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Everything posted by kaz

  1. yeah, and I won't play it. 4 and primal looked bad but 5 looks worse. no time for this shit.
  2. I'm done with destiny 2, not spending a dime on it. I played it with my man after the single player story and it's... boring as fuck. Too bad though because the game looks amazing. back to full time doto.
  3. they hold candles because they are the brightest
  4. playing the destiny 2 trial version it's fee up to lvl 7 orsomething. looks amazing and the gunplay is actually fun. the story though... lmfao.
  5. is destiny 2 worth $30? I skipped the first game. I need some simple sci-fi shooter. I finished blood and wine main story and got a bad ending but I loved it. Never liked vampires but the whole thing was crazy good. Regis is such a well written character. I'm 150 hours in and still have some side quests left and didn't explore toussaint that much but my rating for the witcher 3 + both dlcs is... *drumroll*
  6. holy shit man it's true. im sure bam margera has something to hide
  7. the Dettlaff boss fight is better than every souls boss.
  8. you are the bald guy in the suit right?
  9. I did because remjpee is an asshole. I'm almost done with the dlc and I keep it to myself until I talk to maj about it.
  10. didn't watch the last episodes but I'd be sad if he does. He's the best character in that mess.
  11. the big bad wolf boss in blood and wine was pretty cool. the fairy tale part is so well made, i love it. I stepped on this women who was super small and geralt just cleaned the blood from his boots and was like "mmhh". best game ever.
  12. the leader of toussaint anna henrietta is dumb as shit. worst character in the game.
  13. looks like a criminal photo to save his privacy with blacked out eyes instead of sunglasses.
  14. what the fuck is up with your posts. looks like a bad movie intro.
  15. you can't get my dick out your ass, seems like a brainalive post to me
  16. if you want to ride my dick just say so
  17. a quite place lol that concept is brilliant. no need for a script
  18. i think low is a nigga because he's black
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