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Everything posted by kaz

  1. man I have to replay GODcher 3, it has been 4 years since my first playthrough
  2. yep. I watched a walkthrough video and skipped through, not for long but enough to see some parts later I wish I didn't see. Also I looked up a video with the game explanation and thought it would go easy (didn't actually mean to watch all) but this fucker SLAMMED the ending and possible explanation of everything right in your face, I honestly think that was some e-rape level bullshit, definitely feel like a vitctim even though it is totally my fault it's fine though, I doubt it will ruin the game for me but I will save it for later this year
  3. I wanna play this. I fucked up and spoilered myself some of the later stuff, I wish I could undo it I hope this will be still on gaypass in december, I got a free trial from a pringles can 😂
  4. I highly recommend playing the first one before this one. Stop now and play Innocence, it is a story driven game. Also dude, basic things like walking through bushes? is this your first game? games just do shit like that, every game has bs of some sort, we will get there in a few years to get rid of this, also clipping issues and shit 😎 oh also the game pics you guys posted look cool. can't wait to play this
  5. scores mean nothing, my parents rated me 7/10 at birth too and look how I turned out to be... a pathetic addict loser
  6. If you want to play it, open it. lol. giving a shit about money
  7. tbh sounds like it's intended to be played like silent hill. I mean you aren't supposed to kill everything either. so maybe people got so used to killing everything in games they don't even acknowledge anything else in a "combat system". gaymey journos suck anyway lmfao who gives a fuck the dick stabber gun looks cool
  8. if I had the money and would buy one of those things it would definitely be the volvo one
  9. lmfao ghostz getting demolished this dumbass wouldn't even admit lying to himself It's exactly like sabo said, changing the argument, nobody talked about your "limited time" thingy and I wonder what you mean by it's the main point of the game maybe you should stop playin fartnight, you dickless cuck, so you don't get angry when all the big bois murk you with their fancy bootey botox and santa heads
  10. It's a business model like I said. People work on a game and need something in return to keep it going. 10 years ago you bought a game and I'm not even sure what kind of "free customization" you are talking about. If you take CS for example you still have community based servers, it's not like your little console where you are forced in a locked match making. Since you mention Fartnight, no idea about that game but others that do well are path of exile and dota 2 for example. And yea, there are some real crazy people out there. From a dota 2
  11. even my trashcan pc reaches almost lightspeed on sw apple fgts have been owned ITT lmfao
  12. I have never played these games but that intro was hilarious, now I gotta try.
  13. sounds like they did grab a random person to read that wtf that was terrible, looks amazing tho
  14. I would say cosmetics have been around way longer and has nothing to do with Fartnite. I know you know that too but mocking that business model from the get go is a classic cuck move purely cosmetic items as a business model works, it's proven, people like it, people pay for it, enables games to be free to play and in some cases getting full time support and updates. I agree though fps skins you rarely see are dumb as fuck
  15. ghostz getting owned in his own thread again
  16. I replayed the og in 2015, how the hell can you not beat her after that play time? but not much happening at the end, the good story parts were all done at this point. I enjoy and hate the castle, but last time I immediately just dropped the game after reaching it. I remember when Remij was on some nostalgia trip and made this thread about the ff8 intro and this song. I don't care what anyone says I love the game with all its flaws. PS1 FF are the best.
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