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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Remij_

  1. GTA4 had cabs though, made driving optional.

    The best sandbox games are the ones where the open ended freedom expands into the mission design. If there's the same amount of freedom approaching the mission as there is getting there, they are doing it right. Games like GTA and Infamous have such linear mission design and you have to sweat through them to progress.

    In games like Red Faction you have a variety of missions to choose from and they can be approached differently. GTA4 is too cinematic for it's own good.

    I like GTA's linear mission design. I get to have my open world fix outside of the missions, and get to have my linear mission fix when that happens. It's like 2 experiences in one, and the mission variety was much better in GTA IV than the last gen GTAs so that certainly didn't hurt.

    They give you more than plenty to do in the open world in GTA so that you really don't need to beg to have the mission structure open ended.

    When the ability to shoot out tires is taken away for the sake of ending a car chase at the waterfront, something is wrong. I want to make my own cinematic experience based on my choices and actions, not be spoon fed what the dev wants me to see.

    Cinematic titles are killing gaming faster than Wii's shovelware. It's just another type of casual shit where the player is given less control.

    I guess developers are supposed to program the entire world and all it's possibilities into their games now....

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