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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. Took me over 15 hours. I think they just spread the puzzles out more so that you'll have to go off the beaten path to find the majority of them
  2. Just finished it there are 10 chaps and an epilogue. It ends on sort of a cliffhanger :] since it's a prequel I'm guessing everything gets wrapped up in one of the previous laytons though I can't remember which one atm. Awesome game overall!
  3. i also bought heavy rain though i probably won't start it until i finish layton.
  4. i played through the first DLC and had to force my way to the end i heard the 2nd is much better tho.
  5. just finished alan wake. it was enjoyable but dragged on for too long, they could have cut the entire 6th episode.
  6. nearing the end of episode 3 in alan wake. so far its exceeded my expectations. the core combat is definitely simple but the gunplay is really nice, theres also a suprising degree of strategy involved in the way you approach encounters.
  7. it gets old fast good atmosphere though. should i read the manuscript pages? they basically spoil the story.
  8. the titan fights sucked. just pure trial and error bullshit.
  9. i had a feeling you wouldn't like los. the game is just average in every way, except length (which is actually a bad thing since it ends up dragging on and on).
  10. game is filled with cheese like that. one of the reasons why it was hard for me to take the story seriously.
  11. have you tried the digital setting? apparently it improves the combat a lot.
  12. that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks. edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game. I don't understand how one can like MH3 then not like this. I hardly ever do any grinding, just fight along the way when doing side quests and look for new locations. The game rewards you EXP, AP, and SP for almost everything. Plus fighting tough battles rewards you powerful weapons making the boss fights easy. It's all
  13. that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks. edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game.
  14. yeah its a really good looking game. some excellent lighting effects. Did you play through the fan translated version of Fatal Frame 4? I have that dled and I'm thinking about playing it next. I'm on a horror kick again. Yeah, really enjoyed it. Scary as hell and the graphics are superb. The controls take a bit of getting used to though. You have a flashlight but you can only move it along a X or Y axis, its not like the flashlight in shattered memories.
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