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Everything posted by Sublyminal

  1. They've been at war since 2014. Since Crimea. Google is your friend HH.
  2. People got their tax money and still can't get a ps5, they had to settle for the poorer man's system.
  3. Still hard af to find a PS5 that someone isn't trying to scalp for $800.
  4. Shit I used to cry when M.Bison used to cheat at Street Fighter. Fucking piece of shit.
  5. 20 years ago, I'd have been hulk smashing a controller. Now that I am old and shit, and have kids, I'm over that dumb shit. Plus, I watched my son do it the other day and I was like holy fuck... I used to do that shit.
  6. Shhh... i cheat the fuck outta games. I'm fucking with ghostz. I'm too old to be stressing over how to beat a game.
  7. Didn't he say the same shit years ago, that After PS3 flopped that Sony was done? Dude's dementia is catching up to him.
  8. Scrubbing it up cheating in games - typical sheep.
  9. LOL pachter... give me a fucking break, people still listen to that fucktard?
  10. I disagree, the reason I disagree is because of how many times I've seen this scenario play out. Back in June Russia said they were doing away with the US Dollars, that when they were done dumping their reserve of it, that they would be requiring gold for the purchase of their oil. Biden's admin then sanctions them. Russia approaches India, and they come to an agreement, India agrees to drop the USD, we once again sanction them. China and Russia begin to snuggle up together, Russia is trying to convince China to drop the USD. US again adds more sanctions - finally Russia invades U
  11. Lots of virtue signaling / warmongering idiots over here want us to go to war with Russia, over a country 3-5000 miles across the world. Where were these same people the past 8 years? Russia and Ukraine have been at war since 2014. It's all nothing more than a bunch of virtue signaling. @Twinblade, @-GD-X this should probably be put into politics since this is devolving into that.
  12. TF kinda game is this? Fucking mannequins coming and fucking people up.
  13. This again is a misnomer. These are nothing more than jobs that were lost during the pandemic and are now coming back. Companies that were forced to shut down during the pandemic are now opening back up and hiring. People are falling off of unemployment as well. Macroeconomics has a word for people that were unemployed and fell off of it. I believe it's displaced workers, it's been so fucking long since I took macroeconomics. Might be dislocated workers too. This truly isn't something to brag about. Let's also not forget that recently we had the whole great resignation. Those jobs had to
  14. Come on Gouk... Everyone knows McCain killed that one and then ol Cocaine Mitch said that they would not bring another health care bill up to vote. You can look at the whole Mexico paying for it two ways. It's not cheap keeping hundreds of thousands of people in your country and it's definitely not cheap to keep 25k troops at both of their borders to stop the caravans, so technically they did pay for it. Just not the way a lot of people were hoping for. Hard to get bills passed when Reps and Dems are fighting like two fat people over a donut. (Joe Biden has control of all three br
  15. Shit will reach $5.45 - $6 a gallon sometime next week on average. Guess it's time to go buy that Tesla...
  16. We all know that oil companies are greedy as fuck but as long as the US keeps relying on these companies instead of looking at alternatives that don't also destroy the world, then they have us bent over. If the US government were to set up a nationalized oil drilling / refining like Saudi Arabia for example, they could put all of these other leeches out of business. The problem is that these rich fucks are in the pockets of our worthless politicians, both Democrat and Republican. I also imagine that the reason why these companies don't begin drilling, is well there are two reasons
  17. I guess mine didn't work then... I rolled a bad constitution check or something. 76% efficacy, and I somehow end up in the 24% getting covid range. I hate needles... that's why I went with the one and done. I'm a pussy when it comes to them.
  18. When I had COVID back Jan early Feb, I can say for a fact Ivermectin did not help. I had gotten the JNJ two months prior and can tell you, that didn't help either. Slept for 5 days straight. Am I saying that Ivermectin doesn't work? Nah, I'm just saying it nor the damn shot worked on me.
  19. Light crude is used to make gasoline. The problem is as you said we like to shoot ourselves in the foot and sell off our oil. Heavy crude is used mainly for plastics and shit like that. The problem is we consume damn near 21 million barrels of oil a day and we only drill about 14-15 million. 5-6 million of that is of course heavy crude which is fairly useless to us. So yeah, if our dumbass government wasn't so stupid we could drill and refine more light oil and at least assist with the gasoline issues, but, we won't because whether republican or democrat, all of our politicians are
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