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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. i still need to try siren but ff4 can be so damn terrifying lol.
  2. it would own if the ps3 version had online co op as well.
  3. http://movies.ign.com/articles/109/1093809p1.html the climax drags on for a bit too long and the animation is dated. Those are small complaints so im sure it'll be a nice appetizer for the 3rd game
  4. lol i remember. you finished it so fast. the twist at the end owned! can't wait for the 3rd one this fall
  5. i didn't beat ST either. I really like what i played but for some reason i just lost interest at the very end.
  6. black sigil is the one with the high encounter rate. KitN isn't even in the same genre :] Yeah yeah, SPRG I get it. :( more like turn based shoot'em up strategy role playing action game
  7. black sigil is the one with the high encounter rate. KitN isn't even in the same genre :]
  8. i liked layton 1 but the 2nd just completely hooked me. I could not put my DS down when it came out.
  9. i tried replaying portal when it was free and got bored a few levels in. GAMEDRUNK HBFR
  10. I post seriously in this thread but for once I will break it, LMFAO playing Polish TRASH :D :D better than every rpg you've played this gen.
  11. i agree that they're clunky but i've gotten used to them. the flashlight itself is pretty annoying to control especially after SHSM. ultimately it feels like a old school survival horror game which is why i love it
  12. if you like survival horror games that are actually scary and don't mind the limited controls, then im sure you'll enjoy it
  13. gs 6.5'd it. i still enjoyed it though, its an idyllic adventure game with some of the best visuals on the wii.
  14. me neither. i beat the wii sequel though (which is what i was originally referring to )
  15. it was hotel dusk 2's performance in japan that put the nail in cing's coffin
  16. your list is missing this must play ownage http://mspixel.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/vampire-the-mas.jpg
  17. dragon age's beginning was so bland and boring. the shitty fade part didn't help either. probably the main reason why i stopped playing like 6 hours in.
  18. PUSSY :reggie: says the guy who has it burnt/on usb but is too scared to play past the title screen :reggie:
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