince words when it comes to her





    And this is what she just proposed in one of the new aid bills (I think the Israel funding one):



    Nearly every day I see something new about this woman that makes me want to facepalm. Its baffling that she has so much power and influence within the republican party.

  11. 4 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    The 60 billion elf package. 20 billion are to restore US supplies, 8 billion social needs. So around 33 billion for weapons. That's nothing.


    Ohh and it's a loan this time.


    uhh no. That covers a lot of equipment and it all needs to be dolled out by the end of the year, and we're already a third of the way through it.


    And im pretty sure only the economic aid is going to be a loan, up to half of which can be forgiven


    Mike Johnson finally stepping up to the plate. Unfortunately for you Russians that means dear leader Putin is going to be intensifying his meat assaults to grab as much land before the weapons start arriving



  12. 1 hour ago, David P said:

    I wasn't considered it for real until very recently. And man that's steep in Canadian dollars. I could get a decent desktop PC for that price.


    I'm pretty sure I already bought more PS5 games than Jehurey did this year though. lol




    Resident Evil 4 
    Resident Evil Village 
    No Man Sky 
    The Light Brigade 
    The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners 
    The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners 2 
    Vertigo 2 
    VR Skater 


    More support to PSVR2 than any cow here probably and that's just me getting a few games before I actually get the thing. :pavarotti: I'll buy four times as much games on PSN and I tend to play my games, unless they suck of course. 


    David Pee: complains about how bad the economy is in the west because of Ukraine but buys loads of games for systems he doesn't even own :pavarotti: 

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