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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. well the first hour and a half is like GoW right? the prologue is, but it lasts about 20 minutes.
  2. i plan on going back and getting everything i missed of course
  3. im 8th in the world in one of the levels in LC useless thing to be proud of, i know
  4. some of the later ones require faster reflexes but you'll never have to think too hard :]
  5. word. Journey looks really interesting, hopefully there's some point to the game. if it's like flower, it will have minimal story, which i'm ok with. speaking of flower, it's one of the few games that got motion controls right. they felt smooth and fluid. you really felt like you were flying. I really like the premise of the game. How you're just placed in a world with no explanation and have to figure out why you're there. it's like limbo in that way..which i dig.I still need to get Limbo too. It sounds like a must play (not gameplay wise, but experience wise). So I guess with TR, you
  6. it seems pretty damn long. i did as much as possible in the 2nd level and it took me 45 minutes (still ended up missing one of the trucks )
  7. game owns, just bought damn xbox fanboys probably went in expecting it to be an FPS or something.
  8. dling the demo now. was gonna just buy it right away but it has a 3.5 rating so im kinda worried that its not that great :]
  9. i was nervous as hell when i was first invaded but the dude ended up getting himself killed by a trap before i could even confront him
  10. learn2grind theres an area in the 4th world where you can get a shitload of souls in just 1 minute. Yeah I just found out and killed that reaper for like an hour straight and upgraded my stats and bought the Avalice Ring so ill get more souls Time to take on the fucking Flamelurker again you're still on that boss? dude is easy as hell if you just sit back and spam soul arrow
  11. learn2grind theres an area in the 4th world where you can get a shitload of souls in just 1 minute.
  12. lol dang. There's a lot of games people have fond memories of but don't take into account how they aged. Like people recommend I play Deus Ex, but I doubt it's even playable for someone without the nostalgia. i think its more about archaic design than actual gameplay mechanics. The first hour is nothing but driving half a dozen people from point A to point B, while using the worst marker/map system i've seen in a sandbox game. and you're doing all this while theres a time limit. Simply awful.
  13. tried playing mafia 1 but deleted it off my hard drive after an hour. It hasn't aged well at all.
  14. i only turn on my ps3 to download system updates i haven't played a game on that thing in months
  15. i'd imagine its a pain to find people to play with given how old the game is?
  16. after a while i just said fuck it and got a couple of dudes to help me out.
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