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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. beat darksiders, war is a bad ass wonder when the sequel will be announced. gonna play a bit more to get some achievements though i wish the game had a new game+ feature.
  2. id that the one with the mirrors where you have to reflect all the beams? yeah
  3. i lied about being in the final dungeon btw apparently i still have some ways to go before i beat it. the game is surprisingly long.
  4. lol how are the puzzles in the other dungeons? usually pretty straightforward, though i've gotten stuck a few times.
  5. the final dungeon in darksiders is dragging on for a bit too long, but the puzzles there are really neat thanks to the final gadget which im surprised the devs weren't sued for
  6. Splosion Man B)B) i should try out trials HD. i've been ignoring it for some reason.
  7. did you ever end up finishing miles edgeworth? i remember you said that your save got screwed up or something. i never got to finish it for that reason :( i may just have to dl a save so i can finish the last 2 cases. the last 2 cases are by far the best ones in the game heres a save with all the cases unlocked http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/945812-ace-attorney-investigations-miles-edgeworth/saves
  8. did you ever end up finishing miles edgeworth? i remember you said that your save got screwed up or something.
  9. darksiders is fun but it never feels as polished or refined as the games it attempts to replicate. im about 8 hours in and would give it a 8.0 so far.
  10. got darksiders for $20 at gamestop. game is pretty fun so far
  11. yeah, its a shame it takes barely any time to max everything out though.
  12. which sequence will those be in? No idea, they have their own markers though. do u remember what the markers were? IIRC the Assassin's Creed emblem is the marker for the tombs (the traingle thing with the curved bottom).
  13. it doesn't come out until the 18th of august :] damnit. i thought they pushed up the release date when i read your post. Some insider you are
  14. It's pretty good so far, I gotta get some points to try out Limbo. Do you need to be connected to XBL to play arcade games? no
  15. the only thing going through my mind during that part was "did the developers actually think this was in any way fun?"
  16. i suck ass at it but league of legends is a lot of fun. the more i play it the more i like it.
  17. gd send me a pm or something when you get splosion man. we should play some MP (if your XBL hasn't expired yet)
  18. beat limbo. the entire last section is so damn frustrating, its just straight up trial and error bullshit. And the novelty of the graphics wore off mad quick. Too many times have i found myself stuck because the object i need to interact with completely blends in with the background. some of the puzzles were cool but overall the game was kind of disappointing.
  19. http://www.systemwars.com/forums/member.php?394-AdrianWerner
  20. limbo is pretty cool so far, but the cheap deaths can get a bit annoying.
  21. Watching Twinblade fighting for survival never gets old at least i don't go AFK every 3 seconds
  22. lmao it's better then most arcade games out these days. Plus free add-ons and there's so many levels in the campaign you're playing and posting at te same time?
  23. GoW3 was uninspired filth. After beating it, there's nothing I can remember about that game. I only really remember the opening sequence. lol. The titan sections were so blown out of proportion. Once you realize you can't freely move around on the titans, the illusion is gone. Invisible walls galore. bu teh scale
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