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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. the titan fights sucked. just pure trial and error bullshit.
  2. i had a feeling you wouldn't like los. the game is just average in every way, except length (which is actually a bad thing since it ends up dragging on and on).
  3. game is filled with cheese like that. one of the reasons why it was hard for me to take the story seriously.
  4. have you tried the digital setting? apparently it improves the combat a lot.
  5. that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks. edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game. I don't understand how one can like MH3 then not like this. I hardly ever do any grinding, just fight along the way when doing side quests and look for new locations. The game rewards you EXP, AP, and SP for almost everything. Plus fighting tough battles rewards you powerful weapons making the boss fights easy. It's all
  6. that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks. edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game.
  7. yeah its a really good looking game. some excellent lighting effects. Did you play through the fan translated version of Fatal Frame 4? I have that dled and I'm thinking about playing it next. I'm on a horror kick again. Yeah, really enjoyed it. Scary as hell and the graphics are superb. The controls take a bit of getting used to though. You have a flashlight but you can only move it along a X or Y axis, its not like the flashlight in shattered memories.
  8. yeah its a really good looking game. some excellent lighting effects.
  9. just cause 2 is pretty fun. seems like a boring game if you play in long stretches but its good if you just want to blow shit up for a few minutes at a time.
  10. im 13 hours in and im enjoying it, but i can see myself stopping soon. Just got through a dungeon that dragged on for way too long, and if the game has more like that one then i can't see myself finishing it. is Radiant Historia the DS game you're referring to?
  11. doesn't it have a japanese voice option? No idea. Only options I fiddled with were the camera ones. The VO isnt bad enough to not play, it's just I'd rather play something else. dayum, the weaboos HBO.
  12. i really liked what i played of the beta but the negative feedback on the full game has sorta turned me off, not sure if i should get back into it. What are people saying about it? I see lots of people complaining about how it doesn't play like AoE, but those people are retarded. I was never a huge AoE fan so there might be some subtleties I'm missing, but it plays a lot like AoE3 with an MMO-style hubworld. Tech issues getting installed have been a problem for everybody I know who has given it a shot, we've all got it working eventually though and nothing drastic was require
  13. i really liked what i played of the beta but the negative feedback on the full game has sorta turned me off, not sure if i should get back into it.
  14. did you get to tephra cave yet? i kind of want to jump down that cliff next to it and into the lake....but im scared that ill die in the process
  15. that actually sounds refreshing. i'm sick of military shooters and anything that uses the ue3 engine. well i do like my puzzles. i'm actually about to start playing puzzle agent first one or 2nd? first. i picked it up for a buck. any good? its really weird lol. cool game but the puzzles are very hit or miss. They don't compare to Layton's,
  16. well i do like my puzzles. i'm actually about to start playing puzzle agent first one or 2nd?
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