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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. i remember reading that the 360 version was patched shortly after release.
  2. "is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just excited to see me?"
  3. yeah the blobs pissed me off. i used up about 1/2 of my special ammo on that part.
  4. the game is a lot more linear than i thought it would be. after reading a few early previews i was under the impression that it would be like Wolfenstein where you could travel around a small hub completing sidequests and what not. roff.
  5. no but i eventually got used to it. turns out that the file i was tweaking wasn't changing anything. The real one is located in the "appdata" folder which i accidentally deleted when uninstalling another game
  6. i actually just finished metro 2033 right now. Good game but man it has to have some of the most annoying enemies i've ever faced in a FPS.
  7. the problem with the horror in this game is that you always seem to have an NPC with you which kinda kills much of the scare factor :]
  8. yeah but it says to install it in the "install directory". i had no idea if it was just reffering to the base directory or the actual "install" folder in that directory.
  9. i dragged it to the folder and for some reason it actually moved it there instead of just copying it. FUCK WINDOWS.
  10. why the fuck is there no way to tell what version of the game you're running. I had no idea whether i installed it correctly because i didn't see a difference when i booted the game. so i moved the files into a different directory and now i can't even boot it. FML.
  11. i only see the skidrow one, i wonder if it will work with the razor version i downloaded?
  12. i think it also has something to do with the aspect ratio which was off for some people with widescreen monitors. i know they released a patch on steam that fixed it, but i don't know how to patch the pirated version.
  13. i upped it to 60 and then 75 but didn't notice a difference either time.
  14. FUUUUUU i really want to play more of metro but i don't want to feel like shit afterwards. maybe i should rent the 360 version.
  15. playing metro 2033 and its ok. The AI is really bad and the gunplay isn't very good (primarily because the weapons sound awful). The graphics are top notch even on medium settings, and the story is interesting so far. Feels a lot like Stalker but despite the interesting setting its really linear and you don't have anywhere near as much room to explore and what not. and for some reason the FoV is really weird, i stopped playing after an hour because i was starting to get motion sickness (which has never happened before). Overall its just your standard corridor shooter. from what i've played so
  16. most of the big nintendo games that are coming out aren't utilizing it. So unless Red Steel 2 is good the attachment is useless until 2011.
  17. metro 2033 is downloading at a crazy slow rate. ill have to wait 5 more hours before i get to play it
  18. man i wish capcom would just give us a fifth one already :(
  19. gd have you ever played a onimusha game? thats probably the only other action/adventure franchise (besides PoP) with some really well designed puzzles that make you think.
  20. it seems like most next gen sequels are dumbed down in one way or another. Devs nowadays are putting far too much effort into graphics and forgetting about everything else.
  21. nah. 8.5 is too low. 9.0 is the perfect score. i never said it would be gotg. i did say it would be the most fun action game this gen..which it is. cov gave it a 8.5 and that walrus guy gave it a 8.9 overall its a universal disappointment :]
  22. just a few days ago people were jerking it to GoW3 and calling it the GOTG. Now its merely a "great" 8.5-9.0 game
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