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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. i think it also has something to do with the aspect ratio which was off for some people with widescreen monitors. i know they released a patch on steam that fixed it, but i don't know how to patch the pirated version.
  2. i upped it to 60 and then 75 but didn't notice a difference either time.
  3. FUUUUUU i really want to play more of metro but i don't want to feel like shit afterwards. maybe i should rent the 360 version.
  4. playing metro 2033 and its ok. The AI is really bad and the gunplay isn't very good (primarily because the weapons sound awful). The graphics are top notch even on medium settings, and the story is interesting so far. Feels a lot like Stalker but despite the interesting setting its really linear and you don't have anywhere near as much room to explore and what not. and for some reason the FoV is really weird, i stopped playing after an hour because i was starting to get motion sickness (which has never happened before). Overall its just your standard corridor shooter. from what i've played so
  5. most of the big nintendo games that are coming out aren't utilizing it. So unless Red Steel 2 is good the attachment is useless until 2011.
  6. metro 2033 is downloading at a crazy slow rate. ill have to wait 5 more hours before i get to play it
  7. man i wish capcom would just give us a fifth one already :(
  8. gd have you ever played a onimusha game? thats probably the only other action/adventure franchise (besides PoP) with some really well designed puzzles that make you think.
  9. it seems like most next gen sequels are dumbed down in one way or another. Devs nowadays are putting far too much effort into graphics and forgetting about everything else.
  10. nah. 8.5 is too low. 9.0 is the perfect score. i never said it would be gotg. i did say it would be the most fun action game this gen..which it is. cov gave it a 8.5 and that walrus guy gave it a 8.9 overall its a universal disappointment :]
  11. just a few days ago people were jerking it to GoW3 and calling it the GOTG. Now its merely a "great" 8.5-9.0 game
  12. starting on hard and already having trouble with the first level. damn gee you sure are digging yourself into a deep hole
  13. i always see everybody talking about grandia 1 and 2 but never the 3rd one. come on now it wasn't that bad
  14. didn't you already beat the pirated version? why would you buy it
  15. i think just cause 2's fun factor will lose steam over the course of the game. Blowing stuff up to unlock missions that have you blow even more stuff up might get tiring after a while.
  16. you played for 5 minutes and thought you couldn't do anything but shoot red barrels
  17. this game seems to be love or hate. ronk and handsome horse hated it..yet you and segafan love it. so odd. have you played the demo? its very zelda-esque, i bet you'd really like it.
  18. ADHD much? how can you not stand to watch a few cutscenes?
  19. ill review all the battlefield games
  20. Uncharted 2 would be more appropriate, since that is the most anticipated game coming out at this time. that would be mw2 then odst:| People are only hyped about MW2 because of the night vision goggles. MW2 we need to get some bad company 2 up on that bitch
  21. you'd think a thread like this would have way more than just 274 posts.
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