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Posts posted by Kitad

  1. CoTM has sentimental value for me since it was my first and most beloved GBA game when I was a kid. I thought it was fantastic. Though they say that the best one from the GBA-DS CVs is AoS, and it does have some cool weapons. I don't know how you can stomach playing multiple CV at once though. I love them at first, they are really cool but the formula gets old fast. Classic CV is where it's at

  2. Started Baldur's Gate 2 and playing small chunks here and there. The game is really hard to get into (even after you understand the obscure PnP RPG rules) since at the start you already have like a million spells, and ten billion spell scrolls with little to no idea on what they do or what's the best way to do a set-up. I wonder If i should just have started with the first game so its not as overwhelming. The game seems epic in story and scope though so I will keep playing. I love how detailed and varied even the tiniets of environments are. It really pulls you in.

  3. Still playing Divine Divinity. Game is great, so much shit to do, explore and find. The story is cliched but epic and scope and if it would be remade with full production values it could be amazing, but the voice acting is really bad (laughably bad at least).

    Minor gripes is that some dungeons are way too long and kill the pacing. The game shines when you are out there exploring, finding quests and locations and stuff, the combat is not really what makes the game interesting. Also, after a couple of dungeons I already have enough money to buy everything so finding good loot is often useless. I guess I will buy a house so I can store everything.

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  4. Fuck, Divine Divinity is a fucking fantastic RPG. Its Diablo + Elder Scrolls with an epic story. Its basically an isometric morrowind, where you can interact with everything, build your character as you like, travel everywhere, and lose yourself in the very interesting side-quests.

    Fuck, if I didn't had exams I would play the entire night.

    So good, and very challenging too.

    And the combat was much simpler than I thought so it doesn't take much time to get used to it (its like a less refined Diablo).

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  5. I can't do it. I can't fuckin do it anymore. I tried, I really tried to like FF XII but I just can't do it. There is just too much grinding required for this game. It's too damn tedious and the game gives you nothing to help motivate you to grit your teeth through it all. This is fuckin' maddening, I seriously think this game has took a large chunk of my sanity and I'll never see it again.

    Everything requires grinding. Want to use a new armor set or weapon? Grind for License Points. 95% of the enemies in this game gives you 1 LP after it dies so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to get the necessary LP you need to buy the license for that new armor set and weapon. Oh, but wait, you've got to have gil to buy those new things, don't you? Go grind for loot. Hey, hey, hey, not so fast- getting loot is not that simple. After you kill an enemy there is a chance that they might drop loot and the loot they do drop might not be worth much so make sure you get a lot of it. Got yourself a lot of it and sold it? Good. Now get your new equipment that is going to be quickly outdated by the time you finish the next dungeon and unfortunately for you, the next town most likely won't have that next tier of equipment for you so you're just going to have to grind out some levels for the time being. Enemies don't give much experience though so you're going to have to kill a lot of them to gain a level. Don't worry, the next tier of equipment is going to be there eventually and when it does appear it's going to be a lot more expensive so you might as well start grinding for that loot now to be prepared for that. Look on the bright side, soon the equipment is going to start getting so incredibly expensive you literally won't be able to afford to keep all your characters up to date with the latest gear and weapons so just focus on three characters and shelf the rest.

    Sir, what if I focus on the wrong three characters and the characters I needed to focus on are now severely under leveled? Not a problem. You see, there is no such thing as character individuality in this game, they are all exactly the same. Oh sure, the License Board can create a very convincing illusion that characters should be built to do specific things or serve a distinct role but the truth of the matter is all of their base stats are damn near equal all across the board so they can all do everything. None of them excel at any task over another so just have them learn it all. It's common sense stuff really.

    With that out the way you can now proceed to set your Gambits and watch your team battle without even the slightest need of your input. Yes, that's right, the game can literally play itself. Pssht, who the hell pops in a game to actually play a game? No one wants to feel engaged in the combat. that sounds pretty close to sounding fun. That's a silly idea. real fun is having the game do everything for you.

    How could anyone enjoy this game?

    How could anyone actually like this game?

    How could anyone even consider this to be anything but an AWFUL game?

    These are questions that will haunt what little is left of my sanity.

    I really like the idea of the game, the gameplay, the style and all. But after trying to play it in a more "hardcore" way, the design flaws become apparent. Pretty much everything in the game is a secret, sometimes based on probabilities. Secrets often involve you randomly finding or not finding something. STUFF LIKE THAT DOESN'T BELONG IN A SP GAME YOU MORONS.

    Same thing with the license board, you have no idea where the good skills are so you have to spend points randomly. Also, a lot of skills sets don't give you enough info on what they do, so you have to basically get everything and experiment. What was before strategy now becomes blindly choosing certain stuff.

    I think that the international edition fixed most of its problems though. Its a shame the game has so many flaws, it could have been a masterpiece with a little more substance in general and less annoying stupid shit.

    Speaking of Zelda 1, Dark Souls seriously feels like the spiritual successor to it.

    Does it has secret stuff to find and obscure progression?

    Obviously Ocarina and LTTP are more polished games, but the original Zelda was the most ballsy and hardcore one. It's too bad every zelda nintendo made has been pussified. I love the feeling of leaving you to figure stuff out with no clue whatsoever feeling that no game today tries to replicate.

  6. So how does everyone feel about the revamped TW2 ending? I haven't finished it because of college yet, but I was wondering if the new cinematics and additions made it feel more satisfying

    Jesus, that gargoyle side-quest in act 3 leaves you decked the fuck out.

    is that the one with the locked chests? never did manage to figure it out.


    I just guessed and used the shield to avoid damage.

    it's pretty easy but you need to get the books

  7. the boss fights are not nearly as offensive as Deus Ex's ones

    they're still crap though. The tentacle monster in particular.

    They are boring, uninteresting and sometimes badly balanced but at least they aren't offensive. But at least they make sense in the context of what's going on with the game at the time, at least they don't feel like they break the game like Deus Ex Human Revolution.

  8. having an ability be locked till you are high level is a sign that its half-baked? that's retarded ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A HIGH-LEVEL UNLOCK YOU IMBECILE :sword: under this definition, pretty much every RPG has half-baked elements since one of the basics of RPGs is that YOU UNLOCK HIGHER LEVEL THINGS AT HIGHER LEVELS :sword: I can't use the +500 damage axe in diablo III till the last 1/10th of the game, I guess that weapon is half-baked :lul: Perhaps your points and yourself could be taken a little more seriously if your arguments weren't so fucking stupid all the time

  9. i really like how some stuff can i have a subtle effect on later quests without you even knowing. for example, i did the side quest that has you find the 2 soldiers for that seargent dude in the camp. Somehow i ended up with his beaver cap, at first i was like "wtf am i gonna use this for?"

    then i did the storyline quest that has you collect the banner from the catacombs near vergen, and ended up getting quizzed by the ghost on the battle. On my original playthrough he only give you 1 shot at getting a question right, but because i had the beaver hat he believed i really did take part in the battle, and gave me an extra chance (i still ended up blowing it and had to kill his ass but thats beside the point :tard:)

    it seems like a small touch but it definitely makes you feel more immersed in the world.

    btw is it just me or does the mutagen stuff feel like such a tacked on system. theres like 2 or 3 skills in each tree that even have slots for them. i have like 20 just sitting in my inventory.

    The alchemy tree has much more mutagens. It doesn't feel tacked-on (and with the right combination you can really boost your guy), its a nice addition for further customization but they could have made it more interesting. Either make them more rare and add more unique stuff (like runes in Diablo 3), or balance them a little better.

    There was an interesting mod that let you combine smaller mutagens into bigger (rarer) ones, that was interesting because it made getting the drops on regular monster something to look forward to. Right now you end up with a lot of smaller mutagen which you just end up selling for spare change.

    the adrenaline mechanic is also useless. the only way to even unlock it is to focus exclusively on 1 tree, and even then you won't have it until near the end of the game. just another underdeveloped feature.

    how does the fact that you get a powerful skill at the end of a skill tree an indication of underdevelopment?

  10. i really like how some stuff can i have a subtle effect on later quests without you even knowing. for example, i did the side quest that has you find the 2 soldiers for that seargent dude in the camp. Somehow i ended up with his beaver cap, at first i was like "wtf am i gonna use this for?"

    then i did the storyline quest that has you collect the banner from the catacombs near vergen, and ended up getting quizzed by the ghost on the battle. On my original playthrough he only give you 1 shot at getting a question right, but because i had the beaver hat he believed i really did take part in the battle, and gave me an extra chance (i still ended up blowing it and had to kill his ass but thats beside the point :tard:)

    it seems like a small touch but it definitely makes you feel more immersed in the world.

    btw is it just me or does the mutagen stuff feel like such a tacked on system. theres like 2 or 3 skills in each tree that even have slots for them. i have like 20 just sitting in my inventory.

    The alchemy tree has much more mutagens. It doesn't feel tacked-on (and with the right combination you can really boost your guy), its a nice addition for further customization but they could have made it more interesting. Either make them more rare and add more unique stuff (like runes in Diablo 3), or balance them a little better.

    There was an interesting mod that let you combine smaller mutagens into bigger (rarer) ones, that was interesting because it made getting the drops on regular monster something to look forward to. Right now you end up with a lot of smaller mutagen which you just end up selling for spare change.

  11. just store the wood, rocks and leather in the inn and sell your additional weapons and you will be have spare space all the time

    its not like you will be crafting stuff all the time anyways

    It isn't a lack of spare space, it's how quickly it gets filled. A couple weapons or pieces of armor and you gotta head back to sell it off. I have a pretty terrible computer so that means a few load screens to get there and back, that wasn't an enjoyable experience.

    i don't have a problem with it if you sell everything once you return to town

    just look at how much the basic crafting ingredients weight, wood, rocks and leather probably take up half your inventory space

    you should also sell some alchemy ingredients which are too heavy

    or just install the weightless mod if you don't care about this

  12. There are so many things Witcher 2 does right that I usually don't like doing in RPG's (especially, ESPECIALLY fetch quests and boring quests). The side quests are fucking incredible and are actually meaningful even though it doesn't impact the main game, they're still deep and very interesting. There was this elf girl who's being harassed by guards because they think she's a spy even though they have no evidence. You either sell her off to Loredo or help her out. If you help her out a crazy twist happens, I didn't even see it coming :ben:

    I told you guys it was awesome. And yeah, another thing the game does right is the alchemy system, best I've seen in an RPG

    Ok in totally digging chapter 1 of witcher 2 now. Also, im having fun making potions. I usually hate this stuff too.

    Usually using and making potions is a shore. In Skyrim you just stock as many ingredients as you can find and then make as many health potion as you can, then you just spam the shit out of them when fighting a boss and its boring as fuck, not to mention a clusterfuck in your inventory.

    Can't do that shit here though, since you can only have 3 or 4 potions at the same time, and each one has weaknesses and strenghts that either work with your abilities or don't. It's very strategic and engaging, and it makes you really think about what potion is best for each build or situation.

    Playing on Dark mode is incredible because of how hard it is at first but how using proper preparation you can rape the fuck out of it. Playing without Quen is awesome btw

  13. i remember the game having some of the most frustrating bosses ever. im not looking forward to the kraken fight at all.

    also, i just realized that the PC version didn't have that added intro that summed up the original story's. what the hell? im starting to think that half of the supposed additions were just completely left out of the PC EE.

    you are playing this on pc after all the shit about the 360 version being the definitive one :reg:

  14. mmm its a bit tricky, you use the trap spell in one of its arms and then chop it, do it three times and then you run towards it and do a qte

    its just about learning its pattern and using Quen

    I don't remember the tutorial and traps. I just have the mini dagger. Do I buy the traps? Or do I assemble them? I knew I should have started playing this game over the weekend and not after a day of shitty work. My memory goes to shit after 12+ hours of work.

    The trap spell is one of your magic spells. Traps are either bought or crafted by other blacksmiths

  15. i can't beleive you find the game fetchy, IMO its one of the least "fetch" things RPG out there, in the sense that missions always have an element to spice things up and keep things interesting (even quests that are actually about fetching stuff). also, you don't have to make the potion for the kayran fight, nor the trap, its just so you are better prepared for it

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