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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. yeah the ending didn't make much sense tbh. hopefully they'll clarify what exactly happened in a sequel or something.
  2. i think im about halfway through. game is godly as hell that part is hard but the puzzles get even trickier!
  3. been playing 2142 as a late, and its still a lot of fun. Theres a lot to like about BC but i hope BF3 returns to its roots.
  4. Xenus 2 White Gold. A low budget but nonetheless awesome FPSRPG.
  5. started bayonetta. only 40 mins in but its weird as hell so far.
  6. i always thought that using the right analog stick on a controller to move around the aiming reticule for the thief's/wizard's abilities while moving with the left analog would feel mad clunky.
  7. i got some enjoyment out of it, but they need to come up with something big for the next one or im just gonna skip it altogether. i wouldn't even have bought 3 if it weren't on sale for $30 at amazon
  8. i can see the game getting hard as hell later on like you said, im only on world 2 and its already making me feel stupid
  9. its a pretty weird game, combines a bunch of different genres together yet manages to pull everything off in the end. btw i just started playing p.b winterbottom. game is awesome
  10. what did u like about it? good story with likable characters combat can get repetitive but its really satisfying the cities are packed with stuff to do, and the overall atmosphere is really nice
  11. what do you think of saboteur? Its flawed in many ways but i found it to be a surprisingly decent game.
  12. what ending did you get? Spoiler axed by the clover bitch. I'm at the second door choice right now... not sure to go with 3 or 8 this time around. Does snake go missing each time? yeah he does. you might want use this chart, it shows how to arrive at each ending (true is the best one and safe comes in at 2nd). very minor spoilers Spoiler
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