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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. in the BFP4F beta. Its actually pretty fun. Once they fix the lag and get rid of the bugs it'll definitely be worth keeping around as a good little time killer.
  2. yakuza definitely has some things in common with shenmue, though it doesn't share anywhere near as many adventure elements. You usually aren't going around talking to people to find out where to go next or solving simple puzzles. It feels a lot like a open world brawler with a bunch of RPG elements.
  3. thanks gd felt the same Spoiler according to the in game friend feed you must have made those $6,500,000 right? i wasn't even close to that sum, but i thought i had more time to gather money. But before i knew it they thrust me into the final battle with no warning and now everyone is dead ;( Same thing happened to two people I know. One the event snuck up on him and he wasn't prepared at all. The other has a fair amount saved but it was on his person, the game wouldn't let him deposit once endgame started so he essentially had nothing. yeah it sucks. I spent a lot of time
  4. felt the same Spoiler according to the in game friend feed you must have made those $6,500,000 right? i wasn't even close to that sum, but i thought i had more time to gather money. But before i knew it they thrust me into the final battle with no warning and now everyone is dead ;(
  5. dorito's crash course and harm's way. pretty fun as far as free games are concerned. I wonder why MS decided to become so generous all of a sudden.
  6. just found out that toki tori is also on wii. might give it a try.
  7. gonna give up on Golden Sun DD. Then again I've pretty much given up on JRPGs in general. Its gonna take another TWEWY/Knights in the Nightmare to get me interested in the genre again.
  8. finally got every ending in 999 after 6 playthroughs. Man what an amazing story. If only the SAW movies were this good.
  9. I just beat it, what a fucking terrible game. really? im actually liking it more than i thought i would, though i didn't start playing it a lot until the patch came out.
  10. the fade was where i stopped in DAO. I wasn't feeling the game even from the very beginning but it was that part that made me stop trying to give it a chance.
  11. it looks kind of dumb but i would have liked to try 428 (which was apparently made by the same company). btw i finished a 3rd playthrough. game goes by real fast when you can just skip through most of the text. How hard does it get? It seemed pretty hard even in that demo so I could see it getting pretty tough later on. its actually not hard at all. there are a few puzzles that can stump you for a bit because they require you to do some mental math, but the majority are pretty straightforward. Theres also the fact that if you back out of one enough times the characters you're current
  12. it looks kind of dumb but i would have liked to try 428 (which was apparently made by the same company). btw i finished a 3rd playthrough. game goes by real fast when you can just skip through most of the text.
  13. I think I read in one of the reviews that you get the most out of it by replaying it and getting the different endings. not only that, but i chose completely different paths on my 2nd playthrough so every single puzzle/setting (besides the tutorial one) was completely different. It was as if i was playing a different game.
  14. finished a 2nd playthrough of 999, man this game is awesome. I got another bad ending but the story is starting to come together and i feel that something good is going to happen on the 3rd. I think this may be end up being my most replayed game this gen.
  15. beat 999, got the worst ending possible lmao. definitely gonna replay this game again.
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