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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. finished BG&E. this game has more soul than 95% of current gen games.
  2. i never finished the first. gonna buy it there are some aspects that feel dated and i've fallen outside the map twice already but its still a really enjoyable game
  3. regarding ghost trick Spoiler when he gets on the spinning globe thing use a trick on it so that it'll start spinning really fast. Some flyers will fall out of his bag and become caught in the wind, use them to move Sissel up onto the tree. The timing can be a bit tricky so keep that in mind. Make sure you got missile up there before hand too. btw where did you hear that your choices in DA would affect DA2? I thought they were completely separate storylines.
  4. finished forgotten sands earlier today. solid game, just wish it had the 2008 reboot's budget.
  5. Did it need a patch? can't find the ROM on romulation ya. ill pm you
  6. Everyone that has played neir always brings up the soundtrack. Is it really that good? yes. i think nier is decent but the soundtrack honestly deserved a better game, its really good.
  7. i will have to check it out. 360 version is still on sale for $10 on amazon
  8. ^fun game but man it can get ridiculously hard anyway my copy of forgotten sands arrived today. 2 hours in and im really enjoying it. The combat is mashy but the platforming and environmental puzzles are ace.
  9. do you know if its possible to backtrack to previous areas? i want to move onto the ship but im still missing some unique dolls.
  10. finished hydrophobia already (its like 3 hours long) and i can't recommend it. theres just too much wrong with this game. if anything the demo is better than the full game since you don't get to experience the awful combat.
  11. i believe the demo was patched with the improvements you should download it again.
  12. bought hydrophobia. i know it got terrible reviews but a huge patch supposedly fixed most of the issues and its on sale for 400pts so why not.
  13. i lost interest in bayonetta for some reason. i don't hate the game i just don't feel like playing it anymore.
  14. anyway i finished a 2nd playthrough of nier, time to return to bayo.
  15. wait till you guys get to the climax, its intense as hell.
  16. yup, thats exactly what you have to do Spoiler make sure you turn on all the other lights on the right so he'll be forced to get to the spot under the crate
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