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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. also started playing a boy and his blob. great game so far despite the finicky controls.
  2. its a niche game and today is only the ship date. Im positive it won't leak until tommorow at the earliest :]
  3. im constantly checking my source ill be sure to give a heads up when it gets leaked.
  4. call me up when a halo or any other sci fi game will allow me to topple a building with a user controlled jet :reggie:
  5. lmao people thinking setting/time period matters. BF3 will slaughter every modern/WW2/pre-historic/sci fi shooter you've ever played.
  6. If you loved RE4 and don't find it fun, there's something wrong with you as a gamer. Keep that in mind. :reggie: im pretty certain BAF hates RE4 with a passion
  7. beat red reef 2 next up on my list of wii games to play: Fragile Dreams
  8. if you couldn't stand ME2 or FFXIII then there is a 0% that you will get into DAO.
  9. Does it require big arm movements or can I get away playing it like a slob? you can easily play like a slob. The stronger attacks only require a slightly faster swing of the wrist. having to constantly destroy objects in the environment for money and ammo can get tiresome though.
  10. it must be good if bodycount is willing to claim it RPGOTG over ME2 or ToV
  11. might as well just cave in. you'd have to eventually buy it for future games (like zelda) anyway.
  12. 3 hours into red steel 2 and the game is pretty boss. you're always learning new moves at a steady pace which keeps the combat fun and varied.
  13. Let me know how it goes, maybe ill cough up the 20. The game is alright so far, but i've yet to encounter anything that feels like it couldn't be pulled off on a normal wii mote.
  14. the bug one is my favorite. I'd totally pay money for a version of it with more content and upgraded visuals.
  15. Playing NMH2 which is pretty cool so far. some of the throwback retro games are addicting
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