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Everything posted by kaz

  1. I only saw halloween costume whatever thread from GD and stormed in expecting a boner from seeing a picture of his costume...
  2. I read some people complain about optimization issues on pc (especially lower end hardware) I'm not sure if I can play this I have a feeling it will get rough. I could play Innocence at 1080p medium settings, I still have hope though
  3. I played need for speed underground with a keyboard in 2003, so I would go with this also hello sexy 😋
  4. would be cool if you can choose the girl and get rid of this jon bon jovi-looking ass gaymond for ever. game looks so bad lol
  5. Might do my first month of hobo-pass soon it's actually very good timing, lots of shit I'm interested in, I just have trouble to decide in which order I wanna play them. Plague Tale: Requiem, Scorn, Outer Worlds, Signalis, Moonscars, Hitman 2 and 3, Asscreed Odyssey(?), Fallout 4(?), Far Cry 5(?)..... not sure about the last three... Microsoft for the gaymers
  6. I still got a free code from a pringles-can but honestly I might just pay the 1€ to boost microsoft. Lemshites got irrelevant a decade ago but it would be dead boring if they really disappear
  7. it should be illegal to scale down graphics that much lmfao but then again it's ninty I hope many casuals waste their money on this trash
  8. nice spoiler, bro! (I don't mind no spoiler for me, but the pics aren't hidden?)
  9. back in the days everything was better..... 😌 👴
  10. lol for real. this shit all started with the stupid console upgrades and graphics modes. fuck all that bullshit. I wish they'd go back to ONE fucking console a gen
  11. no need to watch more. this game will bring FF back. we don't deserve yoshi P, our saviour
  12. maybe it's time to start playing call of duty, aza, so you will get at least some military training in before you get drafted
  13. I played this last year and even played the expansion afterwards. It's actually something everyone has to do in my opinion, it's kinda unique and one of its kind in a way. Easily the worst game ever made. A story driven game with no story at all that goes nowhere and shooting the same enemy type for hours.
  14. yep, I watched the first 1:30 minutes. when he says don't have to watch more of this. Looking forward to play this 🙂
  15. It's as if some of you guys never played any of their games They already had their "break out" with layers of fear and observer, hell even the blair witch adaption was actually pretty good. They are very talented at writing stories, their games are paced well, their voice acting choices (especially in layers of fear 2) are perfect.... I like em and I want more of their creativity not reworking a finished game again 😪
  16. I haven't played medium yet and honestly doesn't look too good to me, the gimmick just looks dumb but I will play it eventually. bloober scripts are amazing, if anything they need more freedom not fiddling with existing material like blair witch or now the silent hill 2 remake.
  17. lol looks like a big bargain bin sale to me I'd be excited if they would just leave the IP alone, they bastardized it way too much already
  18. LMFAO Fuck y'all bloober team haters though, they OWN, I LOVE their games. It's just unfortunate that the industry (or whoever the fuck) thinks anyone wants a silent hill 2 remake, let alone in parts bloober doesn't deserve this, they are basically killing themselves with this
  19. Amicia still using the slingshot, eh? I'd say she jsut doesn't have experience with those weapons so she doesn't bother with it 🤓
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