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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. Nintendo anyway i started cracking into the games i got with humble bundle 4. Jamestown and Bit trip runner are awesome
  2. i have to free the water dragon and i really don't feel like going back into those woods.
  3. i think im giving up on skyward sword. Im just constantly being sent here and there to fetch shit. It doesn't help that these are all areas you've been to before.
  4. if you think shaking to roll is bad now, wait until you get to the final boss. i raged so hard.
  5. the regenerating necromorphs in dead space 2 are pissing me off. especially when they make you fight them along with other enemies in a tight fucking corridor.
  6. Do the levels have good eye candy variety, or is it like DS1 where everything looked the same? pretty much with gd said. the environments are more varied and they feel a lot livelier.
  7. anybody remember the number of chapters in Dead Space 2? im cruising through it. already on 5 and less than 3 hours in. IIRC the original had 10 or 11.
  8. shame im already full on ammo/health and need to constantly stop to manage my inventory
  9. played through zeno clash....wish it were longer, but those were still the weirdest 3 hours of gaming i've ever experienced.
  10. i find the motion controls to be a bit cumbersome when fighting large groups of enemies. other than that the game is great.
  11. The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle. Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard. nah. i'm not that far. only at the end of chapter 2 (i think). game leaves a good first impression but it just drags on and on.
  12. skyward sword. I like it so far. the opening is still a giant fetch quest but it doesn't drag on for anywhere as long as TP's.
  13. i think im near the end of heavy rain. i can't believe _____ is the killer :noway:
  14. hmmm? some chapters have different outcomes right? im pretty sure i've screwed up a few times, especially while playing as Ethan.
  15. really starting to dig heavy rain. i've already failed a few chapters
  16. if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you. im still really early Spoiler at the part where ethan's wife breaks down at the police station after you lose shaun so far the highlight has been the part where you investigate the crime scene as the FBI guy. hope theres more stuff like that
  17. heavy rain has potential but its boring the crap out of me so far.
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