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Everything posted by Sublyminal

  1. Shit the democrats challenged 2016's election the same exact way that Reps challenged 2020. Again, they're playing us all against one another. They all need to be shot.
  2. I'll give both Ghostz and Remi this... no matter how many times they're bootyholed a night, they still come back for more. gentlemen...
  3. You quoted my post regarding the two-party system, I wrongfully assumed we were making it a left/right issue.. The Q people are weird AF. I try not to even talk about those crazies.
  4. Maybe so, but, again they should have flipped him and made him a state witness. No one would have known what happened to Ahmaud if it wasn't for him.
  5. Wasn't referring to that loony toon shit. I was referring more along the lines of mother fuckers out there wearing pussy hats and shit like that. Thinking there are 56 genders, etc. You don't get any crazier than that. (minus Q-anoners, they are retarded)
  6. True, but, without him those pieces of shit would have gotten away with it. That should have been taken into account.
  7. The left is filled with just as many loony toon folks dude. You'd be lying to yourself if you say there isn't some loony mother fuckers over there.
  8. Money grab. Trying to get up funds for GTA 6.
  9. I haven't played a Halo game since 2, I think so I really can't comment. I'm just messing with LF.
  10. Having more demand than supply means you're doing something right. It means that everything you put on the shelf is sold out the minute it hits that shelf. Sony can't control supply chain issues, no one can. If they could keep up with demand right now, Sony would be at 30-50 million consoles sold.
  11. I don't remember him owning himself this much back in the day...
  12. The Windows 11 adoption problem has more to do with people not having more modern PCs. Microsoft was idiotic with that. Them requiring TPM 2.0 is what is killing a lot of people.
  13. No, if you look at one of my previous post I mentioned all of MS. I'd honestly like to see the games division split off from the company. It would just make more sense.
  14. At $250 I will sell. That's as much as I'm willing to lose. You got from $300 a share down to $279 that causes a lot of questions.
  15. Oh yeah, the cloud isn't going to be able to handle that much throughput or be able to make up for people's connections. Now, if everyone had 1GB/s connections then maybe, but the average person has a 50MB/s connection to their home. I have a feeling honestly that $10 a month is their absolute break-even. If they tried to lower it to $5 to bring in more people they would lose millions every month. Something that would spook the stockholders. As a stockholder, I don't really want to lose any more money if it continues to tank. I'm not going to lie, when I saw it drop $11 in the last
  16. I bet you think the millions of shareholders get a voice in that.... we don't. Do you know how this actually works? Places like the Vanguard Group, BlackRock Inc, State Street Corp. They have all of the say. Between those 3 alone, they control 19% of Microsoft. So basically what you had was VanGuard, BlackRock and State Street get together and say, go for it. What's next? Little stockholders like me, we aren't asked for our opinions on stuff. Though I don't consider $200k a small number, but I digress, when it comes to VanGuard I'm small potatoes in the eyes of Microsoft's
  17. I really don't see Gamepass going much higher than what they're currently at. I see it topping out at around 28 million. Sure they rake in $250 million a month from the 25 million subs they have right now. However, how much do they pay out for server costs plus licensing of certain games, etc? It's an interesting concept but they have to be able to grow the service bigger than their base and right now, it just doesn't seem to be happening... which is why they're begging Sony to allow it on PlayStation.
  18. Since it is all a part of the same company technically I am invested in xbox as well. It's like someone saying they're invested in Sony but don't care how the playstation division is doing. I mean a day ago share price was $290 a share. Now it's $279 a share. A month ago it was $300 a share. There's a reason MS won't release their xbox sold numbers, it's because the stock would tank further. I imagine a lot of this has to do with Activision also pushing back the newest CoD to 2023 and the amount of people willing to upgrade to Windows 11.
  19. Netflix really borked things up by allowing a lot of these movies to leave. They should have locked up deals for 20-30 years before other places began to create their own services. The one good thing that I do like about Netflix is they are not scared to do their own movies and shows. A shit ton of them are absolutely amazing. Do I believe it will be enough to keep their stock around 340 a share? No. They need another hit like Squid Game for that to happen.
  20. There's this thing called overleveraging too much, MS can't use its OS department to cover the losses by its gaming department. eventually if the shareholders begin to see their money affected, they start to sell (not saying this will happen, but it could.) Microsoft could have either made the deals of a lifetime or they could have killed their entertainment business for good, it's going to be about 12-13 years before they make back just the 70B they spent on activision/blizzard. Plus, here were rumblings in the past that this would be the last Xbox console ever made. If this one
  21. The thing is if they can't recoup that 70B and in a hurry, their shareholders aren't going to be happy. The last thing a company like Microsoft wants to do is piss their shareholders off.
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