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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. Harmony of Despair? its an awesome MP game but i doubt anyone plays it anymore. Theres a SP component but its boring as hell. Think my friend would play it with me, so MP should be alright. I'm guessing it's not the traditional experience its basically castlevania meets diablo. theres only like 6 levels so the game is pretty short, but upgrading each character and collecting new loot is really addicting. i put a lot of hours into it. but i always played with 4 or 5 others, so im not sure how fun it would be with 2 people.
  2. Harmony of Despair? its an awesome MP game but i doubt anyone plays it anymore. Theres a SP component but its boring as hell.
  3. i remember the game having some of the most frustrating bosses ever. im not looking forward to the kraken fight at all. also, i just realized that the PC version didn't have that added intro that summed up the original story's. what the hell? im starting to think that half of the supposed additions were just completely left out of the PC EE.
  4. started replaying witcher 2. one thing i noticed is that they didn't remove the potion drinking animation in the EE on PC. thats actually one of the minor changes i was looking forward to the most : would have saved a lot of time. and is it just me or is the lip syncing better? it looks like they went back and tweaked them for the english voices instead of just keeping the original stuff meant for polish voices. as for the voice acting, i don't mind trish. I think the problem is that she sounds way too "American" if you know what i mean. British acting is what makes these medieval settings a
  5. i saw one but didn't feel like dling the program for it. and yeah the map is just awful. i planned on going back after beating it but navigation in this game is a pain in the ass.
  6. i've been playing some tribes ascend on the side and i gotta say...its a lot of fun despite the ridiculous business model. feels really refreshing for an online shooter. also started pandora's tower on the wii. haven't come close to finishing any of the wii games i've played lately so ill probably end up dropping it soon.
  7. lmao. don't be a fuck. i don't find the multiplayer that needed in demon's souls at all. like, not at all. plus it was always hard as fuck to get in with someone, i felt. get that shit now i had peeps i trusted tellin me i NEEDED dat online experience an shit... are you tellin me i need to take a trip to the mall tomorrow morning? Bro. Just play Demon's Souls for what it is. I remember using the online component like twice. Don't need it. Ya probably do in Dark Souls tho the online is a huge part of the experience. im not talking about PvE or PvP either, its the small stuff like th
  8. game is longer than i thought :] i only just now unlocked the door that requires 8 cubes, even though i had already racked up 20
  9. :noway: i started Sword and Sorcery the other day, only played for like 20 minutes cause i had no clue what was going on
  10. did you do the zhu's hope/feros mission yet? thats probably my favorite of all the ME games. The long highway towards the tower just gave an incredible sense of scale, especially since you actually climb up through the tower and can see parts of the entire planet (that you traversed) from it. and yeah i don't get the hate for the mako. once you get used to the controls its a nice addition, and adds needed variety to the gameplay so that you aren't always running and gunning on foot.
  11. the 20 player online races in blur are awesome. its just pure chaos.
  12. 16 cores is just completely unnecessary. drop it down to 4-8 and put in 8 gigs of ram instead.
  13. undead nightmare had too many boring missions. i felt like i was clearing graveyards for 3/4 of that entire dlc.
  14. i remember playing the beta on 360 and enjoying it quite a bit. the community on the PC version is still dead despite the sale, which is a shame. Second most popular game on the Steam page. I'm sure a community will pop up, might take a little while. it'll be dead by next week. just like 95% of multiplayer games on PC that aren't made by valve or have battlefield/call of duty in the title.
  15. i remember playing the beta on 360 and enjoying it quite a bit. the community on the PC version is still dead despite the sale, which is a shame.
  16. i grabbed blur off the steam sale and its a really cool game so far. bizarre 2011 GOTY
  17. how many shards do you have? 1 i think. im still really early in. only about to rescue the king.
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