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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. sleeping dogs is pretty fun. especially since i got it for just $20 from that cd key site
  2. that was what i was afraid of. but the reviews say that the writing is good so its gotta be somewhat compelling by yourself.
  3. started dustforce. the controls seem a bit off, maybe i didn't properly set up my 360 controller. game seems like it has potential tho.
  4. yeah i was surprised how good it turned out. world 3 is my favorite. excellent (and devious) level design. you'll like origins. great game. --- currently playing rayman jungle run and orgins, along with lbp vita. i remember not caring for the demo. the stage where you control the ship in particular was awful.
  5. rayman jungle run is pretty fun. it makes me want to play origins.
  6. Does it have puzzles? How much was it? there aren't any puzzles. and i paid $30 (which was a bit too much).
  7. Tell us what you think of it when you get a chance. It's fucking awful, don't waste your money. how far are you? Centennial building. oh yea. having shitty combat is one thing but when you combine that shitty combat with groups of invisible enemies......
  8. Tell us what you think of it when you get a chance. It's fucking awful, don't waste your money. how far are you?
  9. played through black mesa source and had to force myself to finish it. The game hasn't aged well at all.
  10. at a glance you wouldn't be able to tell that i was chubby, what really gives it away is these giant titties i do almost everything CM mentioned (except walking/running but i play soccer twice a week so that doesn't matter). in fact i've lost 4-5 pounds in the last few months.
  11. finished rhythm thief. It was a well put together game, though the rhythm mini games are pretty hit or miss. The story and VA aren't as sharp as layton's but it was still pretty engaging all the way through. i give it an 8.
  12. i read that the ios version would have milkotransactions so i said screw it and decided to just get the full package on 3ds.
  13. Rhythm Fever + Elite Beat Agents + Layton = Rhythm Thief this game is awesome.
  14. i think im done with SH Downpour. I went through an annoying combat encounter against a group of enemies in a dark environment and completed a puzzle shortly after just to die and have the game reset me all the way at the beginning. Its worth mentioning that the SAVING indicator appeared right after i finished the puzzle. I don't have the patience to deal with these buggy ass games nowadays.
  15. finished RE revelations and i enjoyed it quite a bit. i forgot how much i loved RE's corny dialogue and ridiculous conspiracy filled lore. It actually made me a lot more excited for RE6. Spoiler They didn't have time to bury her obviously, but they wouldn't have left her if they didn't think she was dead. I mean, I guess they didn't check her pulse, but she got shot in the fucking head lol. We'll see, but I really doubt she comes back. She'd have to have gotten really lucky, found by somebody, got extensive medical care. All while not getting eaten by zombies. Very unlikely.
  16. Spoiler except nobody checked the body so they have no way of knowing for sure. that was one of the points in my previous post.
  17. Spoiler i think you mean grazed her face Spoiler lol if it grazed her face she'd be screaming and shit, she's definitely dead nah that would be enough to cause her to pass out.
  18. tbh it doesn't matter cause a crazy theory has been going around and i honestly think it might end up being true Spoiler She might still be alive - Right before she gets shot the notification "Carley will remember that" pops up. Theres no reason for that to be there unless Telltale is trolling - Lee mentions that they didn't have time for a "proper burial". No way to know if she's really dead if nobody checks. - Back at the camp one of the dialogue options implies that there will be some kind of romance sub-plot between her and Lee. Why put that there if she's going to eat it 20 minutes
  19. No reason? you cereal? Spoiler she was accusing Ben of having stolen the supplies. If anything she should have shot him. what really made it worse was the fact that i was always siding with her for the rest of the game, so its completely illogical that she'd do what she did even after lee fervently tried to get her to calm down.
  20. it was too random for my liking. it just seems ridiculous how a character can just snap like that given the reason.
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