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Everything posted by kaz

  1. You never watched mission impossible before? how's that even possible. I finally watched alien covenant. David is one of the best characters ever made. I loved him in prometheus but in this movie he's something else. evil has a new name holy shit. Michael Fassbender is godlike.
  2. I watched get out last night. what a weird movie but it's awesome. it has a fuck yeah ending. also give peter a kiss from me
  3. ok I forgot about the last ep breaking bad. shit's crazy.
  4. justgirlythings so sweet like cutting off penises with scissors I'm at the last ep breaking bad. gonna try saul after that for the first time. and westworld rewatch after that. I want to wait for all eps but I can't.
  5. I almost finished my breaking bad rewatch but I never tried the saul spin off.
  6. the picture is still here. you want a new one? i can make a picture of my asshole just for you.
  7. only a little bit. but I always get that 3mm shave because you prefer manliness.
  8. nope that's me. I can't get brown I get a nasty sunburn. My skin peels like a potato. green eyes, milk skin and orange beard. befragen is like the budget version of myself.
  9. never heard of it and your profile pic is awesome so no fight.
  10. dude this show is something else. it gets better every time. it really is the no.1 show.
  11. I'm rewatching breaking bad for the idk'th time. almost done with season 2. this show never gets old.
  12. It's years ago that I played on 360. PC it is for me and let me tell ya motion blur is awesome in this game. My pc is not hulk hogan but it gets the job done
  13. film grain ok but why motion blur? it makes every game so much better for me
  14. yea. goon play it after I finished shadowrun hong kong. guess i just play all 3. like i said idk why but me2 bored me to death at some point but im a sucker for sci-fi so i have to play it.
  15. gonna play mass effect 1 for the first time after i'm done with shadowrun hong kong. Idk ME2 was really boring half way through. never touched 3.
  16. probably half way through hong kong. man that game has so much to read. I like it more than dragonfall because the characters are all well made. except duncan he is a little bitch. love gobbet that bitch. and her rats madness and folly.
  17. I'm done with deus ex mankind divided. this game fucking OWNS. it's a pretty well made sequel I felt right at home after human revolution. prague is huge as fuck I didn't even have time to explore everything. main story and character progression was a bit weak for my taste......
  18. played human revolution again to prepare for mankind divided. game looks amazing.
  19. I took my time with the game because the atmosphere is something else. I can play outlast easy but alien isolation made me feel uneasy.
  20. also I payed like 50€ to get the emerald abyss terrain in doto. I know you plebs will never understand. it has critter effects where mushroom people cook small lizards or worship a drill at night. It's an underground theme map. so good.
  21. you should play at least far cry 1. I explain how you enable god mode so you can rush through in 2 hours. It's a funny game.
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