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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. I've been saying this for a while. lemmings were retarded for thinking it would be a mindblowing reinvention of the series.
  2. Then those other games must be extremely abysmal because GoW's gameplay is repetitive. I don't play other action franchises so I can't compare, but gameplay is the last reason I play GoW. It's puzzles, level design, story, presentation, and platforming is what draw me in. makes me want a new onimusha game :(
  3. ffxiii made me lose all faith in versus :( i hope nomura can at least salvage it from the rest of the hacks at SE.
  4. Wait... Seriously? I can't even select what moves my characters use. Like...all I'm doing right now is pressing X over and over and waiting for the battle to be over. This is NOT how you draw someone into a game, Square. hate to say it but you are going to be doing that for the majority of the game.
  5. the lp2 demo is indeed garbage. @ not being able to shoot while being shot at.
  6. Even ME1's main story missions were more varied than ME2's.
  7. i tried to do as much as possible on my first playthrough of me2 so i wouldn't have to start a 2nd. the game is just too repetitive and the small differences in story/dialogue aren't worth it.
  8. stalker is pretty overwhelming at first, especially CoP which just drops you right in and expects you to learn all of the mechanics by yourself.
  9. so far Tri feels like a singleplayer mmo. Most of the tasks just require you to kill X monster or collect X mushroom. Besides the opening cutscene there is no story whatsoever. On the bright side, the game gives you a ton of options when it comes to character development. You can pretty much equip your character with any weapon/piece of armor you want and the forging/upgrading systems seem pretty robust. i look forward to playing online when the servers go up, this seems like the type of game best played cooperatively with other people.
  10. got back into gears 2 and it owns. they really did fix most of the problems.
  11. i was able to access the network mode but apparently the servers won't be up until the 19th
  12. isn't it accessible in game via the singleplayer? i haven't played a MH game before but i didn't see an option on the title screen when i started a new game.
  13. There are no spaces in my gt which is probably why i didn't get your FR
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